Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 965 Your world has been modified

This meeting, Tony's participation was really unpleasant.

It is a waste of energy to spend brains with a group of tin men of different colors. The thing Tony hates the most is to use his precious energy reserves to think about how to settle these broken copper and iron whose brains are full of scraps.

Shouldn't more energy be spent on R\u0026D for the supply of thinking organs?

On the way, Tony couldn't bear it any longer, dropped the document in his hand, and escaped with oil in a grand manner.

Nobody cared, Tony was like that, the thing he hated the most was playing by the old rules.

"Ladies and gentlemen, go ahead, I'll excuse you first."

Bruce also got up, adjusted his attire, and showed a polite but arrogant smile, which perfectly interpreted the wantonness of a business tycoon and middle-aged man.

Pushing open the door of the toilet, Tony was washing his smooth hands.

"Bad isn't it? Those politicians, what they love most is making simple things complicated."

Tony didn't even lift his head, frowning, and used the special liquid to wash it seriously.

Bruce looked at the mirror for a while, then turned on a faucet, and said, "Some troublesome things have happened, and I don't know if you can understand...but compared to others, you are the only one who is reliable. "

Tony stopped his movements, twitched the corners of his mouth, and deliberately smashed that nasty mouth with his fist.

"Come on, who is committing the crime again, Mandarin? Luther? Or who?" Tony asked.

"None of them, but they are more terrifying than them. Our opponent this time is beyond imagination. I don't even see the hope of defeating him."

Bruce took out a tissue and wiped his palms, his voice calm.

The two returned to the conference room one after the other, each with solemn expressions. Those who didn't know thought that the two guys had quarreled again, or reached an agreement secretly. For a while, some people's eyes changed slightly, looking at When Tony and Bruce were together, they were clearly unhappy and wary.

After the meeting.

Tony and Bruce stayed in a tacit understanding, looking at each other inadvertently, they both understood what the other was worried about.

"Some troublesome things happened."

Bruce walked in front, with a serious face, and turned his head to Tony and said, "Let me introduce you to a friend first."

Pushing open the door, a man with a dim golden light was sitting quietly. Hearing the voice, he slowly put down the popular magazine in his hand and looked at the two of them.

"Clark? Hey! Why don't you use the body you brought from Krypton, but put on... such a flamboyant gold?"

Tony whistled, taunting as if he had discovered a new land.

In the dark, but almost the first time he saw Clark, he called for his armor.

This guy is definitely not the Clark Kent he knew, the guy from Metropolis is definitely not as powerful!

Tony looked at this golden guy, and the energy detection device in his body collapsed directly, unable to detect the upper limit of this guy's strength. For a moment, Tony had the illusion that he was almost suffocating. This guy contained more energy than a universe.

In fact, this superman is far more terrifying than he imagined.

"I'm not a Transformer, Tony, I'm not like you."

Clark got up slowly, and said lightly: "Besides, I am not a superman in your world. In fact, I am from the main universe."

"Huh? The main universe? I guess, either you're crazy and talking nonsense, or it's a parallel universe."

Tony turned his head to look at the silent Bruce. After repeated calculations, he confirmed that this Bruce was himself, and the uneasiness in his heart finally relaxed.

He couldn't be too wary of a guy who could make his energy detection organs explode.

"I can't exactly observe your life form, am I also like this in the main universe? It's too weird."

Tony frowned, crossing his arms over his shoulders.

The superman he knew,

It's not this golden ghost.

Although the superman from Krypton is powerful, since he arrived on the earth in infancy, he has a terrifying body far beyond the limit of the earth, strong and invincible power, geometric multiples of the computing power and nerve reflex of ordinary earthlings, that body condenses Krypton's top technology The manufactured mechanical body has a powerful growth potential that cannot be seen at a glance.

Breaking stars with one punch is a routine operation for this Kryptonian visitor.

But at least within the scope of comprehension, even if the mysteries of the Kryptonian's body cannot be fully resolved, it is the crystallization of technology and soul.

But this golden thing in front of him... Tony's calculation result is that this guy is not in the same world as him.

"Actually, in my opinion, you are the ones who are abnormal... Apart from the main universe, the countless universes that are growing crazily are not normal..."

Clark sighed and scratched his head a little irritably, "Simply put, the current me is not the real me, I am using the power of a stronger me to have the ability to leave the main universe and enter your universe... ..."

Clarke recounts Golden Superman, and says, "There's a horrible guy who's taken over two multiverses, who's gaining control over the nascent multiverse bit by bit, and is making you to his heart's content...yes, I'm using The word I use is 'manufacturing', because I really don't know how to describe your current state... a new life form that has been forcibly transformed by the gods?"

"What should we look like?" Bruce said calmly.

"Carbon-based life, flesh and blood." Clark replied.

"What?! Carbon-based? Are you serious, man?! Creatures like that only exist in theory, and I do know some mad scientists, who transformed themselves into half-mech, half-flesh monstrosities, but that kind of stupid idiot is quick I have to change myself back, because the flesh and blood part decays too fast, and the efficiency of energy utilization is frighteningly low-except for low energy consumption and very environmentally friendly, other than that, I really can't imagine any advantages of a full carbon-based life ..."

Tony scoffed.

Short lifespan, low applicability, and fragility... On this earth, carbon-based life will always exist only in theory. It is a very marketable scientific hypothesis that only exists in many science fiction works.

Then this golden superman threatened that they were originally carbon-based life forms, directly overturning the scientific achievements accumulated on this planet for tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years...

For a while, the three fell into silence.

How should I say it?

Bruce first said: "We have also come into contact with a lot of aliens, whether it is aliens in the conventional sense, such as Kryptonians, Kree people, or gods in mythology, such as Odin and Zeus, their lives The form is exactly the same as ours, they are all mechanical life, the entire universe is no exception, unfortunately, Clark, the arguments you gave cannot convince us."

"This is what's scary about that guy...not just life in a mere universe, but this new super-large multiverse is all mechanical life like you... By the way, although he exists at a level that cannot be controlled by carbon-based and We can speculate based on the superficial concept of silicon, but he was indeed a flesh and blood body, and he was born and raised on the earth of the main universe."

Clark looked at the two, and felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart for a moment: "He changed the entire multiverse beyond recognition, this lunatic, he did things that even higher gods didn't do..."

Even if Clark can borrow Jin Chao's strength and have a superficial level eight strength, so what? Into the furnace of hell to order Downey to change the multiverse back immediately?

Leaving aside that Downey would stretch out his hand to strangle him, who was in the way, what position did he have for Downey to do this?

The original two multiverses were destroyed, and were destroyed by the aftermath of the scuffle between the gods of the two multiverses. Everything should have been built on the ruins.

Downey took over the responsibility and authority of reconstruction and built a brand new multiverse.

Strictly speaking, he did the right thing, he has the qualifications and ability.

Don't you see that the group of Annihilation are just watching with cold eyes? Who would go to trouble with Donnie for something so ridiculous?


After a long time, Bruce spit out a word.

He is clearly aware of his own growth trajectory, and clearly understands the development history of the earth from its birth to the present. Everything should be like this. Mechanical life is the truth in the world. Only mechanical life is normal and healthy. is deformed.

This kind of question should not be pondered too much, let alone asked too much. Questions like "who am I and where do I come from" have been classified as unsolvable philosophical questions from the very beginning. Whoever thinks will go crazy, and the more society The more advanced, the easier it is to go crazy.

Then suddenly a god came running from the universe next door, and solemnly told you that you were all created by a certain existence, whether it is the world you live in, the memories you have, or even yourself, it is not you, but It was built little by little by that being using real big hands like building blocks.

Isn't this nonsense? So what is the learning and growth from birth to the present? What are they superheroes trying to protect the world?

Then it's better to just forget about salty fish every day, no need to work hard, just eat and wait to die, anyway, there are gods controlling everything, anyway, they are all artificially created—no, it should be said that according to the template of the previous multiverse, a little bit of re-creation Twisted and transformed them from a deeper level.

"Gods should stay away from the dust forever. Human beings only need a high god, not an amiable god."

Tony looked at Clark and said: "I don't want to pay attention to this. I, Iron Man, will always be Iron Man, not anyone else. Even if there is such a god of creation as you mentioned, I don't care, but I will be grateful to him, grateful He created this world, grateful to him for creating us, and even more grateful to him for being aloof and never paying attention to us—this is very good, I don’t care if what you say is true or not, I will only listen to it as a brand new creation story—— I'm leaving, my daughter is off today."

Tony left with a heavy heart.

Bruce looked at Clark: "Your plan won't work."

"I just want to remind you that Downey definitely has his reasons for doing this. No matter what, we must determine his real purpose! I know him too well, and every move he makes has a strong purpose. Once He succeeded, just when it was irreparable." Clark said in a deep voice.

Bruce looked calm: "And then? You have worked so hard to find allies in every universe, and tell us a new creation myth for these robots? New universes are born all the time in the multiverse, and you can't find them even if you are exhausted. A worthy ally, it’s not that Tony can’t see this, he sees it more clearly than anyone else, and it’s really not a wise choice to take the initiative to find trouble with a creator god who has no temporary faults.”

Maybe Downey has a conspiracy, or maybe Downey is just a simple experiment. No one can be sure. To confirm this conjecture, they need to risk everything and go all out... Or should they go towards such a person who has never done anything excessive to them? The Creator of the world did things.

Clark said: "I don't intend to lead you to overthrow Downey, I just want to confirm his purpose, at least to know why he created a Transformers multiverse! To replace all the lives in the entire multiverse with Transformers, what is he going to do?" What do you want to do!"

"Understood, the Cybertron star is the nail that the Creator God inserted into every universe, right? Those powerful mechanical life forms call themselves Transformers. He was born on the earth of the main universe, and then created the Cybertron. Bertan, and put a Cybertron in every universe?"

Bruce Road.

"That's right, this is exactly what I'm most worried about. He did this in the past, and it was an era dominated by carbon-based life, but now, he simply modified you all into Transformers." Clark said solemnly .

Bruce nodded silently: "Can you tell me how many fighters you have found who are willing to help you?"

"About more than three trillion." Clark replied, "They are using various methods to find the flaws in their respective worlds, trying to find out the flaws in the creation of the world, and deduce Downey's purpose."

"It's an astonishing number and a great plan. Count me in, but I don't guarantee it will succeed. Don't worry about Tony's side. Believe me, he will start the investigation in secret."

"Thank you, Bruce, our strength has grown a bit."

The two communicated for a while, and Clark left in a hurry. The moment he left this earth, he dissipated directly, and his consciousness returned to his body. At the same time, the countless consciousnesses scattered by Clark were returning one by one.

Some consciousnesses succeeded, and more failed, but at least the seeds of uneasiness and doubts were planted, which might germinate someday.

"I just want to know what you want to do. You who have been promoted to the quasi-ninth level, how do you want to deal with this new multiverse...?"

Thinking of the worst-case scenario, Clark looked very dignified.

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