Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 782: Chaotic timeline

At the end of the corridor, I saw a lot of statues, and some muskets. The sabers were neatly hung on the wall for people to visit. According to the old housekeeper, these were the prominent trophies of the Wayne ancestors. Reading novel search pen fun

Not to mention Thea in this area, neither did Dick.

"Please come in." The old housekeeper took out the key and opened a thick door, and several people rushed in.

Turn on the electric light and remove the curtain from the portrait. Not to mention the few young people known for their sharp eyes, even the old housekeeper noticed that it was wrong.

"This, this, and this ... It's so much like it!" Damian pointed at a few portraits and said a little unbelievably.

He felt weird. This was normal, because the ancestors of the Wayne family in the portraits were all with large faces, wide chins, serious eyes, and removing the artist's factors. They looked similar to Bruce. Chilling.

Genetically speaking, fathers and sons may look similar, but they are similar across four or five generations, which is too exaggerated.

It is not monosexual breeding. Once the female gene is added, there will be obvious differences in appearance after three generations.

The ancestors and ancestors in these portraits are carved like a mold.

what does this mean? Several young people looked at the portrait but felt that their backs were cold.

Thea also had a bit of tooth decay. The causes and consequences that should have been unchanged were completely chaotic under the impetus of the Omega effect. In the chaotic time, Bruce lost his memory. He naturally got close to his bloodline. Because of his outstanding leadership ability, he turned the tide in countless family turmoil and became the chief of the Wayne family for generations.

He became his ancestor and was written into history books, which is his problem today.

"The book this man is holding has the bat imprint." Tim pointed at a saint-like portrait, speaking in horror.

"This man also has a bat logo on his clothes."

"This person also has ..."

There is more and more evidence that even if Batman has amnesia, he still leaves a lot of clues, both for the team to find themselves and to save themselves.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that this behavior was destroying the entire timeline.

"Why is there a portrait empty here?" Damian asked, pointing to an abrupt blank.

"That was Thomas Wayne. The man with the same name as Master Thomas lived in the 1860s. He was a notorious cult leader. He had been removed from the Wayne family," the old housekeeper recalled.

"How could it be, the patriarch of the Wayne family in the 1860s was Joseph Wayne, I remember it clearly." Tim Drake asked strangely.

"Joseph?" The old housekeeper thought about it. "Master Drake, you must have remembered wrongly. In the eighteenth century, the Wayne family had only three Josephs. They had never served as the patriarch."

The old butler firmly believed that he remembered correctly. Tim was very sure at first, and he was faint afterwards. It seemed to be, but didn't seem to be.

Lord Damian coughed twice, begging them to refocus their attention on the disappearing portrait.

The old housekeeper was very concerned about the 800-year-old Wayne family heir, no longer entangled with Tim about Joseph.

"The family has very few records of this Mr. Thomas, only to mention that he seems to want to summon a demon called Ba Hosisi in this world." The old housekeeper is still not sure whether these memories are already there, or as Thea said, The timeline changed and suddenly came to my mind.

"Barbatos?" Thea asked indifferently, the conflict between the Wayne family and the dark multiverse was too deep. My dad is Thomas? The name was so good that she couldn't help secretly voicing.

The old housekeeper patted his head "Yes, it is Barbatos, I heard that it is the devil of the ancient tribe ... a bat demon ..."

Speaking of bats, he shuddered, Batman and Bat Demon, was all this all doomed back in the eighteenth century?

"Bruce went back in time. He left countless bat marks, which pushed the whole Wayne family's worship of bats back? Miss Mia, do you mean that?" Dick's head was the calmest, and he was surprised. s answer.

"Not only that, Dick, if I guessed right, the cave full of bats that Bruce stumbled and fell when he was a kid is the sacrifice place that the guy trying to summon demons above laid out more than a hundred years ago."

There is one other thing that Thea has not said. In her memory, Gotham mentioned the presence of demons. When she arrived at Gotham earlier this year, she also asked Barbara and Catwoman. The two denied it, saying that she had not heard of it. Now that she is a new god, even if the timeline explodes, it will not affect her. She feels that if she asks the demon again at this time, they should have an impression in their memory.

There is no need to increase their psychological burden. Barbatos is still far away from the universe. She gently took the "Eastern monks pay attention to cause and effect. From this analysis, Bruce is his own cause and his own effect. He The fate of yours has been confirmed at the moment when time begins to flow. You know the seriousness of the matter, and this incident should sound a wake-up call for you, don't just research what you don't understand. "

"Well, I'm gone. The world is calm now, and Gotham can't keep messing up. You have to take the time to restore everything to normal in these three days." Thea said, opening a portal and going back.

"Sister's head!" Damian stopped her, and the bear child hesitated. "Can I go to him?"

Thea is still nice to this big disciple, and rubbed his hair. "If you go into a long time, the Wayne family will be even more chaotic. Believe me, I will think of a way."

After that, she stepped forward and returned to her home.

The avatar is still searching for a long time, and the burden of mental power is very large. Her body can't do much, take a bath, and then fall down to sleep.

The Bat team's action was fairly quick, Dick Grayson re-appeared on the streets of Gotham in a Batman suit. Damian also put on Robin's suit and became the fifth generation Robin.

Batman's deterrence is really not covered. In just two days, the criminals have suffocated and went home to be good people.

One week after Gotham restored order, a tombstone was placed in the Wayne family cemetery, next to Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne, a small and humble tombstone.

No name ~ ~ No birth and death date, no funeral, ordinary stone, silently recorded the past of this greatest human hero.

For the sake of confidentiality, several relatives and friends went to pay homage at different times. Thea did not go. After all, she still had to find someone in the long river, and even killed the person under a last resort. She was too ironic to go. Just have Diana representative.

Tim Drake couldn't accept himself waiting to do nothing. After the injury healed, he claimed to be Red Robin and left Gotham alone.


On the American continent six thousand years ago from the main body, Thea (avatar) is running deep and shallow with the Golden Pioneer (older version). Behind the two, a group of barbarians around the fur of the beast are chasing wildly.

"Woohoo!" The savage yelled at an unknown meaning, at least Thea didn't understand the content, and saw the first man with a big body, two meters in length, throwing one at them. Spear.

"Hello, have you been to this point in time? Where is the hidden cave you said?" The young lady's high attributes are still there, but she can't be tired after taking a few steps. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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