Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 685 Roasted Grasshopper

The annihilating Zerg has a strong ability to hide and reproduce. In the original book, there will be these guys at every turn.

In order to deal with the old Thanos—the old Thanos who treats Hulk like a dog

——It did not hesitate to attract a large number of annihilating Zerg to besiege the old Thanos.

Although these insects have been exterminated, no one can truly exterminate these insects for the time being. Those who are capable ignore these things, and those who are incompetent are powerless.

Downey reckoned that simply killing a bug king would make it impossible for the ferocious species of the Annihilator Zerg to shrink back. They won't stop until they kill everything.

Coincidentally, the remaining hundreds of millions of bugs continued to be reserved for the army to train. Anyway, with Downey in charge, no matter what, they would not lose.

As for the Annihilation Bug King Enelus, it is better to get rid of this scourge as soon as possible.

"Divine power? You are actually a god king of a god?" Enelus looked surprised.

The divine power avatar did not speak, and slammed into Enerus like a comet. The two seventh-level powerhouses bombarded each other fiercely, and the remnants of the burst power, like ripples in the water, spread toward the vacuum of the universe.

The energy ripples visible to the naked eye drove the tremors in the space, forming invisible bulges one after another, which were abnormal mutations caused by the huge pressure of the space, but quickly recovered under the correction force of the universe itself.

Downey's divine power avatar, with the improvement of its main body strength and Downey's deeper understanding of the godhead, finally went one step further and became a level seven existence.

Although the divine power avatar is still far behind the main body, it is enough to meet the enemy, so that it will not be able to stay on Cybertron for a long time as an information transfer station to contact the main body like in the past.

Enelus hit Downey's head with a punch, but was caught by Downey's arm and twisted hard, but the terrifying force that followed made Downey burst out with even more majestic divine power.

The energy system of divine power is a system specially created for combat, its energy particles are heavier, and the lethality it produces is also more powerful.

Downey's avatar of divine power was originally just to study Cybertron's own divine power system, so that in the future, his own residents would not be controlled by outsiders, but as time went by, with more and more in-depth research on divine power, divine power The power of the particles also attracted Downey's favor, and he created a divine clone.

As the god king of the newly created Cybertron god system, the divine power avatar is the highest source of the entire system, and the concentration and strength of its divine power is far higher than those who choose the Cybertron divine power route.

This is an essential difference.

Click it!

Downey severely broke Enelus' hand.

"You bloody Twoleg!"

Enelus let out a scream, blood welled up, and his eyeballs turned greener. He turned his head and stared fiercely at Downey, roaring, and powerful annihilation energy came out of his mouth, which also contained some star-swallowing power.

"Tunxing's cosmic power is not used in this way. Even if you take away a little bit of his power, there is still a long distance from him."

Downey sneered, the muscles all over his body were tense, and the veins on his face were bulging. The blood full of divine power flowed through the blood vessels like a torrent. Every red blood cell could easily pierce through the core of a planet.

"The only one?" Enelus endured the severe pain and straightened his severed hand. His eyes flickered and he stared at Donnie.

As he grows and becomes stronger in the negative space, he doesn't understand the concept of the only God. Even the only light that bloomed when Downey was promoted before, in his opinion, it is a kind of energy use, which is nothing unusual, although this energy is very powerful. , revealing nobility.

Enelus has indeed swallowed part of the power of swallowing stars, but he doesn't know much about some of them. Although he knows that this power is very powerful, he can't understand it, let alone control it.

It can only be used in a rough way and blasted out as consumables.

The only power is very powerful, and the potential is even more astonishing. As one of the five creation gods, Tun Xing has survived for too long, his powerful cosmic power,

Every trace of strong energy is the unique and unique divine energy that Tunxing took a long time to generate.

Of course Enelus doesn't understand, he has spent most of his life squatting in negative space isolated from the world, and he doesn't understand the only god at all.

Now Downey's avatar of divine power uses unique divine power.

Playing Enelus, of course, went smoothly.

When the battle broke out, Downey didn't give Enelus a chance to speak, and attacked again, using his powerful speed to the extreme, leaving a lot of phantoms in the space. In an instant, Downey seemed to fill every corner, Attack on the most central insect king.

Enelus gritted his teeth, his face showed deep solemnity and fear, powerful energy burst out from his body, and the two fought fiercely together again.

Enelus was at a disadvantage, his eyes widened in disbelief, and after being knocked into the air by Downey, he stopped in embarrassment and roared: "How is this possible, no one is my opponent!!!"

Downey sneered, gathered his divine power into a spear, and pointed it at Enerus from a distance, "To be honest, you are no stronger than Tunxing, because the main universe Tunxing has almost never shown its real strength. It's hungry."

"If Tunxing is full of food and drink, as a top seventh level, he can definitely suppress you easily, and the process will be very easy."

Downey threw the spear, and a piercing sound erupted. Space and time were subtly shattered under the pressure of the thick and sharp spear of divine power.

For Enelus, with Downey's vision and vision, he really didn't take it to heart. The biggest achievement of the Zerg King was imprisoning the starving Tun Xing. For others, it was terrifying to annihilate the Zerg King.

But for Downey, who is the only god, a divine power avatar with the only power is enough to defeat Enelus.

The form of Tun Xing after eating is "Life Messenger", which will change from red appearance to golden appearance, change jobs to repair damaged planets, and spread the seeds of life throughout the universe. It is the most suitable and appropriate description for the swallow star.

Similarly, the star-swallowing avatar at that time will also become a truly powerful top seven. Within the seven-level range, the life messenger will beat all dissatisfied.

Enelus stared at the speeding spear with tearful eyes, and the worm body began to feel tearing, and the phantom of death descended, beckoning to him slightly.

"You can't kill me!! I am the supreme annihilation bug king! I will lead my group to rule this universe!!" Enelus frantically squeezed every trace of his strength.

Downey threw out the spear that gathered most of the divine power in his body, gasped slightly, and said flatly, "You think too much."

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