Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 651: Plane of Rebirth

   "It's good to be able to wear soul wear, and soul wear is much more concealed than flesh wear, and it is more convenient to change the'story'." Wu Di commented objectively.

"Yes, it’s good to be able to gain awareness of how to put it on another plane, and then perform the'robbing house'. This is almost a natural spy candidate. When will our development encounter a bottleneck, and we can’t be in this If the three-dimensional universe finds other alien civilizations to communicate, then we can have a'plane communication'." A scientist also agreed.

  Finally, everyone unanimously agrees that you can arrange chess pieces on some planes first, and then use them when necessary.

  Of course, it will take some time to make this "infinite space".

  With the passage of time, the existence of the consciousness network has been known to many people. Under deliberate guidance, it has become a thing that many people yearn for.

  The Earth Government has generously disclosed the role of the consciousness network. Many people have heard that they can maintain their independent minds and can use collective power, and they naturally yearn for joining the consciousness network.

  Now, if you want to join the consciousness network, you first need to conduct a test, and that is the Sims.

  What is Sims?

This is the latest virtual game launched by the Second World. The difference between this game and ordinary virtual games is that when players enter this game, they are completely blocked from memory, and when players exit the game, all memories will be restored, including In reality, and in games.

  In other words, players can truly experience the cycle of life. In this process, many immature players will become mature and wise.

  A mature and wise person, after joining the consciousness network. Naturally, it will promote the consciousness network.

After all, the consciousness network can be called a kind of group consciousness. When a certain kind of evil consciousness is more, it will naturally affect the people in the whole consciousness network subtly, and this is naturally what Wu Di, the founder of the consciousness network, does not want to see Things.

  In the Sims. Wu Di can clearly see a person's true wisdom and nature.

  The background of the Sims game. Naturally, there are many, some are based on war. Some are based on Xianxia, ​​and some are based on fantasy, which allows players to experience a variety of life.

  So, the role of contribution points is reflected. In the world of Sims, if you want to have a good background and hope to have more luck in yourself, then pay contribution points. Only those who contribute more to human society in reality can In this Sim, get lucky...

  Wu Di himself has also experienced this Sims many times. He has been a slave, beggar, commoner, official, emperor, warrior, immortal, god, etc., which has increased his experience too much.

  Wu Di’s doing this is of great significance, because he has cultivated this consciousness. After being copied by my own sister, it will be used for plane casting, which is called "soul piercing".

  Since he has experienced all kinds of life in Sims, and his performance is not bad, it shows that no matter which world his soul wears and what kind of identity he acquires, he can control it with ease without revealing any flaws.

  In a blink of an eye, three years have passed. The consciousness traversing the machine, referred to as the soul piercing machine, is finally completed.

  "After research, it is found that the plane itself has a strong exclusivity. Only the loose plane can have a greater success rate for plane launching." A scientist explained to Wu Di.

   "Then what is a loose plane?"

"There are planes such as the so-called traversers, rebirths, and system owners, or like our plane three years ago, a scene like apocalypse has taken place, and cause and effect have completely appeared in a state of chaos. In other words, the'story' is all messed up... In fact, if our plane does not have the leader's sister, it will be very dangerous. It will be targeted by various'main gods' and'traversers'. Of course, Now our plane has gradually stabilized."

   "Then which planes do we have to put on now?"

"We now have three plane coordinates, two of which were obtained from members of the Samsara squad, and one from your sister, the leader. However, there is only a slight looseness on the last plane, and it is extremely difficult to successfully advance the position. Plane launch. With the power of existence we have collected now, it is only enough for two plane launches."

  Although Wu Di wanted to go undercover in the world where his sister was, and then see what he was like in that world, but now that he is very mature and rational, he resolutely chose the first two planes.

  As a result, only one of these two planes was successful when it was launched into consciousness.

  This is a plane with rebirth. And the world's structure is also in a state of turbulence, and it is no wonder that a successful position placement can be carried out.

  Lu Yushan found himself lying on the bed, surrounded by darkness, not knowing where.

  Didn’t I have been killed by those bitches... Lu Yushan thought suspiciously.

  There is a scent of aromatic essential oil in the air. It is her favorite lavender, which has a sleeping effect. She has been using this essential oil at night since the death of her twelve-year-old mother.

She got up and her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. She found herself lying on a mahogany bed with a light gauze tent. She became more confused in her heart. She reached out her hand and touched the bedpost. There were obvious marks on the bedpost. Those were two words she couldn't be more familiar with-Lu Yushan.

  The mother’s gentle voice seemed to sound in her ear: "Shanshan, you are too naughty, you actually engraved on such a precious mahogany bed..."

Lu Yushan thought of her mother, her nose sore, and she shed tears, but she quickly wiped away her tears, trying to figure out what is going on first, she saw the Su embroidery screen with pictures of ladies embroidered in front of the bed, in front of the screen. The round wooden table on the right, on the wooden shelf against the wall on the right, is placed a variety of antiques...

  She rubbed her eyes, and she couldn't believe what she saw before her eyes.

Her breathing suddenly became a little hurried, she quickly got off the bed, walked to the wall, and turned on the light. It was an octagonal palace lantern with long fringes hanging down. It was also valuable. Everything was as in the memory, except for the Lu family. The old house should have been burned down long ago...

When she saw herself in the mirror, she was even more shocked. Her small melon seed face, her skin was tender and fair, without those freckles that could not be eliminated no matter how expensive cosmetics were used, her eyes were clear and bright, with what she had never had before. The look, the vertical long hair of the shawl, the hair quality is like silk, without the dullness caused by constant dyeing and ironing.

   "Miss, are you awake?" This was a slightly hoarse, but very kind voice.

  Lu Yushan stared at the door in a daze, and his heart jumped twice. This is the voice of...the mother Wu who loves her most! But didn't Wu Ma died of a heart attack when she was fifteen?

  She looked at the calendar on her bedside, and her expression suddenly changed slightly, because that day seemed to be the naughty adopted son of Ma Wu, and she drowned because she was playing by the river!

  Lu Yushan has no affection for the teenager Wu Zian, who is one year younger than him, but because of his death, her dearest Wu Ma was overwhelmed. This may be the root cause of Wu Ma’s aggravation...

  At this time, Wu Di found that his soul had penetrated a young man who was about to drown...

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