Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 666: Brush favorability

Lu Yushan felt the residual body temperature on the uniform. The temperature seemed to penetrate into her heart bit by bit through her skin, making her feel so warm, while the smell of blood on the uniform stimulated her sense of smell. She stared at Wu Di's cheek deeply. It was clear that half of her face was full of blood, but she felt that no one was more handsome than her Zi'an at this moment.

  Lu Yushan wanted to quickly stop Wu Zian’s bleeding. She stood up and just took a step, only to find that her legs were still weak and almost fell...

  Wu Di, held on to the opponent, then frowned, and simply hugged Lu Yushan in a princess' hug, and strode out. The eldest lady's body is unexpectedly soft and light.

With her mobile phone, Youyue still took pictures of Wu Di. She turned a blind eye to Wu Di’s hurt. She seemed to like shooting this kind of artistic thing. She decided in her heart that every time she kills a person, The process of killing must be fully filmed...

  Since she helped Wu Di to shoot this time, then Wu Di will also help her to shoot.

  At this time, Wu Di felt that the injury on his face was okay, mainly because he was severely hit on his back, which made him feel very painful, but his willpower was really strong, and he just gritted his teeth to endure the severe pain.

When Lu Yushan was held by Princess Wu Di, she was taken aback for a moment, and her cheeks were dyed with a faint blush, and when the blood on Wu Di's face was flowing on her face, she woke up and suppressed the uncontrollable touch. , Just said worriedly: "Zi'an, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit of trauma. To be honest, what happened today was that I caused the eldest lady to be insulted by the brutes. I am ashamed..." Wu Di's guilty attitude is actually inwardly. There was no fluctuation in the depths, and he made up his mind to brush up his favorability.

  Sure enough, even if Lu Yushan is a rebirth. But the fourteen-year-old's body was only loaded with a twenty-four-year-old soul after all. Not to mention that she is actually a very simple person, otherwise, how could she be deceived by her father and stepmother for a lifetime?

  And now this time. Wu Di was really desperate for Lu Yushan's sake. His blood-stained look might be engraved in this eldest lady's mind forever.

  When Lu Yushan was most helpless, he appeared in time. Saved her from hell, which made her feel that at last there was someone who truly loved her, and she felt unspeakable happiness and satisfaction.

Lu Yushan leaned her head tightly on Wu Di's shoulder, smelling the familiar and reassuring smell of Wu Di's body, she took a deep breath, and just said in a soft voice: "This is not strange. You... Zi'an. I feel at ease with you."

  Wu Di's mouth curled slightly, and he continued to say in a firm tone: "Without the eldest lady, I would have died a long time ago. My life belongs to the eldest lady."

Lu Yushan was naturally satisfied. She felt that she was born again. It was indeed the right choice to rescue this childhood sweetheart from the drowning fate. She did not know that there was someone in her Wu Zi'an who wanted to subvert the world. soul.

  At this time, Lu Yushan finally noticed You Yue, who was holding Wu Zian’s mobile phone. After all, Wu Zian’s mobile phone was given to him by her, so she recognized it at a glance.

  Her first impression of You Yue is—this is really a beautiful boy. It wasn't until she saw the curve of You Yue's chest that she realized that this should be a heroic girl... I don't know what the relationship between this girl and Zi'an is, she thought.

  Seriously, after discovering that You Yue is a beautiful girl and holding Wu Zian’s mobile phone, Lu Yushan felt a little uncomfortable.

   Out of the eldest lady’s perseverance, she didn’t ask much, but found out that this girl seemed to have become Zi'an’s follower...

Under Lu Yushan’s strong request, Wu Zian was sent to the hospital for the first time. When she saw the shocking bruise on Wu Zian’s back, she bit her lip firmly, suppressing the urge to cry, but I hate my weakness more and more.

  Live again, she vowed to protect her love and those who love her, but in the end she found that she was protected by others. She felt that she was really the shame of being born again!

  At this time, she finally asked You Yue: "May I ask you who are you?"

  Youyue blinked and handed the phone to Lu Yushan. She is not a person who likes to talk, because she feels that talking to people other than Wu Di is a waste of energy. She always feels that only Wu Di dares to feed her.

  Lu Yushan thinks You Yue's blinking eyes are very cute. Under normal conditions, You Yue feels like a little cat, a little bit pitiful, but she doesn't know that this little cat will turn into a murderer when she is full.

  Of course, the more lovely You Yue is, the more uncomfortable Lu Yushan feels. It is enough for Zi'an to have a girl next to her.

And soon, Lu Yushan saw the filmed video on her mobile phone. When she saw that she was forced by those beasts to get up and down in the corner, her face was naturally not very good, but she instantly understood that this video can be used as a crime. , The side faces of several beasts were photographed clearly.

  After that, when she saw Wu Zian picking up the bench and smashing it on the head of Huan Xuehui with an angry look, she only felt a little tingling in her heart. Zi'an in the video was so handsome!

Seeing Wu Zian desperately for her, was hit **** the back and the corners of her eyes were broken with blood flowing, she felt very uncomfortable again. She didn't want Wu Zian to suffer any harm, because she had already done this for her. Boys who are struggling to become someone who can really rely on.

Suddenly, Lu Yushan remembered the scene of the two playing together when he was a child. I used to think that when I was a child, I was irritated by being teased by the quilt. No one likes naughty bear kids, but now when he recalls such a scene, She felt a kind of warmth sincerely again, which was the proof of their fetters.

  Lu Yushan sent this video to her mobile phone. When she returned home, what made her feel furious was that Huan Xuehui’s parents had the face to come to the door and demanded that she surrender Wu Zian, the murderer.

Wu Di didn't kill anyone. Honest killings would cause a lot of trouble, not to mention that Huan Xuehui's family still has a little energy, but it doesn't mean that Wu Di will let this group of people go. He thinks these little devils. Happened to become You Yue's dead soul under the sword.

  Lu Yushan took out the video decisively. When Huan Xuehui’s parents saw the video, their faces looked very ugly.

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