Different from Wu Di's love at first sight of Tao Ranting, Tao Ranting's perception of Wu Di is extremely complicated, and even a little bit self-satisfied.

  Only because she was observing the entire class and found that almost everyone in the class welcomed Wu Di. Compared with her state of being completely isolated in the class, she only felt inexplicable sadness and a trace of resentment.

At this moment, she could only use calligraphy to resolve the sadness in her heart, so she took out a set of calligraphy tools that she always had by her side, and began to write frantically, without even realizing that Wu Di's seat was in her. On the left hand side.

  The number of students in each class of   International High School is only forty people, each has a table, and there is plenty of space, but because of this, there is no such thing as the same table, only neighbors.

When Wu Di saw that Tao Ranting was still copying calligraphy in math class, he felt a confidant feeling in his heart. This kind of confidant didn't listen to class and only did what he liked. It was too much like her. ! This is the style of a genius to learn God...

  So Wu Di also gave up the idea of ​​giving face to the teacher on the first day of school. She brazenly studied from Tao Ranting and began to look down at literature magazines, completely ignoring the math teacher in front of the podium.

  The mathematics teacher's surname is Cao. He is a very dignified middle-aged man. He almost saw Tao Ranting's movements with a brush at a glance. There is no way, her movements are too cool, and the aura that exudes is too amazing...

   "Student Tao Ranting, the math class is already in class." Teacher Cao reminded with a serious voice.

  As a result, Tao Ranting seemed to be still immersed in the artistic conception of calligraphy, which made her completely ignore Teacher Cao’s reminder.

   Teacher Cao's expression sank. Although Tao Ranting's grades in all subjects are very good, he is not weak in mathematics, but this kind of disrespect for the teacher really annoys him. Especially the smiling eyes of other students made him feel very uncomfortable!

So Teacher Cao wrote a difficult question on the blackboard with a dark face, then took the math textbook and walked to Tao Ranting, who was still immersed in calligraphy, and said to her: "Student Tao Ranting, although I know you In the future, I am determined to be a calligrapher. But it is wrong for you to disrespect the teacher in class like this!"

  Tao Ranting suddenly raised her head and saw Teacher Cao’s majestic face with Chinese characters. Then she felt the various eyes of her classmates, and she suddenly felt that she was even more hated, whether it was a teacher or a classmate, she hated her!

   But she quickly caught a glimpse of Wu Di on her left. But she found that this beautiful girl was reading a magazine leisurely, and she did not look at her like other classmates (this is the illusion of Tao Ranting's brain supplement). She immediately thought that Wu Di was also quite good...

At this time, Teacher Cao also discovered Wu Di, who was reading literary magazines by himself. The look on his face suddenly became even more ugly. He pointed to the blackboard and said directly to Wu Di and Tao Ranting, "You two. Come on stage to solve this problem!"

  Tao Ranting stood up neatly. Walking to the blackboard, when she found that many students were looking at her with a smile, she directly interpreted this smile as "the students are expecting her to answer the wrong question"... Can Nian, stupid you, how do you know? I'll just take a look at this question!

  Wu Di is the opposite. When she walks on the blackboard, the look she feels is kind and full of confidence in her strength. She also looked back with kind eyes. It made a few boys blush.

  This may be because the former class teacher tried to brag about Wu Di’s academic performance after Wu Di introduced herself, saying that she was the first stable holder of the school among the well-known key middle school Binhai Senior High School in the province.

The name of Binhai Senior High School is still very resounding in international high schools. After all, there have been several college entrance examination champions in recent years. If Wu Di has such a result, it means that it is obviously not impossible to take a college entrance examination in the future. matter.

  Unfortunately, Teacher Cao is not the head teacher. He only knows that Wu Di is a transfer student, but does not know her own strength. I don't know that her learning style in Binhai Senior Middle School is this typical style of studying God.

   Then, all the students saw a scene that made them unforgettable——

  The two came to the blackboard almost at the same time, picked up the chalk at the same time, and at the same time began to solve the problem at a speed that ordinary people can't match!

  The most important thing is that the characters of the two are as beautiful as art!

   "Pop" the two of them put the chalk down at the same time and looked at each other by coincidence. Tao Ranting's heart was exasperated by this look-she finally found another person who was kind to her.

  Wu Di’s eyes were soft as water, with a sincere smile on his face, and then he whispered: "Your writing is so good, I am ashamed. May I know your name?"

  Tao Ranting suddenly felt a heartbeat and missed a beat. For some reason, her face suddenly blushed. She, who was not good at talking at first, stammered and said, "I, my name is Tao, Tao, Ranting."

Then she also looked at Wu Di’s handwriting and exclaimed in her heart. This transfer student named Wu Di had not received professional calligraphy training, but she was able to write such beautiful characters. Obviously she was in calligraphy. The talent is not low! Maybe she can adjust her calligraphy a little bit more by herself.

   There seems to be a feeling of sympathy between the two of them.

   Teacher Cao saw the completely correct answer on the blackboard and the beautiful calligraphy that complemented each other. He wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead and grinned bitterly: "Yes, yes, both students are very good."

  He decided in his heart that he would never care about these two enchanting geniuses anymore.

  After this incident, Teacher Cao felt uncomfortable when he was writing on the blackboard, because his chalk writing was like a dog crawling compared to the two girls just now...

While the classmates looked at Wu Di and Tao Ranting’s gazes, they became high-pitched. Tao Ranting was nothing. Everyone knew that she was born in a family of calligraphy and she was destined to become a calligrapher in the future. But Wu Di’s With her beautiful calligraphy, everyone once again saw her own talents squarely. Her talents are no worse than beauty!

  Moreover, this is a difficult question in the eyes of many students, but Wu Di can answer it so easily, which makes everyone feel that the other party's academic performance is indeed very good!

  Fang Qiwen and Qiu Feng looked at each other and couldn't help but smile. It seems that the newly transferred beautiful girl is really a genius not inferior to Tao Ranting! (To be continued~^~)

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