Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 813 The Fourth Review

The Tenjin group has many models, and each shoulders completely different responsibilities.

Different from the servants "Dark Celestial Group" created by the idle egg pain of the first sky back then, the existing batches are all colorful Celestial Groups, which are modeled after the Dark Celestial Group when Eternal leads the gods to besiege and kill the First Sky. Manufactured thugs.

The initial role positioning was similar to Doomsday King Kong under Downey's command, and it was created entirely to fight against powerful enemies and help him share the pressure.

But with the killing of the first firmament, eternity succeeded and became the second generation of eternity, responsible for suppressing and maintaining the corpse evolution of the first firmament—the multiverse. The responsibilities of these colorful celestial groups have undergone tremendous changes. From a weapon of war to an enforcer who helps eternity maintain the stability of the multiverse.

This sudden transformation of God's turn is entirely based on the eternal status.

The Celestial group has a special hobby, which is to wander around in the multiverse, with a hoe here and a club here, to transform primitive creatures that arouse their interest, and then review their experimental products after a certain period of time.

Those who are qualified are eligible to enter the next round of screening, those who are not qualified will be exterminated.

But this time, the high-level members of the Tianshen group dispatched and rushed to the main universe together, waiting for them as if they were facing a big enemy.

"The fourth audit, the risk factor is too high."

"Not only are new gods born on the earth, but there are also some mutated life forms that could threaten us in the future."

"In the modular system, this kind of probability does not exist at all, but this kind of change just happened."

"According to the rules, the new god is also an earthling, and he should have been within the scope of our review."

"Prepare for the worst."

The unknown divine words kept ringing, and then stopped abruptly.

A group of tall guys broke through the barriers of the universe, and the powerful aura quickly escaped. It seemed to come from the hidden fluctuations of the highest dimension, which made the main universe in the lower dimension faintly tremble.

There are not many of them, there are thirteen figures in different colors, but the existence of the weakest chicken faintly exudes the energy index of the seventh-level limit.

The leading one is the judge of the fourth formation, the senior leader of the universe god group.

His full name is "oneaboveall", or "OAA" for short.

A thousand years ago, it was this OAA god who led the fourth formation to the earth, fought a battle with the world tree gods, and easily defeated all the god kings.

Back then, God King Odin, who was wearing the Destroyer Armor and singled out a whole team of gods, was quickly defeated in the face of OAA who personally fought. The two were not at the same level at all.

OAA is indifferently scanning the information of the main universe, collecting all the history of the last thousand years, but because of Downey, a lot of information is incomplete, the closer to the earth, the more closely related to Downey. , the more blurred.

"Disgusting Sole God...It reminds me of God Slayer."

OAA whispered something.

The Tenjin group has never been invincible, even in the comics, they have two powerful opponents.

One is the observers. The observers believe in the principle of non-interference, but the gods are just the opposite. Their favorite thing is to meddle in other people's business. Therefore, the relationship between the gods and the observers is bad, but at least the two sides can maintain restraint, and they will not meet each other. kill.

The second is the extinct Aspirante, who made a terrible war weapon called "God Killer", with a height of 7,600 meters. In terms of body size and energy reserves, the Aspirante is a 600-meter-high god Ten times as many groups!

One must know that even the largest God of Destruction is only 6000 meters tall.

In front of the God Killer, the powerful Celestial Group was powerless to fight back. The ten strongest Celestials including the Sleeping Celestial were all hanged up and beaten by the Aspirante.

Fortunately, after a long bloody battle, and the continuous production of countless cannon fodder members by the Cosmic Celestial Group, the Aspirantes were exhausted and exterminated.

The Celestial Group can use the lives of countless gods to kill a God Killer, but the Aspirantes cannot.

This is the most tragic war that the gods have experienced. The ten strongest gods were all seriously injured, dozens of weak eighth gods died in battle, and the number of cannon fodder gods sacrificed is countless. It can be seen that Aspirant human terror.

Of course, in this world, the opponents of the gods have a family of monitors. In the eyes of the gods, monitors are no different from observers. They are a bunch of annoying guys, but the background of monitors is even more amazing. The background is harder.

After the OAA God ruthlessly scanned the situation of the entire main universe, he was sure that the Blackest Night had passed, and more than a dozen White Lanterns flew through the worlds to expel the remaining power of the Black Death Emperor, and they were taken over by him.

Silently, OAA led the twelve gods behind him to the earth directly.

The task he received was to review all life forms on Earth, including Downey, to determine whether they were qualified products.

As for how to examine Downey as the only god, and why Downey, a person on earth, became the only god, OAA didn't care too much, because all the secrets would be revealed in front of him.

"Don't disturb Donnie, first examine all the creatures on the whole earth to see if these experimental products hide secrets that even we haven't discovered...the mystery of being able to give birth to the only god."

OAA ordered, and the six huge eyes like light bulbs flickered, which seemed to indicate his excitement.

The experimental products randomly dropped by the god group actually gave birth to a unique god!

Still promoted to the sole god as a multi-aborigine!

If it is said that the gods have no idea in their minds, then there is something wrong. Although the Celestial Group is a Celestial God, they also have ambitions and strict rules and procedures to magnify their ambitions. Otherwise, they would not be enthusiastic about conducting experiments in the multiverse, let alone have a bad relationship with observers and monitors.

Greed, or the desire to seek knowledge and go further, everyone has, and the Tenjin group is no exception.

OAA Tenshen, as the high-level of the Tenshen Group, shoulders the important task of investigating the life mysteries of the people on earth and exploring the mystery of Downey's only god.


When a group of beings exuding ancient fluctuations entered the main universe and scanned everything unscrupulously, Downey immediately opened his eyes on Cybertron and looked at them with a slight frown.

"Very strong... Although the number is beyond my expectation, there are only thirteen people, but the leadership is very strong."

Downey raised his eyebrows.

If there is a choice, Downey is not willing to conflict with the universe gods, but what will happen depends on the choices of the gods.

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