Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 11: The magical effect of avatar

  After Wu Di’s emotional "reciting" all the following paragraphs, a silent period of tens of seconds appeared in the class, as if to recall everything before...

I don’t know which classmate clapped subconsciously, and then the applause seemed like a signal for the beginning, followed by the warm applause of the whole class, which could be heard even in the next class. Wu Di, who was flipping through the Chinese textbook in class four, was in math class. I heard it naturally.

Chinese teacher Liu Yufang applauded Wu Di with a satisfied expression on his face, and then pressed the applause, and did not hesitate to praise her: "Great, classmate Wu Di is really great, if it weren't for her to completely co-author the textbook, I I thought she was reading the text aloud! What surprised and admired me the most was that she not only memorized the content that I asked to recite very well, but also took the initiative to memorize what was not requested. This spirit of perfectionism is very It is worth learning from the students!"

This is what many students admire. Li Fangyuan, who couldn’t recite just now, looked at Wu Di’s infinitely beautiful back with wide-eyed eyes. His face was incredible. The table exclaimed: "Niu Cha, it's so awesome, I actually memorized it all without falling to the ground, and there was no mistake!"

  Many students also sighed in their hearts:

   "The endorsement is actually like reading aloud, it's so familiar to memorize it!"

   "No wonder Wu Di hasn't opened the Chinese textbook since the beginning of class. It turns out that she is too familiar with memorizing and has full confidence..."

   "Wu Di's voice is so good, I can't hear it enough!"


  These students actually didn't know that Wu Di just forgot to stop, not a perfectionist spirit.

The more unbelievable person is actually Wu Di’s front seat Zou Feng. When he was applauding, he was completely inconsistent with the crowd, because he was ready for Wu Di to recite, and even decided to comfort him after class. Wu Di did something...but Wu Di's performance completely exceeded his imagination!

Doesn't    mean "If you don't take the college entrance examination, you won't memorize it"? But Wu Di completely memorized the places that he didn't ask for memorization! Is this the legendary "pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger"?

  Zou Feng just felt a little suddenly realized at this time, it is no wonder that Wu Di's early reading class was completely "waste". It turned out that she had already memorized it a long time ago, and the whole text was memorized. Otherwise, how could endorsement be the same as reading aloud? You know, Wu Di has never opened the Chinese textbook since he took the Chinese class!

  Zou Feng couldn't help turning his head and looked at Wu Di with admiration. When he saw Wang Qi who was desperate next to Wu Di, he immediately gloated in his heart. He knew it. Just now, Wang Qi gave a squeaky smile like that, because she expected Wu Di to be embarrassed next, but Wu Di's performance was impeccable!

  This kind of performance undoubtedly slapped Wang Qi back fiercely, like a loud slap in the face!

He also thought that in the morning reading class before, Wang Qi always pointed out where he had memorized it first, in order to prove that she did a better memorization than Wu Di, but the fact is that Wu Di had memorized so well that he didn't bother at all. Compete with Wang Qi...

  Sure enough. Wu Di is the kind of low-key modest girl, and Wang Qi...hehe, a clown.

  Wang Qi has only five words in her mind at this time-how is this possible? !

  She simply cannot accept such a result. In her most perfect prediction, it should be after Wu Di stood up. With a dazed face, and then couldn't say a word, in the end of Teacher Liu's criticism, the students sat down again with ugly faces in their contemptuous eyes, and then regretted it. Why is it not good to endorse the early class? Why didn't I listen to my ardent advice from my enthusiastic tablemate?

  The more general expectation is that Wu Di still looks indifferent and doesn't care about anyone's gaze. Even in front of Teacher Liu, he said that if he didn't take the test, he wouldn't recite such self-willed words. Completely aroused the teacher's anger, but made many students admire in their hearts...

  In fact, Wang Qi thinks that the second prediction is quite possible, because Wu Di is the kind of extremely arrogant and extremely self-destructive virtue, anyway, she hates it the most!

  In short, in any case, Wu Di is absolutely unable to recite this time, this will be the reality without any doubt!

But what Wang Qi never expected was that Wu Di's performance completely exceeded her expectations!

When Wu Di recites the first sentence, she tells herself that it belongs to Wu Dimeng, while staring at the Chinese textbook on Wu Di's desk, as if to eat this Chinese textbook for fear of Wu Di. She opened it up and took a peek, and at the same time she did not forget to find Wu Di secretly...

But when Wu Di recites a whole paragraph correctly and is full of emotions, she feels that her mind is buzzing, the sound of nature to other classmates, especially boys, to her In terms of it, it's the worst voice!

  And when Wu Di continued to recite the content that was not required to recite, and also recited the complete text completely and correctly in one breath, she felt that her whole body's strength seemed to be completely drained, and the whole person was in a state of despair!

  Even when the whole class gave Wu Di warm applause, she forgot to applaud Wu Di, but her hands were on the desk with her head down, her face pale as paper, and she didn’t know what she was thinking...

  If Liu Yufang calls her up to recite the text again at this time, then she must be unable to recite anything.

   But Liu Yufang naturally did not do this. In fact, Wu Di’s "reciting" is like a real finale. After listening to her "reciting", listening to others will feel the same as chewing wax...

  No one paid attention to Wang Qi's abnormal state, she was like a completely ignored existence.

Throughout the class, Wang Qi was utterly muddled. She hardly heard a word from Teacher Liu. She couldn’t believe that Wu Di could memorize it so well, but in the end, she could only admit that Wu Di was too "sinister". "Yes, I have already memorized so well, but deliberately said that kind of confuse her!

  While in class 4, in math class, Wu Di’s deskmate Sun Ning said in a puzzled manner: “Wu Di, what do you read the Chinese textbook for math class? It’s still "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond"..."

At that time, Wu Di had already completed the "reciting", so Wu Di, the avatar, calmly put away the Chinese textbook. Hearing what Sun Ning said at the same table, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He just replied like this in his heart. Cheating for "Miss", you will never know about it...

  This is just a small magical effect of the clone. (To be continued~^~)

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