Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 941: Wait online, wait a bit!

With half of her body missing, at this time, no matter whether it is energy or realm, the use of rules, including the understanding of the rules, has already surpassed the initial lights in all aspects. It ’s good to have a smaller body, and moving space is easier than before.

With a bang, he broke through the space and hurried away in order to throw away the evil star behind him.

"Don't run! Stop for me!" Chu Deng ran forward like a bag thief, and Sia shouted like a loser while holding a big sword and chasing after him.

I knew I should bring a helper! Thea thought, with her top-level combat power, what Fiola, Styx, Kanto, and a few tricks to delay the initial light, she could kill in one shot.

At the beginning of space and time, the lights were too busy to go to play with Senisto, and pretended to destroy Koruga. The result was anger to the extreme, and Senisto and the parallax fused together, desperately holding on to the first light, creating an opportunity for the Black Death Emperor.

Now that this time and space is in Cruga, Senisto is still waiting in line at the local government to wait for resurrection. No one helps to contain it. The first light runs like a rabbit.

The young lady can only carry a sword to chase behind her, and a killing attack also needs to be prepared. It is impossible to kill with a sword.

As long as her speed of accumulating divine power is inevitably affected, the other party will have the opportunity to run far. If she does not accumulate divine power, it will be useless to chase ten swords and eight swords.

Xia regretted not bringing a few helpers, I do not know Chu Deng heart uncomfortable. After working hard for so many years, he just got out of trouble, and his dream of carrying Weili back to the original time and space collapsed. He couldn't go back and pretend to force him. What did he toss for so many years?

The more he thought about it, the more he got angry, but he didn't dare to ask him to go back and fight with Hia for three hundred rounds.

Grab a star that is about the size of the moon, ignore the sorrow of the intelligent life above, and ran to the side of the planet, violently throwing it at Thea.

I go! Thea was taken aback. Batman and the clown were chasing the road. The clown throws a bomb or rocket at most.

This is a good one in front of me, all of a sudden.

The planet is not big and the intelligent life is not too much. But she couldn't ignore it, even if she wasn't a hero of justice, she could not turn a blind eye as the wearer of the white light.

A **** was erected from a distance, and he could not chase the enemy. Thea quickly moved the planet back to its original orbit.

It is not enough to simply put it back into its original orbit. Rotation, orbit, all need to be considered. In case the power is too large or too small, the planet will fly out of the original galaxy in two days, or hit one of the stars. Count it to her head.

Destruction is far more difficult than construction. The young lady needs to think about a lot of problems every second, what is the planet's rotation speed, the magnitude of gravity, and even the magnetic field change, day and night alternation and so on!

One that does not take into account the changes in the environment of the planet, in fact, does not matter to the planet, but for those intelligent life, a slight change is a world-class disaster.

After all, it was easy to reset. She was afraid that she would make a calculation mistake. She also called Jisu to take a look after ten years and found that everything was normal. Then she continued to chase after a little delay, and the early lights were almost gone.

But before she caught up, the other party threw another planet, could it be saved? Must save! More people on this planet!

Correcting three planets in a row, the young lady couldn't stand it, it was endless, she could only launch the summoning! Let someone help!

Diana, who had a mother box, was summoned for the first time. How could the green fitness exercise that pushes the planet so few of Superman? Not only Superman, but also Xia pulled out the Supergirl who was a dead house at home.

After briefly speaking with the three, Sia asked Diana to put on a purple light so that she could sense her position at any time, leaving the three to correct the planet with a grimace and chase the first light across the space.

The three originally thought that this was personal work, but did not expect to discover that it was absolutely mental work as soon as they pushed the planet into orbit.

One super girl is studying scum. Although calculus is also in the elementary school, she still studies scum.

Brother Superman also doesn't like to study, just to see that he obviously has super thinking, but it can be seen that he is not a scientist but a reporter after graduation.

Diana is the best learner among the three, but she is also a person who likes swords and loves food and clothing rather than science. It is really difficult for her to calculate the orbit of the planet.

The three of them looked at each other, and there was no good way. They were not Thea. Although the young lady was lazy, but the title was also Dr. Jia. If the three of them did not want to watch the intelligent life strangle, they could only continue to ask for help.

Diana found a young lady, a secretary who was connected to the earth by ultra-long-range, and quickly told the story again.

Miss Secretary directly found the remaining ones of Zhenglian and asked them to help calculate the orbit of the planet.

Batman is a well-deserved all-rounder who can put the watchtower space base into orbit by relying on the existing technology of the earth. He is extremely involved in astronomy, and Mr. Excellence is not much worse. With the help of Flash and the artificial intelligence calculation, a The results were sent remotely to the push star trio.

They have just resolved here, and in the past, Dia started calling for support and could only follow up.

In the first light, she saw that Sia had some concerns, not to mention how happy she was. The death of the universe was not related to him to a great extent. Seeing that Sia had cast a mouse, he was more energetic.

Pushing the planet was too much trouble. After all, he lost more than half of his energy, and the big star could not move at all, but the man was really faint, and he started to do his hands and feet inside the planet.

Thea can only do a preliminary investigation, and the remaining tasks are given to the trio.

The trio passed the results of the analysis to the think tank in the home base of the earth ~ ~ and let them help find a way.

"The planet is deflected 180 degrees, the north and south magnetic poles are reversed, what to do? Wait online, wait!"

"Star shift, the whole galaxy has changed, what should I do? Wait online, urgent!"

"The planet was pulled into the black hole for a little while, what should I do? Wait online, very anxious!"

A bunch of messy questions were passed back to Earth, and Batman was sweating so much that he couldn't stand it anymore.

His brain is also meaty, not a supercomputer, a lot of knowledge is too partial and he never thought of it, so he can only call for help.

Those who have a doctoral title in the Zhenglian are called over, what is the old man of the fire storm, the atomic man, the frost killer, and the doctor of archives management such as Barbara. A lot of people called for help.

With the efforts of the team, all kinds of disasters were finally resolved. If this is a game, it must be everyone's astronomical knowledge plus one level ...

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