Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 743: The End of the Reverse Flash (3)

Some people are a tragedy from birth.

Reverse flash is a typical example.

He aspires to become a superhero beyond the Flash, but he has never been able to get out of the shadow of the Flash. Unwilling to run wildly, he traveled through countless timelines in the past and the future, but he collapsed and discovered that in every timeline, he and the Flash were destined to be sworn enemies.

Even though he has never even seen the face of The Flash, the countless possibilities in the past and the future clearly tell him: You, Swan, are destined to become the mortal enemy of the Flash.

And then he did just that, resolutely embarking on the path of becoming an enemy of The Flash.

There is not only fate's ruthless fooling of him, but also his heartfelt hatred of The Flash.

When a dream is shattered, the new dream may not necessarily be greater, but it will definitely be compared with the past dream naturally.

Reverse Flash pinned the cauldron of his blackening on The Flash.

I was kind, but there was a scumbag named The Flash who made me black.

So, he's going to kill The Flash.

As the cool breeze came, Swan put his hands in his pockets, turned around, stepped on the cooling coffee with his clean leather shoes, the smile on the corners of his mouth gradually subsided, and his cold eyes swept forward.

"No one knows you better than me, Barry." Swan sneered, not knowing whether it was ridicule or what it meant.

"So you lied to us like this?! So you killed my mother and put my father in jail for more than 20 years?!"

Barry was wearing a red battle suit, staring at blood-red eyes with bloodshot eyes all over his eye sockets, filled with pain and disappointment in his heart.

Swan wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

"Come on, kill me and avenge your mother."

Swan said something.


The ominous crimson arc turbulently erupted, Swan's figure had disappeared in place, and countless arcs began to rub against the air, driving a large number of unknown particles to change.

Barry put on the red headgear heavily, and the yellow electric arcs gushed out of his eyes like huge waves of flood discharge, and the speed force in his body began to boil like a hot beginning. The blazing fire burned everything, and the anger and grief constantly challenged Barry's reason.

That rationality is called "don't kill".

The red and yellow colors are intertwined, and countless illusory shadows are entangled together. The two top speedsters on the earth today completely tore through the vague camouflage and engaged in the final battle.

The Flash and the Reverse Flash, doomed arch-rivals, have their final battle of the moment.

The arc flickered crazily, and the scene of lightning and thunder was like a god of thunder coming to the world. The yellow and red lightning quickly spread from the ground to the sky, not only soaking the dark sky into bloody colors, but also like thunder in the night sky, shrouding the darkness. The world in it is illuminated.

Yellow thunder and red lightning broke out completely across countless timelines.

The speed limit of the two speedsters has soared to 5,000 times the speed of sound, and the figures of the two sides have been completely blurred. In an instant, running from one end of the earth to the other, the entire earth suddenly became extremely small, and became two speedsters Insignificant runway in the eyes.

Five thousand times the speed of sound is nothing to be honest, but it is already the limit speed that the current Reverse Flash and The Flash can achieve.

Originally, they could all become faster, surpassing the poor speed unit of the speed of sound, and marching towards how many times the speed of light.

The speed of light is 880,000 times the speed of sound, which is only 5,000 times the speed of sound, which is really too far away.

The speed of the two is still increasing, but the growth rate has slowed down significantly.

If you look down from the sky, on the surface of the spherical earth, two long dragons of different colors are galloping crazily. The ground seems to be cut apart, and the clouds in the atmosphere are torn apart by red and yellow.

There was a piercing roar, and when the speed increased to thousands of times, even ordinary running would cause a sonic boom that would easily blow up half of the city, those super buildings made of reinforced concrete, even The hurricane caused by the speedster's running can't bear it.

This is only the speed of sound stage, if it reaches the speed of light...

However, today, one of them is destined not to break through to the speed of light.

Among them, one will definitely die.

Reverse Flash is a loner, but The Flash is not.

A light blue arc flashed past, although slightly inferior to the two, they could still barely keep up.

Yan Screen stepped on his four-meter-long legs, trampled on the ground crazily, and could create a deep hole with just one kick. The super frequency made him look like a plow, turning over the ground wherever he went .

The red cloak flutters fiercely, and the superheroes of the earth also move quickly. The fastest superman is chasing frantically, and keeps up with the pace of the speedsters.

The current Clark, injected with the Doomsday cells that Donny left him, produced a higher level of evolution, successfully tapped out the potential in his body, and his life level has leapt.

Although he is not a speedster, he still has a speed no less than that of a speedster. Of course, if he wants to reach the level of the speed of light, he is still far behind.

The entire earth has become the back garden of beings with super speed, countless figures are flying wildly, and countless figures are scattered all over the earth.

Things are getting worse for Reverse Flash.

This is just the person who started the attack, there are more guys watching him coldly, observing him indifferently.

Kama Taj, wizard Shazam... Many people are staring at him coldly. If Reverse Flash does something crazy, more people will shoot him to death.

When Reverse Flash's identity was revealed, his fate was sealed.

Just like the images he has seen in countless timelines, Reverse Flash always loses to The Flash, no matter what the reason, Reverse Flash is always the one who loses.

Quietly looking back, Back Flash's red eyes shone with bloodlust and unwillingness. He already understood that his fate would be the same as that of other selves, failure.

"No one can kill me!"

Reverse Flash growled lowly, with red eyes, crazily squeezing the super speed power in his body, and blatantly rushed towards The Flash. The ground began to sink suddenly under the powerful speed, and the figure that could not be caught by the naked eye had already fought more heroes. Together.

Barry is not alone, many comrades are willing to help him.

"You have to pay for your mistakes!" The Flash was also in a crazy mood, attacking Reverse Flash like a lunatic, and the two fought each other, with no intention of dodging or defending at all.

The speed force endowed them with super self-healing ability, coupled with super attack speed, the two opponents who were destined to be sworn enemies abandoned their boring skills and relied on brute force to fight each other, blood spattered, and the wound healed itself instantly. A mad cow without reason.

Flash is not in the mood to worry too much, he needs to vent.

And the reverse flash is, don't think too much at all.

He knew he was finished, the Speed ​​Force was being squandered by him bit by bit, and it was only a matter of time before he was finished.

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