? The Asgardian civilian ship has finally arrived at the Cybertron galaxy, a legendary galaxy that has been established for less than a year but is well-known.

Thor controlled the spaceship, carefully watching all kinds of ships coming and going, and the many signals on the display screen made him shudder.

"Marauders are recruiting new members! Combatants start at level 2! Technician interviews! Friendly reminder: Don't listen to the little bastards of the Guardians of the Galaxy, you will be deceived!"

"Guardians of the Galaxy warns all rookies, don't trust the old dudes next door! Repeat, don't trust the marauders!"

"I'm Xingyun, the adopted daughter of Thanos. The words of the above two families are unbelievable! I have been lied to twice by these two groups of scum, and I wish I could kill them!"

Tormun looked around at the flood of incoming signals.

Some are recruiting, some are insulting, some are posting tasks...

Ships coming and going quickly shuttled between the stars. These blood-slashing mercenaries and bounty hunters are rebellious, and they use the world of war as their new stronghold.

"Donnie killed Mongo who invaded the earth, and took away the war world that Mongo worked so hard to create as the new space mercenary center."

Heimdall looked at the screen seriously, and said: "Besides, there are nearly twenty strong demigods under Downey's command. It is not ruled out that there are more hidden strong men, and when necessary, Downey can drive The mercenaries of the world at war fight."

"No, Heimdall, when it's necessary, it's when Downey does it himself." Thor was driving the spaceship with a serious expression, mixed with expectation and desire.

The gap between him and Downey seemed to be further away.

Loki was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Donnie will accept you, he is happy to swallow this little population of Asgard."

"No, I know the character of this former supreme mage better than you." Thor glanced at his brother, then turned his head, "I am willing to pay any price except the people, just to get a temporary shelter, and the power to make me stronger."

Loki snorted coldly, his face darkened, and he stopped talking.

He also hopes that Downey has a way to make Thor stronger, because they are cornered.

Asgard's rear - Nidawi was also destroyed by Thanos, cutting off the possibility of Thor becoming stronger.

Just when Thor and his party revealed their identities,

After obtaining the access authorization from Ultron, violent fluctuations appeared, and a big battle broke out suddenly.

Thanos, Thanos, came to the Cybertron galaxy for the sixth time. He didn't say a word of nonsense, and he did it when he saw anyone.

Those who faced him were the long-awaited Zhen Tianzun and the other twelve Yuanzu, all with sneering smiles and curiosity and murderous intent in their eyes.

In the fierce battle of one against thirteen, no matter how strong Thanos is, the ending is already doomed.

Thor recognized Thanos' identity at a glance, a flash of anger and hatred flashed in his eyes, and then silently watched the tyrant of the Megatron universe besieged by thirteen robots he had never seen before, his limbs were cut off, and finally he was killed by a group of tyrants. A black robot was imprisoned and taken away, and flew towards the direction of the sun.

"I've never seen these thirteen powerful robots. There is no doubt that they are Donnie's creations. He has become so powerful..." Thor was not only not decadent, but the desire in his eyes became more intense.

Turning around, the spacecraft flew directly to the third planet Cybertron, an all-metal planet.

"What happened?"

Downey frowned slightly, looking at Thor and his party in a state of panic, his heart skipped a beat. He had noticed hundreds of thousands of Asgardian civilians with weak breaths.

Almost all of them are ordinary people without divine power, and fighters are too rare.

Thor bowed his head and patted the dust all over his body, his hair was disheveled, and his expression was depressed: "We have been attacked, and a god has attacked Asgard."

"Where's Odin?"

"My father faced the enemy, and I took the opportunity to escape with these people."

Donnie looked at him fixedly, then sighed.

"If Tianjin Wengxing has the strength to defeat Odin, Thor, then I am not his opponent."

Downey spread his hands and said frankly.

Downey knows the growth history of the Lord of Chaos Tianjin Wengxing very well. This is a process of frantic killing and devouring. Tianjin Wengxing devoured one god after another, becoming stronger and stronger, and then began to devour the universe, and finally became the eighth-level Lord of Chaos.

"You also know Tianjin Wengxing?" Thor's eyes lit up.

"Of course, a very tricky guy is slaughtering the major gods."

"Then you must help me, I know you very well, Donnie." Thor strode over, put his dirty hands on Donnie's shoulders, and pressed them firmly.

"You have created many miracles, and you have defeated many terrible enemies. You always have many ways, right? I don't ask you to avenge me, but I want to get stronger power from you, and then personally to take revenge."

Thor grinned and smiled stiffly, trying to appear calm.

But his hesitation has long been exposed.

The continuation of the race is all on him alone, so this Thor can't help but hesitate.

Donnie looked helplessly at Thor, who was a little stunned: "There's no need to be so pessimistic. Can you determine Odin's life or death?"

Heimdall said sadly: "The war is over..., the continent of Asgard collapsed, and I didn't see the figure of the God King..."

Thor was stunned by the great grief, and Loki was also speechless, then he frantically grabbed Heimdall's collar, his eyes were bloodshot, trembling, and let go weakly.

"Where's Tianjin Wengxing?" Downey asked.


Downey mused.

To be honest, he has prepared many kinds of filings for Wengxing in Tianjin. The worst kind is undoubtedly to abandon the main universe and escape, and relocate the entire Cybertron to other universes.

Fighting against the grown-up Tianjin Wengxing is simply looking for death. As the independent clone of the Lord of Chaos and Annihilation, he is simply a scourge.

But that is the worst kind of result, and the best solution is undoubtedly to kill Tianjin Wengxing before it grows up.

Donnie turned his attention to Thor, thoughtfully.

"Thor, do you want revenge?" Donnie said slowly.

"I think, I'm thinking crazy! You have a way, right? I knew you must have a way, buddy!" Thor said hurriedly.

Donnie looked at him quietly: "I have a way to make you stronger, but it will cost you a lot, and I'm afraid you won't be able to pay the price."

"Except for my people, I am ready to give everything!" Thor gritted his teeth.

"Okay..." Donnie hesitated for a moment, then nodded, throwing out a dangerous way to turn things around.

"I hold some remnants of the body tissue of the gods in my hands. Maybe I can use these substances to transform your body and make you stronger... But if you can't make it through, death is the best result, and the greater possibility is You will become a deformed monster!"

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