This move was quick and sudden, and Ms. Hehe did not respond at all, but fortunately the shield automatically operated.

The magma shield seemed to be offended, contracted violently, and burst out.

With a bang, Guan Dong seemed to be stuck on the explosive package with a stab, and the huge impact force caused him to flip over two in the air. At this time, Ms. Hehe just reacted and directed his followers to chase.

After all, the diamond people lacked autonomy, and by the time they responded, Kanto had re-entered the shadows.

There have been several rounds of exchanges between the two sides. Kanto finally saw the extraordinaryness of these diamond people. This thing has the ability to move freely and will never disappear once it is summoned?

There is a gain and a loss for everything, and he thought that the calling of this thing was random, and he had been guerrilla with the Diamond Man.

Seeing Ms. He is not easy to take down now, he immediately changed his mind.

Cut off the wings first, and then hit that power!

Alas, throwing out three flying knives, the three long-range diamond men did not notice and tried to resist with their weapons. Unexpectedly, they were controlled by the subsequent shadow cage, and Kanto quickly fought against the remaining four diamond men.

Twisting his waist and raising his leg, he stepped on and stepped on a diamond man's thigh. A black awn was found in his hand with a dagger, which cut off the diamond man's skull directly like a large knife.

Yu Guang saw the pity in Ms. He's eyes, and he knew he was right.

"Sure enough, is there too little combat experience? It was so simple that a flaw was discovered." Sia sighed, even if there was a gap in combat power, but there was not so much difference. Now the two are less effective and the combat experience is even thrown In Bajo Street, it is only a matter of time before Ms. He fails.

"I'm afraid this guy hasn't fought for many years. Give me some time and I can beat her." Fiola felt a bit unjust last time. The reason why Kanto can occupy an overwhelming advantage on the field is that he held two artifact daggers, and Ms. Hehe did not dare to take it.

They can see the reality, the spectators around the arena have no such eyesight.

They only saw Ms. Hehe waving a pile of stone people and flame boulders and dodging Kanto around. From the perspective of their hearts, they still hoped that Ms. Hehe would win. After all, they knew that if someone came out of nowhere The gladiator killed his idols for dozens or even hundreds of years, and that was a huge devastation to confidence.

It is a pity that their wish is getting more and more dim. When Kanto killed the third diamond man, many people realized that Ms. Heminghe was invincible.

"It's really disappointing!" Thea stood up in depression, and as she stood up, it seemed as if the entire planet was a short dwarf, and all the fans of the arena felt that a giant mountain appeared in front of them, and they did not clear it up. Whatever happened, fainted together.

The two fighting members also separated from each other, and Ms. He was ashamed, and a few more strokes will undoubtedly die. No matter what the purpose of thea, she at least saved her life.

On the other side, Kanto was left with fear. At that moment, he felt that the planet was shaking. Is this realm catching up with Duckside? Anyway, Duckside was angry with Apocalypse several times.

Seeing that she didn't even look at him, she turned away. Be careful, he realized after a long time, eh? No one cares about me? Then let's run away!

Open the sonic boom channel and ran in.

An episode was at least an episode for Thea, but it was not good news for Ms. Hakome. Her weakness was spread to the Quartet. In just three days, more than fifty planets raised anti-flags. And there are more planets ready to re-elect the boss.

"I'm willing to be your subordinate, and I'll take you as my main leader!" The internal gods did not leave, and did not let her go, and the flames of fire raged on the outside. Ms. Minghe had only one way to choose.

This subordinate is actually very useful to Thea. The first life in the two-dimensional world depends on her. The life summoned by the soil abilities is undoubtedly not the life in the usual sense, but it is also very precious.

Crossing the river by feeling the stones, Thea couldn't find someone to exchange experiences, so she had to try all kinds of methods.

Qing Yan's eyes glanced over Ms. He's face, as if after a long time, she nodded slowly, "I promise you."

Later, Fiola and Kerrigan and the Styx Third Line attacked, the rebellion was quickly put to rest, and the remaining planets that were about to re-elected the boss, bowed their heads in front of the fangs and claws of the Ruiqi Zerg.

A somewhat ridiculous rebellion brought countless soldiers to the gladiatorial arena.

These are the elite among the insurgents, and the fate of waiting for death has turned around.

Because Ms. He's new boss promised that if she wins one game, she can survive, and where she wants to go afterwards, a group of prisoners have hope and will be resurrected immediately, killing the gladiator corpse across the wild blood flowing into the river.

The two-dimensional world still hasn't progressed, even if Xia has re-examined a set of spiritual training methods, Minghe, who knows that she lacks strength, has also started working hard, and the results are still not great.

But on the other side ~ ~ With all the people in the gladiatorial field fighting for their lives, the lazy young lady relied on the water mill to finally figure out the last step.

On this day, the gladiatorial arena hustled for over a month and closed its doors.

Many spectators are still immersed in wanton fighting, and they gather in groups of three or five, ready to talk to the organizers of the arena.

"You are dead!"

"Come back soon!"

Before they reached the gate, they were pulled down by acquaintances.

The acquaintances kept their mouths winking, shaking their hands and shaking their heads.

What's wrong with this? A few people looked inside, good guy, there was a dead body outside the gate, and there were more gladiatorial guards on patrol.

People who are familiar with each other ask what happened?

Someone is totally herd mental. When others stand here, they run out to see the excitement.

There are clear people gesture to the sky.

A group of people squinted their eyes and looked at it for a long time. The sky seemed like a black sun.

Many people haven't seen the star, don't know what it means, and they're talking to people around them again.

"The adult seems to be breaking through." They couldn't figure out what Thea was called, so they sent mysterious people to refer.

"I heard that that person is not a wise life. The body is a planet. Do you know the old hunter on 32nd Street? He used a detector to observe it from a distance, and the high energy directly blew the detector. ! "

A bunch of people made all kinds of oh, babble unclear.

They kept this in mind, and when they were going back to other planets to find someone to brag about, they said, don't look at our low combat strength, in fact, we have seen big men!

I don't know the countless discussions below. The realm is completely complete. With closed eyes and a moment of contemplation, Sia stays in space. She feels she is ready.

And Fiora simply ordered a few words, and one walked away and disappeared into the starry sky.

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