Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 593 Cosmic God (5)

? "You know nothing about me."

Downey smiled ferociously, his white teeth looked a bit piercing.

I don't know how many years later, the plot gem was finally fully exposed in front of the world again, and the jets of black light quickly entwined around Downey, and all the endless time, space and dimensions touched fell into a strange calm and stagnation.

Then, like the effect of playing backwards, all the chaotic and jumbled threads seemed to come to life, quickly separated from Downey, drifted away, and returned to their original position.

At the same time, the countless remaining traces were devoured by Downey bit by bit, and the only light that erupted from him intensified, filling the entire universe.

The astonishing light that radiated to the entire multiverse became brighter and more dazzling, directly touching many universes and dimensions, leaving an aura unique to Downey at the core.

In front of the only one, the entire multiverse is only qualified as a foil, and the weak world cannot stop the new gods.

"Damn, what's going on?!"

"What is that black stone? It actually has multiple levels of terrifying authority... And how could this kind of power be mastered by someone with Downey's strength?"

"I've lived for so many years, and I haven't heard of such a thing... How does this stone look a bit like an infinite gem?"

"That's the infinity gem... It's the legendary plot gem, a prop with unique attributes."

The first time Mandrak saw the plot gem, his face turned blue and his body trembled slightly, which was because of his anger.

Because he understood it all.

The gem of the plot, no wonder Downey can bear it until now, no wonder their editorial department doesn't know anything about Downey...

Everything is nothing in front of the plot gems. The vision of their editorial department is not enough to break through the strong barriers set by the plot gems.


Mandrake squeezed two words out of his mouth, turned around and left.

He didn't want to stay for a moment, and there were many thoughts in his mind, which was very precious information. Although he still doesn't know all of Downey's secrets, the revelations deduced in his mind are enough.

He wasn't sure about Downey,

Not to mention that there are so many difficult guys watching around, the best thing to do is to leave immediately, and then find a place to sort out the fuzzy information in your mind.

Then, a huge figure stopped him.

"Zartanos..." Mandrak's face was ugly, and he growled, "You greedy demon, get out of here!"

"Get lost? Yes, but I really want to know what's going on in your mind... Are you deducing something in such a hurry?"

The great demon Zatanos from hell said greedily.

Many existences also changed their expressions. They looked at Downey and then at Mandrake, as if hesitating.

After all, there is only one uniqueness. Even if Downey dies and others become the only one, the relevant secrets will disappear from their minds forever.

But a little bit of "irrelevant" things derived from Lenovo and deduction are of greater value.

Maybe the mystery of the next one and only God is hidden in it.

A fierce battle broke out, and Mandrak bit the bullet and fought with Zatanos. Fortunately, neither of them was strong. Zatanos was a clone, and Mandrak had just left his editor-in-chief and returned to the regular watcher, so his combat power was limited.

More beings stayed on the sidelines, continued to stare at Downey coldly, and frowned as they sized up the mother box and plot gems.

"Infinity gems are closely related to the long-lost Nemesis. Is this plot gem also..."

"The mother box is the treasure of Apocalypse, but it is used skillfully by this Donny. If it is said that Donnie and Apocalypse have not hooked up, I would not believe it."

"The Mobius chair under him is an artifact made by Mobius, the monitor of the antimatter universe. It is hard to guarantee that Downey and Mobius have no connection."

"Emperor Weishan has helped him. I don't know how many people want to intervene. I can't afford to provoke him."

"Damn Mandrak, maybe it's good for us to ask Mandrak for information, isn't that what Zatanos does?"

"Zatanos is powerful in himself. Although he is not the only god, he is also the quasi-unique existence from hell. Among the demons, he is only worse than Sangong."

More gods remained on the sidelines, staring at each other.

They really couldn't figure it out, so they waited to see some fools try it out first. In the end, everyone was very smart, and no one wanted to be the first, so the scene froze.

Downey calmly made himself perfect, and used the plot gem to forcibly smooth out all kinds of intricate changes in time and space. Countless incomplete wills were calmly divided by Downey, and then continuously separated and copied under the blessing of the plot gem to fill in some key points. of nodes.

The others that were not filled were directly erased by Downey with his superpower.

The dangerous section was passed directly, giving Donnie a chance to calm down and improve himself.

The light gradually became brighter, and the fluctuations gradually calmed down.

It looked like everything was back to normal.

This is not a good sign, because Downey is about to succeed, and he finally made it to the last step.

Finally, someone couldn't help but curse out.

"This, going to end? What about his double bodies!! It is impossible for the only god to have a double body that exists independently! But why haven't I seen any of his double bodies?!!!"

"This is not unique at all!!! Where are the doppelgangers?"

"Could it be that Downey is not a multi-cultural native, but someone from the realm of the gods? Otherwise, why can't he see any of his doppelgängers?"

The gods and gods roared angrily, looking at Downey, who was calmly and continuously optimizing, and rapidly becoming stronger, his eyes turned red.

They watched with their own eyes that Downey's aura gradually stabilized and his supreme will spread. Although it was very small, the unstoppable nobility completely crushed them.

No one present was a fool, and terrible thoughts appeared in their minds. Downey may have quietly gathered his doppelganger long ago, and the only foundation has already been prepared, waiting to build a supreme myth on the foundation.

Finally, someone couldn't help but make a move.

The huge portal opened, and a man in black hard armor stepped into this universe, holding a robot like a dead dog in his hand.

Behind him, at the other end of the portal, the glimpse of the hell scene, the burning flames, the violent explosion, the howling is Apocalypse.

Steppenwolf's originally cold expression, seeing this god who seemed to have stepped out of an ancient battlefield, frowned, then let go, snorted coldly, and didn't say anything, just a fleeting displeasure and disgust. Can't hide it.

He didn't even bother to hide it.

This statue comes from Apocalypse, wearing an impenetrable black heavy armor, with scarlet symbols tattooed on the mask. He turned his head and looked around. Even the Steppenwolf passed by in his sight, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

With a bang, Ultron, the terrifying robot that had evolved to a very high level, was thrown to the ground by him like trash. The thighs covered in black armor were raised, and one foot stepped on Ultron's head. With a little force, Ultron's head exploded into pieces.

He finally set his sights on Downey.

"You are as humble as you, and you are not worthy of this nobility. I, Clark Kent, want your life!"

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