Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 810: Gods Group

Downey became the eighth-level sole god, which completely shook the realm of gods. Those ancient beings in the realm of gods were all shocked and searched for the first sole god born in the multiverse in history.

The only god, the quasi-unique god, and the multiple gods, these are the three promotion directions that must be faced after surpassing the limits of mortals.

Needless to say, the only god is the only one in the world, respected by all worlds, the rarest, but also the most noble and powerful, with infinite potential.

The quasi-unique god, a group of lunatics full of tragedy, every time their strength increases, even if it is a small increase, they will quietly swallow countless doppelgangers who are performing the same strengthening actions and methods, and they are essentially confusing themselves. Every progress is a mixture of countless selves, and the quasi-unique God is equivalent to losing the core of the self and becoming a hodgepodge of double bodies.

The quasi-unique god is a failed product of imitating the path of the only god, a collection of tragedies.

Polytheistic gods are the most common, but generally the weakest. Every improvement in strength has more or less the meaning of "thousands of great powers are added to oneself". It will not overlap with the self in the parallel universe, but focus on the strengthening of the self in a specific universe.

On the contrary, multiple gods are the most common in the multiverse, such as Thanos, Thanos with infinite gems, Thanos with the heart of the universe, and Thanos who eat and eat. Communicate and confuse.

Under normal circumstances, the multiple gods are the weakest, but if those who rely on external force to raise up, they are likely to burst out with power that makes the only god tremble. For example, Thanos in the heart of the universe, killing the life court in seconds, and facing OAA directly, this record is simply beyond the charts, and even the five creation gods can't be tied together.

These three promotion directions, no matter how high or low, in fact, as long as you reach the eighth level, as long as you don't deliberately go to death, you can enjoy hundreds of millions of eras.

The multiverse is gone, as long as you don't want to get involved in the melee between the great gods, and hide away early, no one has the interest to kill an innocuous guy.

Just wait patiently for a new round of restart of the multiverse, and continue to be the supreme god in the eyes of countless lives, which is very good.

But the most basic premise is to reach the eighth level and be able to equate with the concept of the multiverse by oneself.

Downey has already had enough understanding of these three gods, but he will not deliberately distinguish between them, because it is meaningless, he is already the only god in the strongest form, and those who follow him can be at the most critical Put your own label on the moments, transform them into the only favor, and follow the path of multiple gods.

It doesn't matter at all.

At Downey's level and vision, there are only two types of enemies: those who can threaten oneself, those who cannot threaten oneself, and the rest are all nonsense.

Yes, at least in Downey's eyes now, the death that took the initiative to come to the door is also nonsense.

"Are you here to talk nonsense?"

Downey lay quietly on the lawn, looking up at the blue sky, squinting at the clouds passing by in the sky.


A skeleton in a black robe suddenly didn't know what to say, he just wanted to strangle this guy to death.

"You have changed a lot, and you are no longer as preoccupied as before."

It took a long time for Death to raise his head, with an inexplicable gleam in his deep eye sockets.

Downey didn't respond, and was still quietly looking at the clouds in the sky.

Death looked at Downey more and more suspiciously.

"Just tell me, what are you doing here? If it's about thanking you, you don't need to. I don't believe that a god of death would say thank you to me, a living person." Downey said lightly.

"Life and death, is there any difference to you now? You use individual life and death to replace the concept of life and death of the only god, it is simply ridiculous." Death said in a faint tone.

Downey is already at the exact same level as death. Regardless of the death concept that the God of Death can control the multiverse, but when it comes to Downey, she has nothing to do.

After a pause, Death said indifferently: "I came to convey a message to you,

You are being targeted and some guy is planning to censor you. "

Downey's eyes twitched: "The Cosmic God Group? Those guys are really not afraid of death?"

"Some high-end models of the gods are not mass-produced consumables."

Death said lightly.

The mass-produced model, the more famous one is the final judge known for its combat effectiveness, and it is the strongest unit in the team formation.

But in the final judgment, this model is only mass-produced, and it is not worth mentioning compared with those unique models.

"It is eternal responsibility to let eternity stop them and avoid major twists and turns in the multiverse," Downey said.

"It's useless, the universe god group has its own set of rules of behavior, and it can't interfere forever. A group of senior judges from the god group are rushing towards the main universe, try to avoid conflicts with them."

Death dropped these words, tightened his black robe, and disappeared in place the moment he turned around.

Downey stared indifferently at the place where death disappeared, feeling the breath of death rapidly disappearing beyond time and space. In the past, it was impossible for him to trace the trace of death, but now it is very simple.

"Universal Celestial God Group... what should come will always come." Downey looked indifferent.

If the Celestial Team really wants to fight against him, Downey will definitely not mind a bloody battle with the various models of the Celestial Team. At worst, he will just flip the table, destroy the multiverse and flee directly to the Realm of God.

In addition to the top sleeping gods, there are also a group of extremely terrifying models in the god group. Although they are far inferior to the sleeping gods, they do have enough combat power to cause a lot of trouble for Downey.

"The fourth censorship of the people on earth cannot bypass me anyway."

The first censorship, the birth of modified earth life.

In the second review, the anomalous were exterminated.

In the third review, the world tree god was hanged and beaten.

In the forthcoming fourth time, if the judgment of the Celestial Group is unqualified, the fate of the earthlings will be the same as that of the ancestors who were abnormal, and they will be exterminated directly.

This time, many high-ranking judges were dispatched, possibly partly for the Black Death Emperor and the Spirit of Existence, to confirm the status of these two unkillable guys, but the bigger target was Downey.

The rise of Downey, the unprecedented sole god, was so rapid that even the Celestial Team was caught off guard, forcing the top management of the Celestial Team to rush to the main universe.

Either all is well or there will be a big battle. There is no third possibility, let alone negotiations and the like, which do not exist in the behavior procedures of the Tenshen Group.

"Let me see, what do you man-made creatures want to do..."

Downey looked up at the sky with cold eyes.

It just so happened that Duzun returned triumphantly with Zatanos in his arms.

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