Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 530 The Disaster in Asgard

"Quick, quick, don't stand still, Monkey King, take out your big stick!"

"That beast is about to come in, hold on, or the Jade Emperor will go crazy when he comes back."

"Guan Yu, where's your two-hundred-meter-long machete? Put it on."

"Guan's knife is only twenty meters long..."

"That's not important, put it on the shelf!"


In Da Luo Tian, ​​countless mythical immortals are busy, blocking Tianjin Wengxing out.

"Hey, I already knew there was a problem with this Tianjin Weng star. There is no such god in the Wonu god system in other universes! Amaterasu is also stupid, and he deserves to be wiped out."

Sun Wukong held the golden cudgel, sneered, and at the moment the entrance was broken through, he slammed the stick down and hit the arm.

"Bring out another three hundred flat peaches for the tribe to eat. We are short of manpower and need to create more immortals to join the battle." Queen Mother Xi ordered.

Flat peaches are a specialty of the Eastern Immortal Clan. They are specially eaten for those residents who have no divine power, so that they can have divine power.

The entire Great Luotian was tightly sealed off, and a large number of artifacts were used, plus all the backhands left by the Jade Emperor, it was extremely strong.

The majestic divine power gushed out, covering every corner of Da Luotian. At the entrance, the divine power was extremely viscous, mixed with blood energy, stronger than any defensive material in the world.

Tianjin Wengxing tried many times, but he was still unable to break through Da Luotian's defense. Every time he came close, he could only leave resentfully.

"It's daytime, and I can't get in."

Tianjin Wengxing looked at the flickering blood-colored light uncertainly, and as the clone of Annihilation, he couldn't be more clear.

Blood domain energy, this group of immortals secretly collected so much blood domain energy.

The blood domain stretches across the vast area between the universe and the universe, and it is simply a grave for the weak, but Heavenly Court has directly mastered the method of using the energy of the blood domain.

"Heavenly Court must have a secret, and that Jade Emperor is sneaky, he doesn't even show his face, he must be preparing something."

Tianjin Weng Xing looked unhappy, glanced at him, and slapped Ares who was silent beside him: "You incompetent trash!"

Ares: "???"

He spat out a mouthful of blood,

Ares flew upside down.

Tianjin Weng Xing looked better, turned around and left angrily. The situation has changed, so we can only destroy Asgard first to increase its strength.

Ares stood up with a ferocious and scary face, but immediately changed into a harmless expression, suppressing the resentment deeply in his heart.


At this time, Asgard has a round sky and a vast continent floating in the starry sky of the universe. The torrential river flows from the highlands to the lowlands, and finally flows all the way to the edge of the continent, pouring into the universe.

The Asgardian Protoss is a protoss known for its roughness and toughness, and is the most famous in the World Tree God System.

Although the state of God King Odin has always been very bad, no one has come to provoke Asgard. This protoss has established its position by relying on the corpses of one enemy after another.

Tianjin Wengxing appeared here indifferently, overlooking this magnificent giant land. In his vision, he could see every creature on the land. Greed and malice followed his line of sight and radiated to the world. Enter Asgard.

A huge black shadow descended suddenly. After Tianjin Wengxing devoured the Olympus god system, his strength increased. The black shadow-like body gave people the illusion of infinite magnification.

It seemed that Asgard was just a toy that could be crushed with one hand in front of him.

"who is it!!"

The god king Odin woke up from his sleep, his face changed suddenly, and the only remaining one eye showed a ruthless look. The eternal gun was pulled out, and the old Odin leaped into the sky, facing the star Urn of Tianjin in the panic of countless people.

"Oh, Odin, you are old."

Tianjin Weng Xing grinned, a ferocious smile bloomed, the black shadow teeth that seemed to be able to crush the planet opened, and the gods swallowed by him seemed to be wailing in his mouth.

"You are Tianjin Wengxing..."

Odin's face was gloomy.

He felt the aura of many old friends from Tianjin Wengxing, which made him extremely shocked and horrified.

"Thor, protect the people." Odin roared in a low voice, and the power of Odin in his body roared again after a long time. The terrifying divine power was like a sudden tsunami, and it touched the huge Ah in an instant. Sgard.

Not everyone can bear the anger of the old god king.

"Father, I can help you!" Tony yelled, swinging the hammer.

"No need! You are the king, you must do the king's work well!"

Odin roared in a low voice, and holding up the Eternal Spear, he reappeared the huge black shadow covering the sky and the sun. From a distance, it looks like an ant killing a dragon.

But Odin is not an ant, and Tianjin Wengxing is not a giant dragon.

Two powerful seventh-level powerhouses fought together. The cruel collision caused a large area of ​​time and space to be annihilated. Tear and fly.

Dazzling light came out from the Eternal Spear, Odin took a breath, then roared, and stabbed Tianjin Urn Star with a single shot.

The huge black curtain split open.

In the eyes of the Asgardians who reappeared with a little bit of starlight, a gap was suddenly opened in the dark land.

Tianjin Wengxing smiled lowly, the gap recovered, and fought with Odin.

"Transfer the people immediately and let some people go first! No matter what the result is, we must let a group of people leave safely first!" Thor shouted with bloodshot eyes, ordering the gatekeeper Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge.

"It can't be opened, the Rainbow Bridge is locked by an unknown force." Heimdall said seriously.

"Then take the spaceship and leave! Heimdall, you are in charge of guiding the people, I will go find Loki!"

Thor looked up at the sky, the battle of the peak god-king level made the god of thunder almost suffocate, every collision can cause Asgard to tremble, as if the whole world of Asgard will collapse in the next second .

He gritted his teeth and walked quickly to the prison, where his younger brother Rocky was still being held.


Nidavi, the kingdom of dwarves, one of the World Tree worlds sheltered by Asgard.

This group of "dwarf" humans with frightening heights are keen on making weapons. They are the race that has the most in-depth research on the material of Uru. The hammer in Thor's hand is made by the dwarves.

But today, they ushered in a dangerous guest.

The cosmic tyrant, Thanos, came to the door in person.

He also needs a glove to carry the Infinity Stones, although he only has one in his hand, but he has to prepare for more Infinity Stones from Downey.

"Yes, I will follow your orders to kill Donnie. I will listen to whatever you say, as long as you talk to me a few more words..."

Thanos murmured into the air.

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