Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 559 Steppenwolf

? Thousands of green light clusters descended from the sky and quickly joined the battlefield on earth.

Thirty hours have passed since Apocalypse attacked the earth, and the earth has already paid the death of 30 superheroes and the casualties of hundreds of millions of people.

Fires and screams were everywhere.

Each fiend is a clever killing machine, capable of efficiently slaughtering its enemies.

Seeing the tragic image of the earth, the entire Green Lantern Corps fell into great anger. The painful wails and angry roars of the people on Earth reached their ears, making many Lanterns red-eyed on the spot, roaring the demons to fight together.

"According to the number of demons, I will make the following distribution. Tomare will lead a hundred people to the North American continent..."



"Australia will become a restricted area. All Lanterns must obey the order and are strictly prohibited from entering there."

"If possible, try to use the terrain of the earth as the battlefield. The number of enemies is far greater than ours. Supporting the local forces on the earth to launch a counterattack is the tactic of the Green Lantern Corps."

"No matter what, we must repel the enemies of Apocalypse, otherwise the entire universe will be in danger. To protect the earth is to protect the countless planets behind us, and it is to protect the entire universe."

Optimus Prime quickly issued orders, assigning Tomare, Kilowog and others to lead the team.

Although these Lanterns of different shapes have different shapes, they are all Green Lanterns and Spacemen. Immediately after receiving the order, they rushed to all parts of the earth to join the earth forces to fight.

The basic situation of the earth has long been stored by the Green Lantern Ring and transmitted to every Lantern, so no one asks the question "Where is Continent X?"

Just when the Green Lantern Corps arrived on Earth, the Cybertron vanguard had already arrived on Earth and engaged in fire with the demons.

The land bridge is always open, and the troops from Cybertron continue to go to the earth, joining this star-level battlefield that can be called a meat grinder.

Five thousand Kryptonian legions, led by the military commander Hunter.

Two thousand trained mutant troops joined the Earth battlefield, commanded by Magneto.

The Transformers Legion has more than 10,000 combat units above the second level.

And those first-level or even non-level miscellaneous soldiers...there is an endless stream, and millions of Transformers have already arrived on the earth, fighting bloody battles with demons.

Many more are still queuing up at the other end of the land bridge, waiting to join this unprecedented battle.

The entire earth is caught in a huge war, and the number of people participating in the war has already exceeded one million and is moving towards tens of millions.

If you count the ordinary people who shoot with a few shotguns, the number is even more difficult to calculate.

"Hmph, these demons are really weak... Where is the only powerful biological weapon that was agreed? What about the strongest group war weapon that was agreed?"

Magneto sneered and waved his hands casually. The heads of thousands of demons were crushed by the metal helmets they wore, and they died on the spot. Their bodies fell from the sky weakly.

With another wave of his hand, thousands of people were killed.

Then he secretly took a breath and took a while.

These demons are really not weak, because their combined level is the third level of combat power, or the all-around third level.

The 300,000 demon-like monsters ravaged the earth, and few people could resist them, causing the earth forces to suffer unspeakably.

Known as the only powerful biological weapon in DC, the name of the demon-like is not blown out, but by destroying one universe after another, and participating in the tragic wars between ancient gods time and time again.

Almighty individuals, terrifying numbers.

The most deceitful thing is that the food of the monster is the emotion of "fear". The more lives there are, the more fearful the life is, the more excited the monster is, the fuller it is to eat, and its strength will gradually increase.

In other words, the time is not on the side of the earthlings, but on the side of the demons. The longer the delay, the more fear the demons devour and the stronger their strength, the death toll of the earthlings will increase sharply, resulting in more More purer fears...

This is the horror of demons.

If you count their endless numbers... No matter how you fight, you can't beat them, and you will be exhausted.

The only consolation is that the scourge of parallax blame is not in the area of ​​the earth, otherwise the food will be broken...

The tragic war is still going on, even if there are cosmic forces participating in the war, the casualties on the earth are also increasing.

In this kind of battlefield, people with superpowers and those with high-end technology are eligible to join the war. Ordinary people with outdated weapons are really not enough.

Like the Punisher and Daredevil, they also took the opportunity to overshadow the demons and snatch the firearms in the hands of the demons as weapons in order to hunt and kill more demons.

Temporary lines of defense have been built, but the earth is so big that it is impossible to cover everything.

In the air, on the ground, on the sea, there are battlefields everywhere.

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the Kryptonian Legion. These Kryptonian people whose daily training includes the content of "taking off their clothes and basking in the sun".

The Amazon warriors from Paradise Island, as a race slightly inferior to the Kryptonians, also shine.

Although there are only a few hundred practitioners who practice "Qi" from Kunlun Mountain, each of them can master the method of using Qi skillfully.

After receiving the inheritance of Shenlong, the new generation of Iron Fist also joined the battle and became the backbone.

The Green Lanterns are also in the limelight, relying on imagination to manifest a large number of green physical combat methods, which has also become a powerful force against demons.

The situation has finally stabilized a bit.

Steppenwolf stood up slowly, with a deep sarcasm hanging from the corner of his mouth. He moved his shoulders a bit. After watching the excitement for so long, it was time for him to move again.

"I didn't find the breath of the mother box... According to the information sent back by the demons, it was taken away by the ant named Downey."

The Steppenwolf grinned, showing his sharp teeth, as if he was laughing, and the violent murderous aura dissipated at the same time.

"The scourge of the Ancient Doom Day was also exiled by Downey... Supreme Mage? What a ridiculous title. He is very dedicated, but those who do their duty may not end well."

"In the entire realm of gods, there are countless people who want to kill this guy named Donny!"

Steppenwolf swung his ax furiously, and the aftermath of a little bit of power leaked caused the ocean to set off huge waves with a height of 100 meters. A huge tsunami was formed. It is unknown how many ordinary people would die in the huge waves.

"This bastard dares to steal the mother box and banish Doomsday to Apocalypse?! After killing all life on this planet, I will go to Cybertron myself! If I don't kill you, the pathetic multi-dimensional ant, Darkseid You won't let me go!"

Steppenwolf grinned ferociously, carrying an axe, and looked around ferociously, the entire earth was reflected in his eyes.

Striding forward, Steppenwolf intends to do it himself and slaughter this planet.


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