Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 16 Letters

Downey drove the car, all the way from the suburbs to New York City. New York is still bustling, with high-rise buildings strewn all over the place. On the street, pedestrians hurried past, busy with their own affairs.

This is the norm in New York City. If you want to live in this international metropolis, a fast-paced life style is essential. Even if it pierces the sky, it can't stop the daily life of New Yorkers at three points and one line.

From time to time in New York City, you can see a parade, or someone giving a speech with a loudspeaker on the side of the road, which is also the norm.

This "normal" had a bit of an accident today.

In front, there was a large circle of people, and all the citizens watched vigorously.

A dry and thin man stood on the stage, as if a gust of wind could blow him down. Anyone believed that a random punch could knock this thin man down.

The thin man gave a speech, claiming that he was the strongest mercenary in the world with outstanding achievements.

"Do you know that Downey? That mutant who has been very popular recently? That's my defeat!" The thin man said brazenly without shame, his tone was tough, as if he had a plan in his chest.

People didn't believe it one after another, pointing fingers. Downey was still surprised that this guy was still alive, but his face turned dark when he heard this.

"You don't believe it? Just a while ago, that mutant was beaten to the ground, you know? I did it!" The thin man made a movement of slapping the ball, plausibly, "I only used one hand, and he fell down in an instant Alright, vulnerable."

The thin man spoke anxiously and coughed twice, making people worry that he would cough up his lungs and die suddenly on the streets of New York.

Donnie looked unfriendly, sneaked into the crowd, took a chance and pinched his nose and shouted: "What about that mutant? You defeated him?"

The skinny man shook his body and was full of energy: "Run away, I punched him away, and he dare not show his face again. I will protect the citizens of New York!"

Thin Man claims to be responsible for the safety of New Yorkers.

"Hire me now, 20% off!" the thin man yelled.

The crowd laughed disdainfully. This dry body can be knocked down with a single punch. Who would use such a person for protection?

"Boy, do you want to hire me?" The thin man saw a child who was a few years old walking by, and ran over quickly.

The child turned and left.

Downey saw two police officers watching the scene, so he walked over and asked them, "Is this guy legal?"

"At least it's not illegal," said a policeman with a shrug, happily watching.

Another police officer told Downey that the thin man's speech was approved by their department, and that there would be a special department to issue a permit for protests in New York City to ensure that these people would not be disturbed by the patrolling police.

"Who wants to hire me? No, 30% off! 40% off!" Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the thin man consciously lowered the fee, and then sighed in a low voice. Nowadays, the citizens are getting harder and harder to be deceived.

Some of the people in the crowd had fought with the thin man, and they almost hid their faces and walked away, ashamed to see others, for fear of being recognized by the thin man, which would be too embarrassing.

The thin man started a new round of self-promotion, and he kept talking about the glorious past of knocking Downey away, which made Downey want to beat him to death.

The audience booed and laughed at the top mercenaries, but no one responded.

The thin man was in a hurry, squeezed into the crowd, explained his bravery everywhere, and gave Donnie a chance to approach him.

Downey squeezed left and right, approached the thin man quietly, and took out the vibration gold in his arms with a sneer.

Finding the right moment, taking advantage of the thin man's unpreparedness, Downey slapped him hard on the head with a brick!


The thin man stared wide-eyed, foaming at the mouth, and fell down in despair.

People cheered for a while, and the two policemen, having seen enough excitement, happily came up to clean up the venue, dragging the thin man away by the way.

Many citizens whispered and expressed their opinions as they walked, and Downey was also listening.

"Are all the mercenaries now like this? It's terrible." Some citizens lamented.

"The current mercenaries are not good. After all, the world is becoming more and more dangerous. Some time ago, the Italian gangsters and the Chinatown gangsters got together, did you know?"


"They hired a guy at the same time, and that guy tied up the bosses of both companies, claiming that whichever boss pays more, he will help him kill the boss of the other."

"Wow, society is really sinister..."

The citizen talked eloquently, and it was said that the two bosses were bidding on the spot, and the fight was extremely fierce. In the end, the boss of Chinatown won, and he used his trump card. In the end, he bid a few hundred dollars more and saved his life.

Someone asked what the killer is.

"The boss in Chinatown broke off his gold teeth, but the boss in Italy doesn't have gold teeth," said the citizen.

Downey also listened with great interest. Listening to this kind of market opinion made Downey feel that he was still the ordinary person before, who worked hard to deliver goods when he was busy, and chatted and farted when he was free. Although he didn't have any great achievements to praise , but wins in plainness and tranquility.

But Downey has stepped into a new circle, and he will never go back, and it is impossible to go back.

This is a world of great contention, and since you stand out from the mortal world, you won't have the chance to go back.

If you don't fight, you will die!

Driving all the way, casually coping with routine inspections by the street police, Downey finally returned to his house, a small house in New York.

There is no home anymore. It used to be a home, but now it's just a house. At least Downey thinks it's just a house.

He was left alone, where did he come from?

Opening the door and walking in, Donnie looked at everything in the house, familiar and unfamiliar, but still so small and tidy, everything was the same as before, exactly as in memory, as if nothing had happened.

Downey sighed deeply and wanted to say something to himself, but he gave up and slumped on the sofa.

On the table, there was actually a letter, and the sender was marked in the corner of the letter: Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Downey opened it and read it. The letter was written by Professor X. He invited Downey to study in the name of the Xavier School for Gifted Boys. He hoped that Downey could continue to complete his studies instead of taking a leave of absence to make money like before.

At the end of the letter, Professor X wrote: I very much hope to meet my people and we can have a good talk.

Downey sighed, resealed the letter, and put it in a box solemnly. This is the X-Men sending him an invitation letter, hoping that he will not fall to Magneto.

To put it bluntly, Professor X was implying that even if he didn't come to Xavier School for Gifted Boys, he shouldn't join the fraternity.

Professor X is right to be cautious, he and Professor X are not the same.

Downey also didn't want to join any of them at all. Whether it was the bald professor or Lao Wan, he was powerless to fight back. If he had to choose one, he would rather choose Lao Wan.

The reason is simple. If Professor X reads the memory in his brain out of curiosity, what will happen? Will he die of a mental breakdown like in his previous life?

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