Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

Chapter 526 Xiao Meiyan after reincarnation

In the magical girl world where Kiriko lives, Akatsuki Homura is no longer the weak Akatsuki Homura that players know through her experience as a northern sniper.

Players can often see Xiaomi Homura on the screen with long, straight black hair and a cold face, openly or covertly helping others who have not yet learned the truth about magical girls.

For example, Akatsuki Homura has been chasing Kyubey, who is trying to lure Madoka to become a magical girl. Seeing the cruelty of killing him every time, Madoka and the others almost have a quarrel with Akatsuki Homura, the time traveler.

Every time they see Xiao Meiyan listening to other people's complaints and suspicions with a cold face, the players can't help but feel sad.

Madoka and the others condemned Akatsuki Homura for killing Kyubey, while the players expressed that they did a great job.

Of course, Kyubey's shameless use of Madoka and the others' sympathy to almost alienate Homura Akatsuki also made people grit their teeth and make them want to go to that world to hang Kyubey up and flick his penis to death.

Well, if Kyubey has a gender, he will definitely suffer all kinds of torture. If he doesn't have a gender, it will be less fun.

This world and the mission world of Bei Sniper are actually the same place, just different in time. Kiriko's world is the world after Akatsuki Homura has been reincarnated countless times to save Madoka.

For people in the magical girl world, the Kiriko they see is actually the same image as Bei Sniper, a friend who is accustomed to calling her "hey".

If we use role-playing to describe it, then it can be said that Bei Sniper and Tongzi are actually playing the same person.

In the eyes of Akatsuki Homura, Kiriko is the friend she knows who has great power even if she does not become a magical girl through Kyubey. She is the most likely game-breaker in this world full of tragedy.

And because of the special identity of "Game Breaker", Xiao Meiyan also recognized the differences of each "Game Breaker". Since they exist beyond the world, even if this friend appears after going back to the past Whatever the change is, it makes sense.

Well, Xiao Meiyan is actually happy from the bottom of her heart that the other party sometimes changes from male to female. After all, if she really succeeds in saving Madoka in one reincarnation and lives a happy life, The competition for Madoka from the opponent will also be much smaller.

This can be regarded as one of the few things that Xiao Meiyan can be happy about in several reincarnations.

The role of Kiriko is beyond Kyubey's control and can even be said to be beyond the constraints of the rules of the world.

If the original people in the magical girl world want to obtain super-scientific power and use human emotions to solve the problem of irreversible entropy increase in energy according to Kyubey's wishes, they must become magical girls.

Even the history of the magical girl world is a tragedy driven behind the scenes by magical girls guided by Kyubey.

Therefore, after Xiaomei Yan, who had gone through many reincarnations, realized the importance of "feeding" this friend, she also began to take the initiative to come to her, hoping to find a way to break the situation from her.

It's a pity that the attempts in the first few worlds have failed. The starting point of the gamebreaker is too low and the growth is too slow. It is simply not enough to fight against Xiao Meiyan and the two of them at the most critical moment to win the Witch Night, resulting in the small In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, Madoka still made her wish to become a magical girl in order to protect the world.

For Akatsuki Homura and all players with normal views, as long as someone else in the world becomes a magical girl and the fate of the magical girl becoming a witch is not changed, it will be a failure.

However, because the game-breaker in each reincarnation is different, Xiao Meiyan still does not give up on this path.

So Xiaomi Homura in this world went to Kiriko in private and did not hesitate to tell Kiriko the truth about magical girls. She even revealed that she was actually a time traveler who had been reincarnated many times.

Come try to gain Tongzi's trust.

Especially after feeling that Kiriko was stronger than any previous game breaker, Xiao Meiyan was even more excited and wanted to do her best to seize this opportunity.

In fact, no matter which reincarnation, Xiao Meiyan tried her best to save Madoka, but this time the chance was greater.

Xiao Meiyan didn't dare to say that she saw hope. Even when the thought came up, it was deeply pressed into the corner of the edge of her heart. Greater hope may bring greater despair. If it still fails this time , Xiao Meiyan does not want to be defeated by the despair brought by hope.

Xiao Meiyan doesn't know if Kyubey will have a chance to seduce Madoka to become a magical girl under her care after Witch Night, but Xiao Meiyan believes in one thing, as long as she and the Breaker can solve all the problems encountered, then I know The true Madoka will definitely not force herself to become a magical girl.

As for Kyubey having no chance to seduce Madoka, Akatsuki Homura needs to be by Madoka's side all the time.

Xiao Meiyan said she was happy to do so.

Even Akatsuki Homura feels that as long as she survives the Witch Night with the help of the Game Breaker, Akatsuki Homura believes that she can grow up to the point where she can stand in front of Madoka and solve all problems.

After all, the witch of Witch Night is already the most powerful witch in the world. I want to find a witch more powerful than her...

Xiaomi Homura actually saw it with her own eyes. It was in the previous world that Madoka finally became a magical girl in order to save the world, and then just one blow, just one blow destroyed the Witch of the Night. Then Xiaomi Homura saw that she could easily The birth of the world-destroying witch.

The witch was so huge that it could cover one-third of the earth's surface. The power and sadness in her heart were things that Xiaomi Homura definitely didn't want to experience again.

As for why Madoka can become so powerful, it is the cause and effect accumulated by Akatsuki Homura for Madoka in countless reincarnations. At the same time, the more this cause and effect becomes, the more energy Madoka brings after becoming a magical girl. Kyubey also The more she wants to lure Madoka into becoming a magical girl, the harder it will be for Akatsuki Homura to stop Kyubey from seducing Madoka.

In order to seduce Madoka, no one knows what kind of crazy behavior the crazy Kyubey can do for the sake of his own interests. What's more, in Kyubey's understanding, his own actions are beneficial to the entire universe and are absolutely just. This kind of thing that does the right thing without considering other things at all does not pay attention to benevolence and morality.

This is a cause and effect cycle.

Therefore, Xiao Meiyan knows that the sooner she can save Madoka, the better. It is best to take advantage of the strength of this reincarnation breaker to solve all problems in this reincarnation.

Not only does she want to defeat Witch Night, Xiaomi Homura also hopes to completely solve the problem of Kyubey after solving Witch Night to free up her hands.

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