Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Tear the X war

  Zhang Jingzhi, after discovering the hostility of the eldest lady towards her, naturally wouldn’t have a hot face to stick to her cold ass. She also tit-for-tat and deliberately asked Wu Di, “I don’t know your good friend either. Tell me about it.”

  Wu Di gave a wry smile, which of course was also pretended, as if she was distressed by the tension between the two women.

Before he could speak, Wu Di snorted coldly, her attitude was still arrogant, she said lightly: "I don't need him to introduce it, my name is Wu Di, which sounds the same as his name, but'di' is'dizi'. 'flute'."

  Wu Di's tone showed a trace of pride when he said "same pronunciation as his name", which seemed to fully reflect the fate between the two of them.

  When Zhang Jingzhi heard this, she only felt that there was a thorn in her heart, but she still stretched out her hand to Wu Di and smiled reluctantly: "Hello, I've been looking up for a long time, it turns out to be the famous genius lady in our school."

  Zhang Jing knew that although she said "Jiu Yang" in her mouth, she wanted to kick her "Jiu Yang" in her heart.

  Wu Di just put it off with a grip, but he didn't bother to talk to her anymore, completely showing the domineering demeanor of the eldest lady.

Zhang Jingzhi bit her lip, resisting the anger, countless thoughts flashed in her heart, and finally turned into a slight curl of the corner of her mouth, but said in a more intimate tone to Wu Di who was driving: "Wu Di, I really didn't expect you to be With such good friends, I really want to know how you became friends."

  When Zhang Jingzhi said this, he secretly observed Wu Di's reaction, and found that when the other party heard her intimate tone, his face was not good. She only felt a burst of happiness in her heart, as if she had eaten the fruit of life!

  She thinks she has discovered the biggest weakness of Missy!

  Furthermore, with her question, you can also explore the relationship between Wu Di and Missy.

  Wu Di's tone was indifferent, and he replied casually: "I met her during the winter vacation. I went to the same tuition teacher for tuition, and happened to help her a few times, so I naturally became friends."

  Zhang Jingzhi heard Wu Di say so. In her heart, she could perceive that he had no cross-line feelings for Wu Di. But she can't take it lightly. After all, the eldest lady has a great charm. Just think about it. If she is a boy, she obviously can't be as indifferent as Wu Di.

  Perhaps this is this indifferent one that made the eldest lady admire him...

  She thought so, she didn't even ask how awesome the tuition teacher was. You can actually teach the results of these two guys named Wu Di to be so sensational.

"Wu Di's article is well written, I like it very much, so I am willing to be friends with him. We exchanged diaries and participated in the new concept composition contest together." Wu Di's tone is soft and his voice is empty and smart, and of course it also contains Show off.

  Zhang Jing knows her original pragmatic heart, and she mentioned it again. She pretended to lightly tease Wu Di: "Oh. I don't know you still have a hand in writing. Exchanging diary books, is it romantic?"

"Don't listen to Miss Wu's nonsense. It's not a diary, at best it's a essay. If you want to read it, you can go back to school later and show it to you." Wu Di seemed to be afraid of Zhang Jingzhi's misunderstanding, and tried to separate him and Wu Di. Relationship.

Zhang Jingzhi couldn't hide the smug look on her face. She gave Wu Di provocatively, and when she saw the slightly disappointed look of the other party, she seemed to show the generosity of the winner, and said to Wu Di Luoluo generously: "Since You are also a friend of Wu Di, and that is my friend. Speaking of which, if I have a friend like you, Missy, that would be an honor."

  At this time, the car had already reached Century Square. The location is located in one of the most prosperous commercial pedestrian streets in the city. They will enter the Century Studios to watch movies. It is said that the aunt of a certain lady is also one of the shareholders of Century Group, and the CEO of Century Group Ding Lin is the richest man in China. His son, Ding Wencong, was ridiculed as a "national husband" and "broken his heart for the entertainment industry" in the future "microblogging era".

Zhang Jingzhi, who thinks she has a heavier weight in Wu Di’s heart, got out of the car in a happy mood, but this joyful time has not lasted long. When she saw a certain lady hugging Wu Di’s arm shamelessly, Her face instantly sinks...

  Wu Di said to Zhang Jingzhi in a very soft tone: "I forgot to tell you, he and I are not just friends, I also recognized him as my **** brother."

  This is obviously to emphasize that Wu Di's behavior of holding Wu Di's hand affectionately is reasonable, after all, he is a "brother and sister".

  However, Wu Di’s helpless and distressed look on his face undoubtedly proves that this is just a certain lady’s unilateral coquetry and self-willedness.

  Zhang Jingzhi finally couldn't help it. Losing her previous demeanor, she said angrily: "This is just your unilateral behavior? Does he really agree to be your brother?"

   "It's fine if I agree. I am already his sister anyway. It's not a big deal for my sister and brother to get close!" Wu Di looked self-centered and self-willed.

   ", shameless! You turned out to be this kind of girl!"

"You are shameless, stealing fishy cats! You are not qualified to say this at all. You are not his girlfriend, just female, sex, friend, friend! Look at my mouth, female, sex, friend, friend!" Wu Di pointed to his attractive pink lips and raised his chin slightly, so proud.

  Wu Di bowed to the irony of the eldest lady at this moment...

  An extraordinary tear-up battle between beautiful girls was staged and attracted many passers-by to watch. They looked at Wu Di as if they were looking at scum!

No way, today these two girls are very eye-catching. Miss Wu Di is wearing a white blouse on her upper body, a pure black cake skirt on her lower body, and black knee-high socks under her skirt, revealing the absolute realm, that fair. The tender thigh skin is particularly attractive, and although Zhang Jingzhi is a popular match of T-shirt and skinny jeans, it makes her short-length temperament more pure and pure. This is the style of a pure high school girl.

All in all, such a beautiful high school girl, as long as she has a girlfriend, can declare her youth without regrets. After all, they can all be regarded as "girls who chased them together that year", but the boy on the dog day seems to be between these two. Floating among beautiful girls!

  What is more annoying than this kind of thing? Where is my big FFF team, prepare gasoline and burn it!

  Wu Di saw that the audience was increasing. The right hand, which was not hugged, held Zhang Jingzhi's waist decisively, and then hugged left and right and left! (To be continued~^~)

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