Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 555 Don't Go

? In just over a day, the situation on the earth deteriorated rapidly, and no one could resist the Steppenwolf.

The news of help was quickly spread to the distant Cybertron star through the Sky Eye Society.

The high-level staff of the war staff quickly gathered together, and after discussing for a period of time, military mobilization was directly launched, and a large number of troops assembled.

The Kryptonian Legion, the Mutant Legion, the Transformers Legion, etc., all kinds of troops are assembled and ready to go to the earth at any time, but the high-level officials have not issued orders for a long time.

They also had a dispute. The earth can only be said to be the former hometown of the creator, but many people are hesitating whether it is worth paying a painful price to directly drive to the earth to fight against Apocalypse.

What's more, during these more than 20 hours, Downey happened to be in a different universe to carry out the cosmic test site project, and it was uncertain whether he could return in time.

Maybe when Downey returns, the earth will fall, or the invaders from Apocalypse will be defeated.

While they were hesitating and watching, Donnie came back.

"Apocalypse? Steppenwolf? Demon-like army? The superheroes suffered a disastrous defeat, with countless casualties?"

Downey looked at the monitor on Sonic's body, which showed Klein's video, as well as the transmitted scenes of demons invading the earth and superheroes fighting Steppenwolf.

Wanda was a little worried, and looked up at Downey, her big eyes flickering constantly: "What should we do?"

Magneto said categorically: "I refused to support the earth. How did they treat us back then? Rejection, massacres, human experiments... We left and finally settled down, but we have to go back to help them? Why? Who will help us now?!"

"Eric... oh..." Professor X got older, hesitated for a moment, and remained silent.

Everyone fell silent.

Silence is already the biggest statement.

Downey sat on the Mobius chair with a blank expression on his face. He stretched out his hand and clicked on the display screen of the sound wave, sometimes zooming in on the pattern, sometimes zooming out for a bird's-eye view, watching the tragic situation of the earth, without saying a word.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to go back to support, because he has already done what he should do, overfulfilling his mission as the supreme mage, and killing too many enemies.

The entire war meeting room fell into silence, and everyone looked up at him,

Awaiting his decision. Downey's will is the will of everyone present, and it is the will of the entire Cybertron planet.

At this time, there is no fool who talks about democracy and voting. There are no such brainless guys. The low-efficiency tricks of the earth cannot be played in a cruel universe.

Even Magneto shut his mouth and looked at Downey, quietly waiting for Downey's decision.

"There are more than 300,000 demon-like creatures on Earth?" Donnie said calmly with his eyelids drooping.

"Depending on the situation, Steppenwolf may mobilize more troops from Apocalypse at any time." Shockwave said.

In other words, the existing numbers don't really make sense.

Once reinforcements are dispatched to Earth, the battle will be an extremely tragic war of attrition. The two sides can only use the Earth and even the entire solar system as the battlefield, violently and violently. Whoever has more troops and has greater war potential will win miserably.

But... who dares to compete with Apocalypse for its war potential? At least the current Cybertron can't, it's simply slow suicide.

Fighting against Apocalypse is equivalent to fighting against top-level realms such as hell, heaven, and hell. For a reason, the planet Apocalypse is no worse than hell and other worlds.

Unless, Downey can quickly kill Steppenwolf, end the high-end combat power, and cut off the sonic channel.

"I... don't really want to go..."

Downey looked at the dozens of senior executives present, licked his lips, and said in a low voice.

"I am the master of Cybertron, and I will do my best to be responsible for my own planet. I have done too much for the earth, but what I have received is indeed a lot of rejection and abuse."

Professor X pushed the wheelchair: "Donnie, there are also many people on earth who love you."

"That's right, I know that..." Downey nodded silently.

"Then it can't be saved. There are many strong people on Earth, and they can survive." Liana said nonchalantly.

Speaking of the dozens of people present, the most ruthless group is Dormammu and Liana.

Needless to say, Dormammu, Liana ruled the border of hell, and fought against Dormammu's dark dimension all year round, killing countless lives.

The mere earth is really nothing in Liana's eyes. Anyway, her family and clansmen are all on Cybertron, right by her side. As long as she protects her brothers, sisters, relatives and friends, she is satisfied.

Megatron said in a deep voice: "Optimus Prime sent a message not long ago that he will lead the Green Lantern Corps to participate in the battle. This is his duty, and it is also his obligation as a soldier in Sector 2814."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, discussing in low voices, the voices gradually increased, and disputes began to appear.

Among the dozens of people present, there are mutants from the earth, who have some affection for the earth, and Transformers and Kryptonians, who have no affection for the earth.

At the same time, some mutants hate the earth, and they are also afraid that supporting the earth will cause huge casualties to their brothers.

Transformers also love the earth, not to mention that Optimus Prime is the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. It is his duty to defend the earth, and Optimus Prime will definitely join the battle.

After a long time, Downey loosened his brows, expressionless: "The reinforcements are going to be dispatched, not for the earth, but to keep Optimus Prime. Even Clark was seriously injured by the Steppenwolf, so Optimus Prime must not be the opponent of the Steppenwolf. The large legions will all send soldiers to Earth to participate in the war, and the specific number will be determined by the War Staff Department, and I only want one result.”

"Remember, your task is not to protect the earth, but to protect Optimus Prime, don't let that stupid soldier die!"

Professor X was surprised: "Aren't you going?"

"I'm not going, I don't want to go." Donnie glanced at him, and casually pointed at Dormammu, who was gloating and watching the excitement, "But this guy is going, he is also a person on Earth, and Dormammu also has the duty to fight for the earth, just as Pay off the debt for the frequent invasion of the earth in the past.”

Dormammu's face froze, and he looked at Downey in disbelief, his eyes widened, and he wanted to get angry, but Downey's cold gaze swept over, and Master Dormammu closed his mouth.

I can't talk too much, and I can't not talk. Zhen Nima was a target when he was standing, and he was shot when he was lying down. Master Domamu felt wronged.

As soon as the words fell, Downey got up and walked out of the war meeting room.

Cybertron in this hemisphere is in the daytime, and the lively sun is swaying heat waves wantonly.


Downey shook his head and sighed deeply. He used to be a guardian, but not anymore, let alone a nanny.

Even if he is a nanny, he is Cybertron's nanny, not Earth's.

At this moment, a strange wave came over, and Donnie couldn't help raising his eyebrows.


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