The scarred face, still flying in the air, was like a balloon filled with water that had been punctured.

Blood was gushing out of his mouth like crazy, and streams of blood were coming out of his eyes, ears, and nostrils.

"Ha, you are quite strange. You bleed from all seven orifices after being punched. Are you a funnel?"

Hinata sneered.

Scarface, who was still bleeding, could not answer. His arms were useless after being punched.

He didn't know whether they were broken or fractured. They hung limply on both sides.

In a second, Hinata, who was laughing at him just now, kicked her feet and came in front of him at a speed faster than him.

She turned over, and a white and tender calf with a green air wave was already heading towards his head, like a giant axe of the gods, chopped down with unstoppable momentum.

Can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it, the alarm of the sixth sense sounded in Scarface's heart.

According to his many years of experience in the battlefield, if he retreated and got a little skin, he would die.

If he endured it completely, he would probably be kicked to pieces.

Relying on his tenacious willpower, even though his arms could not move, Scarface still formed the seal of the substitute technique.


With a burst of white smoke, the scarred man disappeared, and a wooden stake replaced him. Under Hinata's kick, it turned directly into flying ash, and turned into fine brown-yellow smoke mixed with the white smoke.

"Humph! Another substitution technique. You can't run away."

Hinata's Byakugan was activated, and she could see everything in the 360-degree range of 100 meters.

When Scarface's substitution technique was activated, Hinata had already found his landing point and followed him the moment he landed.


Scarface was horrified when he saw Hinata in front of him. Hinata's two consecutive attacks just now had shattered all his pride and ambition. Now he had no will to fight anymore, only endless panic and fear.

"Spare my life."

Scarface spat out two words.

"Turn to ashes." Hinata punched Scarface straight back into his stomach, including his head.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the supporting character (Iwai Daigo) and gaining 2000 reinforcement points. 】

Wow, there are so many reinforcement points for killing, which is equivalent to defeating Hiashi five times!

Hinata looked at the Kumogakure ninja who was still lying on the ground, rushed forward, stepped on his chest, and heard a"click", and the ninja was killed directly.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the supporting character (Maejima Rui) and gaining 2000 points of reinforcement. 】

There is another one, Hinata caught up and kicked it to get 2000 points of reinforcement.

After killing three people, I got 6000 points of reinforcement, plus the 5000 points I got from killing Neji before, the reinforcement points needed to upgrade the Byakugan are enough, and there are 1000 points more.

"Strengthen the white eyes!"

【Ding, 10,000 points of enhancement points are consumed, skill: Byakugan is enhanced to Immortal Technique · Byakugan, and the next enhancement requires 10,000,000 points.

Current host skills:

Skill 1: Taotie.

The ability to consume food is increased by 1000%, the speed of strength growth is +1000%, and the speed of physical growth is +1000%. Energy bodies can be devoured.

Skill 2: Immortal Technique · Byakugan. The blood limit of the Hyuga clan, after strengthening, it is converted into a passive skill, the appearance special effects are hidden, and it can be turned on and off at any time. After turning it on, it no longer consumes natural energy. It can automatically absorb the surrounding natural energy within the time limit of Byakugan opening, and the total damage caused by the host is increased by 150% (can be stacked).

Additional perspective: You can see through the host's mind within the range of 0-10,000 meters around itself. Insight

: When the Byakugan is turned on, you can see all the enemy's ability weaknesses.

Skill 3: Immortal Technique · Soft Fist.

The skill generated by the soft fist of the Hyuga clan, basic damage +150%. You can absorb natural energy and store it in your body during practice. When fighting, you can choose to add natural energy damage to your soft fist.

I sent it~

Hinata was ecstatic. The 10,000 points were really worth it. I didn't expect that this Byakugan would be so strong after being strengthened.

First of all, you can hide the special effects when the Byakugan is turned on. For Hinata, this alone is worth 10,000 points. She has long been dissatisfied with the ferocious expression when the Byakugan is turned on. It's too ugly.

Look at the Uchiha next to you. Turning on the Sharingan is like wearing beauty contact lenses. The personal temperament is improved immediately.

On the contrary, looking at your own Byakugan is completely lowering your appearance.

In addition, hiding the special effects can also unexpectedly harm some people. For Hinata, who has a little bit of the old six attribute, it is simply hot.

In addition, it has become a passive skill, which not only does not consume natural energy, but also absorbs it by itself.

Insight and perspective are also magical skills, and the damage stacking is even better. This is to lead Hinata to the route of One Punch Man.

I have become more beautiful and stronger! I was complacent in the place and took out a small mirror to show off.

Hinata calmed down, cleaning the battlefield while taking stock of the gains and losses of this battle.

She still has many shortcomings. It's okay in close combat, but it's embarrassing when the enemy pulls away. She can only stand there and passively take the beating. Maybe other ninjas in Konoha will say that there are teammates and bonds.

But Hinata is not that kind of person. She will not put her hopes on her teammates. In her previous life, she would lose a star at most when she met a pig teammate in the King's Rank. Now it's a real-life PK. If she meets a pig teammate, she will lose her life.

Therefore, she must arrange the means of long-range attack as soon as possible.

And this time, fortunately, she met the Cloud Hidden Ninja who likes melee, and they are some civilian ninjas. There are not many fancy skills. If she encounters those who are good at illusions and use poison, she will be cold.

The Death Forest is still too dangerous. She still can't take risks alone. Next time, she will call Hiashi or Hiashi.

After cleaning, Hinata has nothing except a task scroll, a few kunai, and tens of thousands of taels of banknotes.

But she was still very happy. She found that these Cloud Villagers were treasures. Although they looked fierce, had bad hearts, and were scum, they were valuable.

A minor jonin was worth 2,000 points of reinforcement. What if it was replaced by those famous Cloud Village ninjas?

How many points would they be worth? For example, the Eighth Tailed Killer, the Fourth Raikage?

Can't think about it, can't think about it at all. When she thought of those overwhelming wealth, Hinata couldn't stop her saliva from flowing, and she wanted to rush into the Cloud Village immediately to start the unparalleled.

HOLD, HOLD, Hinata, you are too young, those old Biden are too hard for you to bite, develop first, develop first...

After a long time of psychological preparation, Hinata suppressed the restlessness in her heart.

She was too young and the Cloud Village was too far away.

Wait, Konoha is not far away, and there are more celebrities in Konoha, but they are too familiar and inconvenient to start.

However, I seem to remember that some mentally ill people are about to be exterminated? There was also a chance to do something during the Chunin Exams when Pain was carrying rice.

The more Hinata thought about it, the happier she became, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

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