Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 525 Who Are You?

"In addition to the magic system, the divine power system has to be started from scratch, but compared to the magic system, the construction of divine power is relatively simple, although it is only negligibly simple."

With a wave of Downey's hand, twelve guardian knights with a height of 20 meters landed in the huge open area.

【Name: Knight】

【Affiliation: None】

[Body:? ? ? (good)】

【Height: 20 meters】

【energy:? ? ? (abundant)】

[Tinder:? ? ? (good)】

[Stunt: Divine Power]


"These Transformers contain divine power. After I removed Odin's Destroyer armor, I made them with the materials of the Destroyer. Compared with building the magic system, I know a little more about the divine power system." Downey said.

"Divine power is the power that the major gods rely on for survival. Every outstanding god has a unique divine power that belongs to that divine power system."

After thinking about it, Downey added: "Of course, the gods I'm talking about are the worthless multiple gods like Odin and Thor, not the only god in the realm of gods. There is no comparison between the two."

The only god is just an adjective to describe those powerful, unique and noble beings.

Such as Odin, Zeus, and Jade Emperor are the divine power system that Downey mentioned. Asgard has Asgard's special divine power, and the essence of the power core used by Hela and Thor is the same. The way it manifests is different-Tor likes to play thunder and lightning with a hammer and axe, and Hela likes to throw a big sword.

You can say that Odin, Hela, and Thor belong to the same divine power system, but you can't say that Odin and Jade Emperor can pee in a pot.

Although both are divine powers, Odin's divine power and Jade Emperor's divine power are like the difference between water and oil. They are both flowing liquids, but they cannot be mixed together.

Of course, Zeus in the house next door might just play with mud, and it can barely be regarded as a viscous "liquid", that's what it means.

"Divine power is a kind of hub that is a mixture of genes, bloodlines, power cores and other characteristics. In terms of complexity alone, divine power is undoubtedly more complicated than magic.


Downey explained, "Except for magic with a special inheritance method, most magic can basically be learned as long as there is a certain talent. This nature determines the super universality of magic—a kind of magic that is second only to technology and With the universal ability of gene mutation, a mage who has the qualifications to teach disciples can even teach tens of thousands of magic apprentices."

In the universe, magic is indeed a supernatural power with a wide spread, that is, genetic mutation can barely overwhelm magic, just like Spiderman.

"But divine power is not enough. Except for the group of closed gods, I really haven't seen any beings in remote corners who can master divine power and become gods."

"Divine power is a supernatural power that can only be played by very few people. Ninety-nine out of ten geniuses can't get started at all. It's not that they don't have the opportunity. "

Downey stretched out his hand, flicked a finger, and the twelve divine knights let go of their own power. A wave that was completely different from magic burst out, a force that was far thicker and harder to analyze than magical energy, and unscrupulously charged Downey and the others. People flocked, not lethal, but the "heavy" sense of substance still attracted the attention of the people present.

The thicker sense of sight, the larger particles, and the roughness that is more difficult to control, this is divine power.

Su Rui, the genius girl who was coerced by Downey and taken away from the earth, was also attracted by divine power at this time and fell into deep thought. Although she has no supernatural power, she can still feel the oppression brought by divine power.

"I have an idea." Su Rui murmured.

Everyone turned to look at her.

Su Rui's heart tightened when she felt the gazes, but her good qualities quickly restored her composure: "We don't need to make divine power a universal power system. This is too restrictive, and its practicality is not as good as magic. Magic The popularity of the system speaks for itself.”

"This cannot be described as practical." The old mage nodded and shook his head again, "The divine power system is extremely narrow, but its strength and specialness cannot be denied. A weak divine system is enough to easily wash away countless equally weak magic system."

"So, stronger combat effectiveness, fewer defects, and a more complete but harsh inheritance method are the root causes of the limitations of the divine power system." Su Rui's eyes lit up, and he continued, "I prefer to regard the divine power system as a A special 'technical device' is transplanted into some people's bodies in the form of 'genes' - in infancy, there are seeds of spiritual power in the body."

"Then the question is, how do we get the original divine power?" The old mage thought for a while and frowned.

It cannot be said that he has no knowledge of divine power, but it is indeed not much.

"I am the original divine power."

Downey spoke flatly, and the Mobius chair he was sitting on was still flashing light at a fixed frequency, transmitting knowledge to Downey.

"These twelve guardian knights will become the entry point for us to build a divine power system. By studying the secrets of the Asgardian pantheon and using myself as the model, we can obtain a complete pantheon that can be passed on from generation to generation."

"I will become the supreme god king of the new god system, and also the first generation god king."

Speaking this passage with the attitude of the only god, Downey has no psychological pressure.

Just kidding, if even the only god is not qualified to support a huge, complex and heavy god system with one hand, then go to hell, there is no need for the only god to exist.

"You will be under a lot of pressure. In the initial stage, all the second-generation gods are unable to carry the divine power, so they will transfer the pressure to you alone. If you can't bear it, you will collapse. This set of gods will also It will collapse. I have studied the myths of the earth during this time, and there are countless coefficients of gods and gods that have been annihilated in the long river of history."

The old mage raised his eyelids and reminded him.

"As long as you survive the initial stage, I'm ready. Cybertron must have its own god system."

Downey got up slowly, "The old mage and Jack are responsible for the construction of the magic system, and Shockwave and Su Rui are responsible for the construction of the divine power system. We will directly start from two directions together, and pay attention to the announcement of the usual phased results. Get inspired."

A sickle appeared in Downey's hand, and Downey glanced down. The sickle lay quietly in Downey's hand, as if it was a real dead thing.

Downey sneered and didn't say much. Since General Deathblade wanted to play, Donnie didn't mind playing, just because he lacked experimental materials.

"I'll use you as the material for the staged man-made celestial experimental body. I hope you can last a little longer, and don't die too early."


Just when Downey was planning to build a grand system of magic and divine power, a monstrous fire had already ignited in a certain hidden dimension of the universe.

The world howled, and the gods shed blood.

The gods who passed down the magnificent myths in the universe lost their voices in front of the powerful enemy, blood spilled into the sky, screamed and fell from the sky.

Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Athena...the gods fought bloody battles, but they still could not stop the decline.

The entire Olympus god system has been reclusive for thousands of years, and its combat power is tyrannical, but it is extremely weak in front of the enemy. The gods who are proud of their own god system have been defeated and slaughtered one after another.

Zeus, the god-king of the Olympus pantheon, is bare-chested, his well-developed muscles are covered with bony scars, and the terrifying divine power around him is aroused, causing tremors in the entire dimension. The power between waving hands tears the sky, destroys earth.

However, chaotic forces continued to burst out, penetrating into the bone marrow, destroying the body and soul of the king of gods.

Zeus was defeated again, lying on the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, he opened his blood-spitting mouth, and howled wildly.

"How can you be so strong! You can never be the Tianjin Wengxing of the Wonu god system!! Who are you!!!"

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