Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 722: Light clouds and light wind

Ye Rong’s job was to lay hands on a professor at the Curse Force Academy named Yu Jing. Three years ago, Yu Jing was very happy to choose Ye Rong as a genius, but after Ye Rong turned from a genius to a waste of wood, this The professor treated Ye Rong enthusiastically, and the jobs assigned to Ye Rong were all sorts of miscellaneous tasks. !ybdu!

  Now that Ye Rong is gradually recovering her cultivation base, not many people know about it, so she is still doing this kind of thing.

In fact, the student who originally became a professor of this kind of curse power academy has a great future. The professor himself may not be a high level of curse power, but he has a wide network in certain fields. As long as she recommends it, he will definitely Can get a good income job.

However, because Ye Rong’s curse power level has become so low inexplicably, Yu Jing, as a professor, even if she is recommended, no one wants it, and Yu Jing is not the only student, Ye Rong, who has basically given up Ye Rong completely. This is useless.

When the hovering car came to the destination, Ye Rong got off the car, Wu Di followed him, and said goodbye to Ye Rong. By the way, he arranged the collar for Ye Rong again, still showing the demeanor of the "perfect brother". Then again, Ye When Rong's long fiery red hair fluttered in the wind, Wu Di felt very beautiful.

Ye Rong's expression is calm, she still has the majesty of an older sister, and she is afraid that no one can think of her fascination last night. At this time, when Wu Di tidyed her collar, she had an inevitable gentleness in her eyes, and she just touched it spoilingly. After touching my brother's head, my heart became more determined-for my brother, I want to become stronger!

Lin Qingshui did not get out of the car. She just watched Ye Rong and Ye Han's siblings in the car. When she saw Ye Han tidy up her sister's clothes, a trace of envy flashed in her beautiful silver eyes. Always thinking. It would be great if he also had such a man who was single-minded for his own sake.

To be honest, she has been in friendship with Ye Rong for three full years. Becoming friends with Ye Rong, who has turned a genius into a waste of wood, is naturally accustomed to seeing some people’s warmth and warmth, and found that only Ye Han is consistent with his sister. . Regardless of whether she is a genius or a waste of firewood, and no matter how much Ye Rong has been troubled by him after becoming a waste of firewood.

  You must know that Ye Han was originally the younger brother of a genius, who had both looks and temperament, and he was also sought after by all kinds of people. At that time, everyone thought that Ye Rong would become a big man, and if he could marry Ye Rong’s younger brother. Then he can form the most intimate relationship with Ye Rong, which is such a desirable thing.

After Ye Rong's genius turned waste wood, there were very few women holding this kind of thinking, but the number of people who possessed Ye Han did not decrease. Like Tang Feiya, a girl who euphemistically pursued Ye Han, she has It's more gentle, some women can't wait to throw money directly on Ye Han's face, let him accompany the bed obediently.

  If it were not for Lin Qingshui. That Ye Han might have been forced by some people to unspoken rules.

   "Oh, this is not our Ye Da genius. It's very early." A yin and yang strange female voice interrupted the two brothers and sisters who were warm.

"Yes, Ye Datian has only cultivated from a level 9 spell caster to a level 3 spell caster in three years. He is indeed a great genius like no one before,'s a pity this genius. But now. Do the same work as us." Another girl echoed with a weird smile.

This is the research institute where Professor Yu Jing works. In addition to her disciples who will lay hands on her here, they will also hire some students from the Curse Power Academy to do miscellaneous tasks. These students' spell power levels are not very high, and their family backgrounds are not very high. Sample. How can those students who show their talents come to do such lowly things?

These two girls are obviously such miscellaneous students and they are not talented. Their names, the first one to speak is called Zhang Min, and the other is called Wang Li. As a level 5 spellcaster, Zhang Min looks good. , The skin is fair and smooth, and Wang Li, the third-level curse caster, looks very ordinary. On the earth, it may be described by the word delicate, but in this world, it is undoubtedly an ugly woman.

Speaking of it, Wu Di’s aesthetic standards are unqualified in this world. For example, Ye Rong’s current appearance may be regarded as a beauty in Wu Di’s view, but from the mainstream point of view, Ye Rong His appearance is only medium to low. Before Ye Rong was a Level 3 spell caster, she was undoubtedly an "ugly girl" with freckles on her face, but Wu Di still thought that she was just above average...

All in all, in this world, generally speaking, beauty is proportional to the level of curse power. The female group has a kind of paranoia that loves beauty in their bones. Since the level of curse power is high, they can perfect their appearance, so why not For?

  Wu Di heard the words of these two girls at this time, where did she not know that they were targeting Ye Rong? He sighed slightly in his heart, and he could vaguely guess the reason for his well-trained feelings.

Although Ye Rong’s curse power is not high, she is ultimately Professor Yu Jing’s disciple. Compared with these two girls who are purely miscellaneous girls, Ye Rong’s identity is still much higher. This makes people psychologically imbalanced. Everyone curses. The strength levels are all the same, so why can you become a disciple of the professor, but we will always be the casual workers who are scorned?

   "No matter what you do, it is a kind of practice." Faced with the malicious mockery of the two girls, Ye Rong just said lightly.

  Zhang Min, seeing Ye Rong’s calm and calm look, cursed in his heart, "Pretending to be forced". He is just a low-powered Level 3 spellcaster. What qualifications does he have to say to practice?

But in fact, Ye Rong, who is now a Level 4 spell caster, far surpasses her peers in the fine manipulation of spell power. It is precisely because she has been at the level of a Level 3 spell caster for a long time, she has very little reserve of curse power. Therefore, in the use of every point of curse power, she strives to be without a trace of waste, which makes her completely capable of doing things like "leapfrog challenge".

  Ye Rong has always yearned to become a demon hunter. The fighting skills she learns by herself on weekdays are far beyond the average spellcaster.

From the mainstream point of view, girls at the level of the spellcaster are just laying the foundation. It is the right way to work hard to improve their level of spell power. Study combat skills, at least at the level of the spellcaster, or they are just asking for fish. .

  The spellcaster confronts a conjurer who has a mantra shield. No matter how high you are, you can't break the opponent's defense. What's the point?

  Zhang Min wanted to leave after mocking the other party. This is what she often does. Stepping on Ye Rong, a former genius, is still very superior, but it is limited to words.

  But when she saw Wu Di who was standing beside Ye Rong, she suddenly felt her eyes brightened. (To be continued...)

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