Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 858 Dragon of Barbatos, die!

The dragon of Barbatos dreamed again, and he dreamed that he became the superhero Hawkman who guarded the earth, the man named Carter Hall, the ancient Egyptian prince who had been reincarnated 206 times.

As the prince of ancient Egypt 4,000 years ago, he has seen too much history recorded by human beings in 206 reincarnations. He has been watching everything silently and observing the essence of the world in his own way.

"It's really nostalgic."

The unrecognizable dragon of Barbatos murmured in a low voice. He recalled the scenes of reincarnation with his lover again and again, and recalled the good memories of maintaining world peace with his companions of the Justice League and Avengers. He still deserves his occasional remembrance of every terrifying and powerful enemy.

But all of this has long since drifted away and lost its meaning.

From the time he dreamed a few years ago, everything was doomed.

In the dream world, he fought the Nightmare Eagle again and again, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing, but no matter what the result was, it was an opportunity for him to go further into darkness.

To be honest, he hasn't had a dream since he left the earth and became the dragon of Barbatos.

Now he is no longer a superhero, no longer an ancient Egyptian prince, and no longer a man on Earth, nor is he involved in the Eagle World in the slightest!

Everything was doomed after he had completed the final mission entrusted to him by the spirit of existence and after he was chosen by Barbatos.

He, Carter Hall, is now Barbatos' most loyal lackey, Keeper of the World Forge, the great Barbatos Dragon!

He will spend his whole life guarding the drying furnace of the world, killing all invaders.

But now he was dreaming again, sensing the aura of intrusion, he opened his eyes again, the terrifying body that was hundreds of meters high stood proudly like an eternal rock.

Although the intruder carefully restrained all his information, he was still noticed by the dragon of Barbatos. Now he has already been integrated with the melting pot of the world to some extent, even the only god can't escape his pursuit.


Downey carefully shuttled through the gap between time and space, extremely cautious.

He had to do this, because compared to the multiverse, the danger factor of the dark multiverse was much higher. It was chaotic, dark, cruel, and cold. Everything is based on the terrible law of the jungle, and everything is under the watchful eye of Barbatos.

"In this lonely world, there are many terrible guys who are unscrupulous."

Downey's expression was incomparably solemn, and he avoided one terrifying aura after another, walking in this dark world exuding decay and withering.

Unlike the Light Multiverse, the Dark Multiverse is more of a dump, one that doesn't have the good and bad universes of the world-maker.

The World Founder, the eldest son of the God of Creation in the realm of gods, was responsible for dividing countless universes while he was still alive.

Normal and healthy universes will be classified into multiverses, and the positive monitors and anti-monitors will be responsible respectively, while the bad, inferior, and broken universes will be broken, destroyed and refined into the most primitive Materials, used to cast a brand new universe.

After Barbatos betrayed the World Founder and stabbed the World Founder severely, the World Founder fled into an unknown world, and Barbatos took control of everything logically.

Of course, Barbatos thought that the creator of the world was dead, killed by his former pet, so he ruled all the inferior universes with peace of mind.

For hundreds of millions of years, countless epochs have passed, and the inferior universe that no one cares about has continued to sink and accumulate, and finally converged into the dark multiverse opposite to the multiverse.

All disasters here happen frequently, and all tragedies never end. Light, justice, and kindness are things that are forever extinct in the dark multiverse. Every world here is inferior and should have been destroyed.

It is conceivable that

How terrifying it would be to be able to not only survive death but also stand out among so many disaster worlds, and become a strong man who jumped out of the single universe.

Even Downey had to be careful when entering this strange world rashly. That's right, he can ignore 99% of dark powerhouses, but as long as Barbatos is still there, Downey must be extremely vigilant and act in a low-key manner.

"This terrible world smells of decay everywhere."

Downey frowned slightly, looking at one universe after another passing by, the constants and parameters inside had been distorted out of shape. It is no exaggeration to say that almost every universe is full of rampant deformed monsters.

Downey is actually no stranger to the Dark Multiverse. When he was promoted to the sole god, he devoured countless doppelgangers from the Dark Multiverse, and he knew the cruelty of the Dark Multiverse very well.

"The Clown Emperor and Batman will have a high probability of attracting Barbatos' attention, as long as Batman can use the doomsday serum as I calculated."

"The seeds that were planted many years ago finally ushered in the harvest today. I only hope that the fruit that this seed will bear will not disappoint me."

Downey has to come to this place of the Dark Multiverse anyway, because he has what he needs here: x energy.

Mother Box, Father Box, Miracle Wishing Machine, Mobius Chair...

A piece of powerful artifact famous in the multiverse, their raw materials all use an unknown energy, this energy is x energy, or x metal, the two are different names for the same thing.

Downey has always had a plan to create a real fire source, and he wants to build a carrier that can carry the fire source and can perfectly exert or even amplify the power of the fire source. As the x energy of the world's origin, it is undoubtedly the most suitable raw material .

Downey will not be satisfied with the points collected from the multiverse at all. For example, the X energy stored in the small Mobius chair is simply not worth mentioning. Even if you search the entire multiverse, you will not find much, only the dark The multiverse, only the world melting pot that gave birth to the dark multiverse, is Downey's real goal.

Only the melting pot of the world, the place used by the world creators to promote healthy universes and destroy inferior universes, and also the place that serves as the foundation of the existence of the dark multiverse, can have the massive X energy Downey needs.

Anyway, the melting pot of the world is constantly drying up. Even if Downey doesn't come to the melting pot of the world, sooner or later, it will completely dry up and solidify, and the X energy inside will disappear.

Of course, when that day comes, it will also be the day of the end of the multiverse and the dark multiverse.

Soon, Downey came to the bottom of the dark multiverse. Here is the turbid gathering of the dark multiverse, like the bottom hell of the world, filled with countless sinful power and filthy atmosphere.

Dazzling flames filled everything here, and the red magma-like substance that rolled from time to time on the surrounding walls revealed the power of the original source. Just one drop seemed to be able to create a universe.

This is the melting pot of the world, the workplace of the world's creators, the foundation of the dark multiverse, and the ultimate gathering place of x energy.

Both feet stepped lightly on the ground in the center of the furnace, where a large amount of dry residue-like material was accumulated, forming a solidified layer that blocked the bottom.

This is a sign that the furnace is starting to dry up. The power of Barbatos has been continuously polluting this place. If it is not stopped, this layer of solidified matter will continue to spread downwards. In the end, the furnace of the whole world will be extinguished, turning into eternal ice.

But this has nothing to do with Downey, he also doesn't have the ability to control the melting pot of the world now, he just came to make a big deal, grab a handful of x energy and run away.

That's all.

Donnie stood still and raised one foot, stepped on the ground slightly, felt the vibration from under his feet and the vast power that seemed to contain countless seeds of the world, the original position faintly covered everything, even though most of it was covered by the Blocked by layer solidification.

"My fire source needs the most powerful raw material as a carrier, and I don't want you to stop me, Hall."

Donnie raised his head expressionlessly, looking at a giant who suddenly appeared in front of him at some point.

"I'm not Hall." Hawkman, no, he should be called the Dragon of Barbatos now, said in a deep voice, "All invaders will die."

"If you leave here now, I can act as if nothing happened, and you can see this as what I did to you..."

Before the Dragon of Barbatos finished speaking, he was interrupted by Downey.

Downey said, "Get out of the way, or die."

Downey's knowledge of Hawkman is limited to comics from his previous life, and a superhero from Earth, that's all.

Now the enemy, the enemy, must be killed.

Downey also had no intention of showing mercy at all, because the Barbatos dragon had already abandoned the past and stood in front of him.

The dragon of Barbatos let out a roar. That huge giant body was covered with a terrifying armor composed of unknown solidified matter. He waved a huge hammer in his hand, picked it up, and slammed it at Donnie. Down.

"The melting pot of the world is the end of all things, and it is also the place where new gods are buried!" the dragon of Barbatos roared.


A terrible loud noise erupted in the melting furnace of the world, and the X energy in the entire melting furnace faintly rioted, as if responding to something. Streams of terrifying divine power burst out from the giant hammer of the Barbatos dragon, sweeping towards the tiny Downey one after another.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Barbatos picked a good dog."

Downey curled his lips, and the whole person had disappeared in place. The next second, he got up and went up. The whole person pierced through the unknown energy surging in like a sharp sword, and forcibly stepped on the light curtain composed of energy to tear it apart. Opened a path that belongs to the only God.

Even if it is the x-energy that is the source of the world, or even an artifact made of solidified x-energy, it still has to bow its head in front of the only god.

What's more, the dragon of Barbatos is not qualified to control the divine weapon, he just regards the divine weapon as a simple weapon, and has no way to understand the essence of the divine weapon, let alone sublimate the power of the divine weapon.

"Although I don't know how many years you have been imprisoned here by Barbatos. After all, time has no meaning to you, nor to the melting pot of the whole world, but I don't care about these... because you are going to die."

Tang Ning punched hard and exploded a beam of energy blocking him. The huge hammer was hit hard by the tiny Tang Ni, and there was a loud explosion. The huge body of the dragon of Barbatos shook uncontrollably. For a moment.

"But there is one thing you don't know. I know much more about x-energy than you do, and I know more about the artifacts made of this substance than you do."

"You are just a watchdog captured by Barbatos. You have been washed away and become a sad gatekeeper, but I have been fighting countless powerful enemies for many years. You are just a sad slave of x energy, I It is the powerful enemy and master of x energy."

There was another fierce confrontation, and the dragon of Barbatos flew upside down, with the slightest cracks in the battle armor on his body. The hammer was simply snatched away by Downey, and thrown aside like trash.

Donnie really doesn't like this so-called artifact made of residue.

This kind of rubbish can't take a round in his hands.

Almost as soon as he collided with these residues, Downey lost interest in them.

Active x-energy is all that matters, everything else is irrelevant.

"Donnie! You will die! Great Barbatos will not let you go!!"

The dragon of Barbatos roared loudly, drenched in blood.

Donnie flew into the sky expressionlessly, clasped his hands together suddenly, the terrifying unique power gathered, then stretched out wildly, and finally formed a long and narrow beam of murderous aura.

"Sleep forever, Hall... this is the last time I will call you that."

Downey said something in a low voice, his expression became stern, and the light beam cut down fiercely!


The dragon of Barbatos that turned into a giant was split into two, the body split into left and right halves, and flew out amidst the explosion of energy.

With two bangs, the dragon of Barbatos, the former superhero Hawkman, died in the furnace of the world.

The huge mountain-like corpses made a sizzling sound immediately when they came into contact with the solidified matter on the ground, and melted like ice cubes that had been hit by a raging fire, and all of them were submerged into the underground of the furnace.

"X energy will belong to me..."

Downey blasted away the black solidification on the surface with one punch, and brazenly entered the deeper world.

Every dive costs Downey countless time and energy, which is extremely difficult, because it contains the original creative power of a multiverse.

Even if these powers are being polluted by Barbatos, they are still terrifying.

Here, time and space are not shaped, and latitude is chaotically intertwined.

"found it……"

Finally, Downey broke through countless barriers, and came before the still active x-energy ocean.

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