Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 716: Throne of Conjuration

  Wu Di came up with this idea because she remembered her sister’s experience back then. After all, she is at the bottom of the society and can only make money through this low-cost and human relationship demand. This article was first published by   

However, although Wu Di’s idea is good, the writers of Eternal Empire feel that this is not an easy task. After all, the folk customs are too different. At least you need to wait until Eternal Empire has thoroughly studied the world before writing it completely. Popular works in line with this world come out.

Even her sister said in a helpless tone, "I can't write novels that aliens like". Wu Di discovered that it seems that writing novels to make money is not feasible in any world. matter.

But Wu Di would not be reconciled if he didn't try it. Although he is not a writer, he has a strong plagiarism ability. In the Red Alert world, he also copied a lot of classic works by plagiarizing a lot of classic works and collected a lot of money for farming development. Push the world.

  Actually, in his opinion, this world is that the status of men and women is completely opposite anyway. In this case, it is all right to turn the heroine into a woman and the heroine into a man from the classic network novels on the earth? I'm so witty!

  Wu Di thought slightly triumphantly, only that at this moment, he crushed all the writers of the Eternal Empire!

  This is an extraordinary thing. After the eternal empire entered a state of great material prosperity, many people were fascinated by art, and the number and quality of writers were much higher...

  Wu Di didn't start writing books rashly, but planned to see what the novels of the world look like.

  He first saw the work of the "Tang Family Three Thousand Gold", the novel master of the network. The protagonist of the work is of course women. After all, in this world, the number of women far exceeds the number of men. Needless to say the market and consumption power, the so-called "male frequency novel" is a niche among the niche, and not many women will read male frequency novels.

  A senior female bookworm said that reading a man’s novel makes him feel sick. First of all, the pattern is too small. It's all short-term parents, jealous, and intrigue. It's just a poisonous poison. With this time, it's better to practice the curse power! On the contrary, by reading a woman's novel, you can also gain some other people's cultivation experience, and the stones of other mountains can be used for jade.

  If we say that on the earth, female frequency novels are very competitive in paper publishing, adaptation of TV series, and movies, and they can obtain huge profits by virtue of this copyright operation. In this world, male-frequency novels have received cold reception, and mainstream society does not like such small-format works at all.

   "Even if it is a romance novel, we female writers write a hundred times better than male writers!" A well-known female author ridiculed all male authors unscrupulously. She even thought that a creature like a man is not suitable for writing at all. There must be no pattern, but no idea. To be romantic is not romantic.

  After learning about this situation, Wu Di decided not to write any "male frequency novel". Even if he wanted to write, it would be after he became famous, he would then write a novel with a man as the protagonist and then open the harem. I don’t know how female readers in this world will react when they see such works...

  Wu Di is watching the work "Throne of Spells" by the Tang family's three daughters at this time. This work is being serialized and is her only work, but she relies on this work. Become the highest-paid author in the world of online novels!

What is the essence of   ? Just look at the comments at the bottom of the book--

   "Every time I read it, I have a deeper experience in cultivation, and I feel more confident when I break through the bottleneck!"

  "The content of the protagonist killing demons is written so truthfully and cruelly. It is rumored that the Tang family's three daughters are the thirteenth super master on the list of magic hunters. Is this true?"

  "This is the author's autobiography, right? The writing is awesome in terms of cultivation, which can inspire readers a lot..."


There is no doubt that the "Throne of Spells" is so popular because it can bring benefits to all women who practice spell power, and those women with insufficient qualifications can also use this book to become a powerful spell. After the teacher, the scene of fame and fortune.

  In short, this book is no longer just a network novel, but a part of the realism novel that enjoys my own practice experience and truly restores my experience of hunting monsters.

The cleverness of the Tang family’s three daughters is that she always used the protagonist’s frustration experience with spring and autumn styles, focusing on how the protagonist was awkward, how quickly the upgrade was, and how the man fell into the embrace of the heroine like a moth to the fire. .

"No wonder this book is so popular. This Nima captures the coolness of all women! Women in this world, who don't want to easily practice curse power, rise in level, hunt monsters, play with men wantonly, and finally board that curse. The pinnacle throne?" Wu Di couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Wait, it’s not just female readers, but male readers will definitely like to read this novel. After all, men are very weak, and if you substitute into the heroine of this novel, you will feel that you have become a powerful curse. Teacher, the only thing that makes male readers feel uncomfortable is that the heroine has opened up the harem... But after all, the male characters in the article are just embellishments and exist like vases. The main plot is to upgrade and fight monsters, so it doesn't matter.

Wu Di probably looked at other works that are at the top of the rankings, and found that many network writers have followed the Tang family's three daughters. How to change from a small spellcaster to a powerful spellcaster step by step, but They are obviously more nonsense in their cultivation, and some female readers directly sarcastically said: "The author guesses that he hasn't even reached the realm of a conjurer, so he dare to slap a king-level conjurer and an s-level monster? !"

But nonsense is nonsense. Anyway, most female readers are probably spellcasters. As long as they write well, there are still a lot of people who read them. Some high-level spellcasters also like to watch this kind of obvious yy works. , Maybe the other party's imaginative training ideas can help them find the direction to break through the bottleneck...

As for the low-level street writers, some people want to learn from the "realism" and "picture sense" of the Tang family's three daughters. As a result, because they are female slings with very low curse power, the works they write are tormentous, and even males appear. The protagonist's derailment is such a super poisonous, naturally no one cares about it.

  Wu Di, after understanding the market of this world network novel, already has ideas in his mind. Why are all the heroines in the novel obsessed with the power of the curse? Obviously you can choose other cheaters...for example, Guoshu. (To be continued...)

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