Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 687 I seem to have made a mistake

The disappearance of the annihilating worm king made the worms scattered in many galaxies restless for a while, some of them chose to go dormant, but most of them destroyed more frantically, and broke out a more tragic battle with the legion of countless races that blocked them.

A large number of lives are dying every day, and the most intense battle actually happened after the death of the insect king.

However, they have been unable to shake the overall situation. A steady stream of legions marched from Cybertron to the universe, fighting one planet after another, and the waves washed away the sand.

With the whole plan of the War Staff Department, it is only a matter of time before the Annihilation Zerg is defeated. It is almost impossible and too difficult to exterminate them.


The annihilation insect plague did not cause obvious casualties to the earth. Countless interstellar civilizations that are much more powerful than the earth are like layers of filters, keeping the annihilation insect race out. The tiny earth has not been invaded by the insect plague at all.

Life is still the same as usual, no, it should be said that it has become better, because very few people who make troubles jump out and let the people enjoy peace.

Blazing Johnny has just finished a motorcycle stunt show, he drove a motorcycle from a bridge, and crazily rushed onto a giant moving wheel, still in typhoon weather.

All the audience thought he was crazy, but Johnny was not afraid of death, and he would not die. He pretended to be determined and successfully completed the performance.

He has hundreds of millions of fans around the world, and he is the biggest internet celebrity.

Johnny loves motorcycles and stunts, which can give him some meaning in life.

Only in the dead of night, when he feels the restlessness of the vengeful spirit in his body, will Johnny fulfill his other identity-Ghost Rider.

After Mephisto's death, the greatest benefit brought to Ghost Rider is freedom and unknown sublimation. The hell flame in Johnny's body seems to have undergone some changes quietly, but Johnny can't figure out what the change is, but It didn't seem to be a bad thing, so he didn't care.

"Another good day." Johnny squinted at the sky.

"Hey Johnny, are you going to drink at that new bar tonight? The chicks there are hot!"

"Johnny, I'm having a party at home the day after tomorrow, you big star must come!"

His group of friends and staff shouted at him.

"If I go, I will steal all your limelight." Johnny teased, put on his favorite helmet, and rode his motorcycle.

Every day, he lived like this.

Today will be no exception, Johnny thought.


"What exactly is going on!!!"

"It's been five years, we've been guarding this place for five years!! Every speck of dust here can't hide from my eyes, but why suddenly..."

In a cemetery on the outskirts of New York City, a group of panicked Transformers gathered together and looked at a tombstone in front of them in horror.

The tombstone itself has not changed, and the gray and white photos and inscriptions are exactly the same as when it was buried. What has changed is the soil and the coffin under the soil.

"The grave was dug up..."

A light blue arc flashed, and the smoke screen who was the first to receive the news, drove non-stop from Zhongcheng City. Seeing the scene, his face was dark and frightening.

The tidy land is a mess,

A large amount of soil seemed to have been dug out artificially, and the coffin hidden deep below was also opened, and the corpses inside... disappeared.

"Where's the old bartender's body?"

Suppressing shock and anger, Smoke Screen asked with a low growl.

"I don't know, it suddenly disappeared."

"We've been staring around and not even realizing it, it's not right at all."

"We didn't even notice when the soil and the coffin were moved."

A group of Transformers responsible for guarding the cemetery said one after another.

Yan Mu stared at this group of people. He, who had a lively and cheerful personality, felt endless anger and chill rising up at this moment.

They must find the body of the old bartender, and they must find it by all means, otherwise the situation will be unstoppable when that one comes to Earth in person.

One of the things on earth that worries Donnie the most is undoubtedly the cemetery where the old bartender sleeps.

But now, the cemetery is still there, but the body is gone...

"After such a long time, the corpse has already become a skeleton. How could it suddenly pick up the dirt and leave by itself??"

The smoke screen scanned the soil information and confirmed that it was dug from the inside out.

Only the body of the old bartender is buried here...

"There are two possibilities, either the old bartender is alive for unknown reasons, or a black magician who played with the dead stole the corpse." Smoke Screen's eyes were cold.

He stretched out his hands to hold down the heads of these terrified Transformers, and with great force, his fingers even partly strangled into the heads of these Transformers. A lot of information was obtained by the smoke screen, but nothing was found.

" have all been tampered with."

Smoke Screen turned on the communicator on the arm, and sent a message to the Sky Eye Society and all Transformers on Earth, asking them to find the whereabouts of the corpse no matter what the cost.

It was foreseeable that, no matter what the result was, this had already touched Downey's back scales. A person who returned with endless rage, what would he do if he went crazy, just thinking about it, the smoke screen would make his scalp tingle.

Many people started to move, frantically looking for the whereabouts of the corpse, but no matter how they searched, it was as if the world had evaporated, and there was no trace.

All the cameras were mobilized to search the videos, but there was no trace of the corpse.

Faintly, thick dark clouds descended over the earth.


Johnny whistled and walked out of the bar reeking of alcohol, and the wind blew him sober.

In fact, with his ability, he doesn't care about alcohol at all, but it doesn't make sense to rely on the Spirit of Vengeance to expel alcohol.

Downey got on the motorcycle and looked at the sky. The night was getting dark, and the spirit of revenge in his body was already ready to move, frequently sending out his will to punish evil and promote good.

"No, not today, I have to go back to sleep..."

Johnny burped, his face flushed from drinking.

In the past few years, his friendship with the Spirit of Vengeance has grown a lot, and he has been able to communicate normally.

But the Spirit of Vengeance was uncharacteristically, suddenly extremely violent, and even wanted to forcibly occupy Johnny's body during the night as it did a long time ago.

"What's wrong?" Johnny shook his head, feeling the inexplicable messy emotions sent by the spirit of revenge, and looked around vigilantly.

There was silence. The nightlife in New York, which was supposed to be bustling, suddenly became silent. It was eerily quiet.


The sound of light footsteps sounded slowly, like an old man staggering forward, striding hard.

An old man with ragged clothes and rotten flesh was slowly walking towards him.

"My fellow clan, I seem to have made a mistake..."

Said the zombie-like old man.

Looking at the familiar face, Johnny's face changed instantly, it was a kind of great panic.

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