Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 815 Don't even think about it

The entire Cybertron star is ready.

Downey stared expressionlessly at the thirteen figures who had arrived at the outer reaches of the galaxy. He was dressed in black clothes, and a vague sense of coldness slowly spread out, causing chills in the surrounding people.

Everyone knows that this god has already made plans to slaughter the god group, and everything depends on the choice of the god group.

The OAA God led twelve judges to stand in the universe, looking at Downey across a layer of space, and the information sets of the eighth level collided cautiously. thing.

Downey released his own information set, sealed off the entire small universe, and cut off prying eyes from the outside world.

"All the people on Earth, as the creations of the Celestial Group, you should be reviewed by us." OAA's divine words came out. Surprisingly, everyone who heard them could understand what he meant. This is a kind of beyond regular means of communication.

"There are no earthlings here, you have come to the wrong place."

Downey flew into the sky, penetrated the barrier of the small universe, and his incomparably small body stood quietly in front of the god, looking at each other calmly.

A group of gods bowed their heads and observed Downey, but found nothing, they could only feel the oppressive feeling from the other party.

"Mutated life is an important experimental product of the Celestial Group. You took away almost all the mutants, which has caused problems for my mission."

OAA looked down at Downey: "The group of people on Earth right now are qualified products, and the only thing missing is other people on Earth, including you."

A wave of fluctuation flashed in Downey's eyes, a deep coldness and courage.

The entire Cybertron star exploded directly!

"Asshole, what does this thing say? Review the experimental product? The God of Cybertron is also his experimental product?"

"The only god still needs to be audited by the god group?"

"The Tianshen group is looking for death, does your judge know?"

"In my opinion, there is no need to negotiate at all, just kill them directly."

One after another silhouettes flew out with a sneer, ready to move, confronting the Celestial Group without fear.

Some things can cross the line, but some things must not cross the line. The Celestial Group greatly underestimated Downey's status among the residents of Cybertron.

Downey is not only the creator, not just a real god, his glory and majesty are based on turning the tide time after time.

Humiliated Tang is still a group of not powerful enemies, yet dare to humiliate Donnie who is much higher than them... This is a great shame for the entire Cybertron planet.

Four Omega-level mutants, with strength no less than that of a god, plus Optimus Prime, Megatron, Red Lantern Hulk, Sovereign, and an old mage holding a soul gem... They can all fight.

Can't kill the ten most powerful gods, and can't kill the thirteen mindless garbage in front of you?

Downey's eyes gradually dimmed, and a feeling of icy cold surged up. The powerful unique particle was no longer covered up, and it was thrown out unscrupulously. The billions of lives in the entire main universe fell into silence, a huge shadow enveloped the heart, and the invisible giant hand grabbed it. Their necks can end their lives at any time.

Donnie looked at the thirteen gods who fell into a brief silence, thinking about the possibility of killing them.

The OAA God Donnie is sure to kill him. Although this guy is known as the strongest among the top ten gods, he is most likely to be a weaker eighth god...or stronger?

The losses caused by the Aspirante to the Celestial Group were so terrifying that such a thing as the OAA Celestial could emerge.

The two sides froze in place, refusing to give in at all.

Dozens of figures exuding a powerful aura looked at each other with malicious emotions.

"The orders we received did not include fighting the new gods."

"Reviewing the Earthlings does not mean reviewing the Cybertronians."

"This matter must be reported to Arthuro. It is best to wait for Arthuro's order. We cannot bear the consequences..."

"Another tragic war like that of the Aspirante broke out, and the Celestial Group simply cannot afford it.


One of the Celestials conveyed their thoughts to the OAA Celestials, trying to dissuade the possibility of a full-scale conflict between the two sides.

Things that involve the only god, even a group as powerful as the gods need to be cautious.

The reason is very simple. The only God can easily destroy the multiverse. The massive data and countless members of the Celestial Group are all over the multiverse. A restart will cause painful losses.

What's more, the only god is hard to kill...

No one knows what backhand the Sole God has placed in some hidden corner, or what kind of avatar is stuffed in some weird place.

As long as one clone survives, it's only a matter of time before Godhead is restored—although this process will be very long, what the Sole God lacks most is time, at worst, find a place to wait until the end of time.

The OAA gods have witnessed some lunatics and the only god directly throwing a clone on the wall of origin for the sake of eternal immortality, and then the main body wanders casually...

Therefore, the only god is very annoying, and the more he can't be killed, the more annoying he is.

He couldn't even imagine how the tragic war would have ended if the Aspirante had a single god. As long as a few of the ten most powerful gods died in battle, the war would never end.

After a moment of silence, OAA slowly said, "Donnie, no matter how you try to avoid it, you can't avoid the fact that you are a creation of the Celestial Group. Those mutants are also creations of the Celestial Group, and they are important experimental subjects of the Celestial Group."

When he turned his gaze to the four Omega-level mutants, OAA obviously paused.

These four Omega-level mutants gave him an extremely dangerous feeling... This made the OAA gods terrified, excited and uneasy at the same time.

The stronger the experimental product, the greater the value!

Sole gods, Omega-level mutants, both have enormous value!

"I told you before, there are no earthlings here! Go away or go to war! Your greed can't even be hidden from children!"

Downey's eyes were cold, his body was like an indestructible mountain, and the icy breath spread, almost freezing the universe. The powerful energy fluctuations are becoming more and more intense, and only one spark is needed to burst out.

For a long time, the OAA god clenched his fists tightly, and then slowly let go.

He dare not.

He didn't dare to carry out a full-scale development with Downey, the impact was too great, and it was too big for the gods to bear, so he decided to take a step back.

"The mutants behind you, I want to check them, and I will leave immediately after checking."

The OAA god pondered for a while and said something. In his heart, this obvious show of weakness is simply a shame, an unprecedented thing, the Tianshen group has never surrendered to outsiders before!

Being able to let Downey go, let go of more mutated beings, and only check the four most special ones is already a great forgiveness and concession from the Celestial Group.

But Downey's indifferent words made the OAA God stop in place.

"Don't even think about it!"

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