Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 819 Eleven

The OAA god didn't say a word, under the body covered by the mask, people can't guess what this big guy is thinking.

The vast ocean of blood was slightly rippling, with the gentle waves of destroying the world, caressing both of them.

A gigantic long-handled hammer appeared in the hands of OAA God. This hammer is really too big, and the handle alone is longer than OAA's entire body. The cylindrical weapon at the top is continuously reacting with the energy position in the body of the OAA god, and the wave of destruction is quietly generated, which makes people feel palpitations.

Without too much nonsense, Downey's figure has disappeared in place, like a meteor tearing apart the bloody world, with a bang, it triggered a world-class red tsunami, and swung it towards the OAA god like a sharp blade.

The two figures swelled suddenly, their powerful energy stances confronting each other, and the torrent of scattered particles rushed in all directions, carrying the catastrophic force of shattering the world.

This is the war between the One God and the gods.

"You have never been in awe of your Creator. You just don't know if the creatures under your command treat you the same way?!" The OAA God swung his hammer and slammed Downey hard.

With a huge shock of light and fire, Downey kept a cold face, and powerful unique power gushed out from his body. He hit him head-on, a loud noise erupted, the blood field shook, and the figure of the OAA god swayed for a moment.

"You seem to have got something wrong."

Downey stepped back, roughly estimating the situation of the battle between the eighth ranks in his mind, and had a vague assessment of his own strength.

Then, an illusory fire quietly appeared on Downey's palm, jumping slightly, slightly soft.

The OAA god stopped suddenly, feeling a strong sense of threat from Downey.

"No creator will take it for granted that his own life creation should be his slave... For guys like you, I often like to call your behavior 'experimentation', and you are not worthy of the title of creator."

Downey sneered.

In a sense, there is no difference between the Celestial God Group and the Kryptonian God System. They both regard the experimental items as consumables for collecting experimental data, which can be discarded at will, and also require that when the experimental items are killed, they must accept fate obediently and cannot resist ...

What kind of bullshit is this.

"Also, don't make your imaginations so noble. As far as I know, when you first arrived on Earth millions of years ago, you originally wanted to wipe out the natives of Earth!" Donnie sneered.

The combination of the Final Judgment Lord and the cosmic locust gave birth to life on Earth, which was discovered by the scientists of the Ashen Group when they first came to Earth.

They also really want to wipe out life on Earth.

The reason why they changed their minds was that they found that life on earth can be immune to the parasitism of cosmic locusts to a certain extent, so they decided to cultivate intelligent life on earth and make earth people a cage to suppress cosmic locusts.

This is the original purpose of the gods.

The OAA God fell silent, because what Donnie said was true.

Downey sneered, the power of the fire source was released by him, and the powerful controlling power screamed at the OAA god in a crazy manner, trying to activate the OAA god and turn it into something belonging to Downey.

Strong energy fluctuations immediately erupted from the body of the OAA god, and a sense of terrifying shock with an infinite magnitude of eight levels was continuously generated, resisting the controlling power from the fire source.

Although the effect is there, it is still not immune to the fire source!

"Where did your only prop come from!!!"

In the oracle of the OAA God, shock and horror appeared for the first time. He roared loudly, and the terrifying sound waves tore apart the high-latitude time and space, desperately trying to get rid of the activation power of the fire source.

He was really a little frightened.

The new god Downey has a unique prop as the core, which can activate mechanical creations.

But no one knows the working principle of this prop, the upper limit of its strength.

One of the important reasons is to explore this mysterious and unheard of unique item.

The reality didn't disappoint him either, no, it should be said that it gave him some signs of going crazy.

There were bursts of roars, if he took off his battle armor, the expression on that huge head must be crazy-if he has the emotion of "crazy".

The fire seed source seems to be the supreme plunder and erosion of the lower reaches of the food chain. It is almost everywhere, and it is impossible to be immune. It is extremely difficult for a god as powerful as OAA to resist.

"You'd better hand over the source of fire, or you will be the enemy that the Celestial Group must kill!"

OAA struggled desperately while threatening Downey.

1%, 2%, 3%...

The OAA God clearly discovered that his body was gradually no longer belonging to him, and his will was slowly being eroded by the fire source.

The kind of absolute control that is ubiquitous and has no dead ends makes the noble OAA gods, who are second only to the ten strongest gods, terrified to the extreme.

He could only watch helplessly as he lost a little bit.

Downey always had a cold smile on his mouth, he silently controlled the fire source to seize the control of the OAA god. Since he was promoted to the eighth level, the power of the source of fire, as the core component of his sole god composition, has also leaped further, and the power of activating mechanical creations has become even more terrifying.

"Although I like to act in the name of the God of Cybertron, don't forget that I still dare to call myself the God of Technology. Do you think I'm just joking?"

Downey sneered, "Don't question me, those who question me are fools, now even you will become mine sooner or later, as long as there is technology, I am the omnipotent god of technology!"

His fire source is the natural enemy of all scientific and technological creations, and it is also the supreme god of all science and technology. Absolutely crushing, just so unreasonable!

The OAA gods were really in a hurry, he was desperately trying to get rid of something, his movements were ridiculous: "Donnie, the gods will not let you go, and the top ten gods will never allow you to hold something that poses a fatal threat to them! You are courting death!"

"Maybe, I'm just tired of living, and you want them to bite me?" Downey said cruelly, "No matter how miserable my fate is, at least you won't see it! Die and sleep forever, to be honest , You rubbish doesn't deserve the name OAA at all."

OAA Tianshen didn't understand Downey's meaning, and didn't know what happened to the name OAA. He roared, turned around, and tried to escape with all his strength.

"Where do you want to go, my experiment?"

Downey followed him unhurriedly. The Fire Seed Source maintained a terrifying output, depriving OAA God of everything bit by bit.

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