Hinata, lying in her mother's arms, felt a little embarrassed. She was already in her twenties, but why was she still acting like a little kid, liking to act like a spoiled brat to her mother?

And this embrace was so warm, soft and fragrant that it made people fall into it and couldn't get up.

""Okay, come sit down and get ready to eat. You must be hungry."

Hinata woke up with a start when she heard her mother's voice from above her head.

The instinct of this body is really terrible, and she can't control herself at all.

She sat up with a red face, took the bowl of rice handed over by the maid and started to eat with big mouthfuls.

Hyuga Riko kept picking up food for Hinata and urged her to eat more. Hinata ate a few bites and suddenly found that her cheap dad was not there. Didn't he eat with his wife and daughter?

She asked her mother puzzledly, and saw Hyuga Riko's beautiful eyebrows curved, and her eyes were smiling, and she didn't know what funny thing she was thinking about.

"Your father has no appetite today." Hinata Riko smiled while covering her mouth.

"No appetite?"

Hyuga Hinata thought for a while, then she didn't take it to heart, and started to eat and drink. With Hiashi's age and strength, what could happen? Maybe he ate too much at noon?

Hyuga Riko also picked up a bowl of rice and ate it in small bites. Thinking of her husband's embarrassment when he came back from the training room today,

Hiashi couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood as soon as he entered the bedroom. Hyuga Riko was so scared that she hurried forward to support Hiashi.

After she helped Hiashi to sleep in the quilt and summoned the family's medical ninja to treat Hiashi, Hiashi told her everything about what happened in the training room today, when Hinata knocked Neji unconscious with a punch and then injured herself with a punch.

After listening to Hiashi's story, Hyuga Riko was also stunned. Her own daughter knew it well. Hinata had no interest in training and soft fist, and her personality was a bit weak. , always thinking of escaping when encountering difficulties.

But Hinata, as the eldest daughter of the main family, has the responsibilities she should bear, and the Hyuga clan is very cruel. If Hinata cannot inherit the main family, there is a high probability that she will be divided into a branch family. Hyuga Riko dare not imagine the consequences of her weak daughter being marked with the caged bird mark.

Therefore, no matter how much she feels sorry for Hinata, she allows Hiashi to train her strictly. Born in this cruel ninja world, people without strength are like grass.

In the past, Hinata always cried while accepting training, and no one expected that she would do such a thing this time.

Born with supernatural power! When Hiashi said this word, his whole face was radiant.

Hyuga Riko couldn't help laughing when she thought of Hiashi rubbing his belly and bragging about Hinata. Seeing Hinata's innate supernatural power, Hiashi was like he had picked up something. He kept chattering to Hinata Riko like a baby, and his previous image of a cold and strict father completely collapsed.

Although Hiashi's injuries were healed by the medical ninja, his abdomen still ached. In order to maintain his image in front of his daughter, he found an excuse and simply didn't come to eat.

Hinata Riko watched Hinata eat with big mouthfuls tenderly, and gradually found that something was wrong.

It felt that Hinata ate particularly fast today, and the amount was particularly large.

In the past, Hinata only ate one bowl of food at a meal and said she was full. Hinata Riko knew her child's personality and always insisted that Hinata eat two more bowls. What she didn't know was that Hinata had the skill of a glutton, and her real appetite was 10 bowls!

But today, Hinata strengthened her gluttony while taking a bath, and now it has been strengthened into a glutton, and her appetite has increased by 7 times.

In other words Hinata said that if she wanted to eat enough and increase her strength, she had to eat 70 bowls per meal.

This terrifying amount forced Hinata to speed up her eating speed, otherwise she would have to spend most of the day eating.

Hyuga Riko's expression gradually changed from loving to shocked, then unbelievable, and then horrified.

She was afraid that Hinata would burst her stomach, so she hurriedly stopped Hinata from continuing to overeat.

As a result, Hinata patted her flat stomach and told her mother not to worry, she was only half full now.

Hyuga Riko had to arrange for the kitchen to continue to add food. She wanted to see how much Hinata could eat.

In the end, when Hinata patted her belly and said she was full, there were already several piles of empty bowls on the table.

Hyuga Riko was numb. Whose 3-year-old child could eat 70 bowls of rice in one meal? And after eating 70 bowls, Hinata's stomach did not change at all, as if the food she ate had entered another dimension. With such great strength, it seemed nothing abnormal to be able to eat a little. Hyuga Riko patted her chest to comfort herself.

The Hyuga clan is a powerful clan in Konoha. They are very rich. It is not a problem to support Hinata. If it is not possible, let her husband take some tasks to do it.

I just need to cook more for each meal and let my baby daughter eat well.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Riko became happy again. She told Hinata not to go to bed immediately after dinner, walk around in the yard more, and let Hinata go back to her room. Hinata also had this intention. It was her first day to cross over and she was not familiar with the Hyuga family. This was a flaw. She took the opportunity to take a walk after dinner to digest the food and let the maid take her around to get familiar with it.

At the same time, she asked the maid indirectly to learn more about the situation in the ninja world so as to compare and correct the Naruto plot in her memory.

At the same time, she silently thought about the path she would take in the future.

She had a good foundation, a system, and a bright future, but it was still not safe enough in the world of ninja.

Not to mention the two children of the world, one is the reincarnation of Indra, who becomes stronger when he opens his eyes when his emotions get out of control, which is simply unreasonable. In the future, someone will rush to offer his eyes to achieve eternity.

The other is the reincarnation of Asura, who has a big monster in his body, with infinite chakra, and will have many adventures in the future. The template of the protagonist should not be too obvious.

The other supporting characters are also ridiculously strong. Various illusions and ninjutsu are specifically used to counter her, a short-legged melee fighter. Not to mention the villains, one is more perverted than the other, and I don’t know what’s wrong with this world.

Hinata not only wants to survive Shippuden, but also wants to survive Boruto, until she dies.

In order to achieve this goal, she has to plan well and make good use of her system.

The first thing is to familiarize herself with her new skill Taotie. This should be the strongest plug-in that she can rely on at present.

Compared with the original big eater, the food consumption is much greater and the increased strength is also much greater. According to this, it seems that she will run all the way on the road to the super-powerful woman.

There is also a new way to devour energy bodies, so I have to find a chance to try it. Is this the system telling me that the usual food can no longer provide enough energy, and I need to try some food with higher energy.

Then I have to find a chance to explore ways to obtain reinforcement points. Seeing that the next evolution of Taotie requires 500,000 points, and the Byakugan also requires 10,000 points, how to obtain a large number of reinforcement points is related to whether Hinata can become stronger and gain a foothold in the ninja world.

In the small yard, after turning around several times, Hinata, who had made up her mind, finally followed the maid back to her room to sleep.

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