Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 870 Superman Alliance

The superman of the main universe got his wish and saw himself from the fifth dimension, that is, the real god whose name resounds through the multiverse, and is the most powerful individual among all superhuman double bodies today.

Looking at the mysterious and profound golden Superman standing in front of him, Clark's face was extremely exciting.

"Clark?" The Superman of the main universe asked tentatively.

"That's right, it's me, Clark, I've been watching you."

The golden superman showed a gentle smile, and the mysterious light that was goldenr than gold also slowly fluctuated with the golden superman's emotions.

This golden light that seems to be able to affect the operation of a universe is the accumulation of the golden superman for hundreds of millions of years, including his cognition of the world, his cognition of himself, and his cognition of the road to promotion.

The golden superman can be promoted from an ordinary three-dimensional creature to a five-dimensional life in one fell swoop, and he can also be favored by the five-dimensional king. It is not without the powerful potential of the golden superman and self-restraint for hundreds of millions of years. This is the most precious thing.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that the Golden Superman had to throw himself into the arms of the fifth dimension in order to protect his countless double bodies and avoid being hunted by forces such as the Kryptonian gods and Apocalypse.

The superman of the main universe guessed in his heart that it probably had something to do with the fact that the fifth dimension could not find a few reliable people, forcing the king of the fifth dimension to find reliable foreign aid.

Look at things like troublemakers and bat spirits, they are children who do whatever they want. By analogy, it is estimated that the residents of the entire fifth dimension may have some problems, and the golden superman is considered an alternative in the fifth dimension.

"I'm here to tell you that the clown has been imprisoned in the fifth dimension, and what awaits him is an eternal prison life, and he will have no chance of escaping." The golden superman said with a gentle smile.

"That couldn't be better." Superman of the main universe nodded, and immediately asked his most concerned question, "Batman and Iron Man, do you know where they are?"

The golden superman didn't answer right away. He dragged a long golden cloak to the table, pulled out the chair, sat down comfortably, and looked at the surrounding furnishings with some nostalgia. Hundreds of millions of years ago, he was an ordinary superman on earth At that time, he also lived such a plain but warm life.

"That's why I came to you, Clark, Batman and Iron Man are all in big trouble."

The golden superman crossed his hands and stacked ten fingers together, "Some time ago, a tentative battle broke out between the supreme gods of the dark multiverse and the light multiverse,

This war almost destroyed the entire multiverse, and the main universe was blocked by the mother box used by Downey, so it was safe and sound, so that you didn’t know anything about this destructive war—of course, the current multiverse The high-level gods have recovered from the trauma to the maximum extent. "

"But the most troublesome thing is also here. Batman was captured by the overlord of the dark multiverse, and he was in a very bad state. In order to deal with the Clown Emperor, he seemed to inject himself with a strange doomsday serum, turning into A deformed monster, according to my observation from a distance, his own consciousness has become very blurred."

The golden Superman looked at Clark, "You have to be mentally prepared, the next time we meet, the Batman you are familiar with may have turned into a murderer crazier than the Joker."

"No, I believe him." Clark shook his head quickly and said seriously, "He never does risky things. Since he regards the tube of serum as his trump card, he must have a way to counter the serum."

The golden Superman still had an invariable smile on his face, "Like?"

"For example, he has a will that is harder than a rock! I know him better than anyone else. He can be wiped out by the enemy, but he will never be defeated in will! He is a mortal who is greater than a god."

The golden superman just smiled and didn't say anything.

Will he trust himself in the main universe? In fact, at his level, it is impossible to talk about trust or distrust.

The golden superman has seen too many righteous people who, in the name of saving the world, have done more terrible things than destroying the world.

Similarly, he also saw with his own eyes that in countless universes, the heinous criminals repented at the critical moment and bravely saved the world without fear of death.

For the low-level beings in these multiverses who have not yet become gods, things like will often have a huge turning point inadvertently.

And as long as the golden superman wants to, he can modify the soul of the superman in the main universe without a trace, change his will beyond recognition, and even distort the three views.

The golden superman nodded noncommittally, and continued, "Putting Batman aside, Iron Man has also encountered some problems. Tony inherited a set of terrifying armor from ancient civilizations, but the trouble is that he doesn't have the ability to control it. The qualification of a set of battle armor, was easily defeated when facing the Clown Emperor, and fell into the depths of the multiverse."

"Can you find him then?"

"Okay, I know where he is now, but the trouble is, someone more troublesome has already arrived first."

The golden superman showed a rare expression of helplessness, and spread his hands. Obviously, even for the mighty golden superman, the person who was eyeing Iron Man was a big problem that was difficult to deal with.

"Don't tell me it's Donnie." Clark couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

The golden superman smiled wryly.

"Tony will be fine, but that suit of armor may not be able to keep it." Clark let out a long breath. This is a blessing in misfortune, as long as he is fine.

The golden superman nodded, stretched out his golden fingers and tapped the table, "Then let's talk about the third thing, which is between us."

After a pause, the golden Superman said seriously, "The situation of superhuman doubles like you and me has never been very good. Since the earliest Kryptonian gods, countless of us in the multiverse have been hunted down. Now The Kryptonian pantheon has been wiped out by an unknown existence, and only Apocalypse is left to hunt us down."

In fact, who destroyed the Kryptonian god system? The answer is already clear. It is no secret that the new god Downey has a Doomsday King Kong with an astonishing evolution speed.

If this King Kong of Destruction had the characteristic of being unkillable at the same time, it would have explained everything.

But this is not important, the mouse in the dark of the Kryptonian god system will be extinguished when it is extinguished.

The most troublesome thing is Apocalypse.

"Now I have contacted Golden Superman, Silver Superman, Black Iron Superman, Blue Superman, Liberation Superman, Sentinel, and Dark Superman and Hyperion King who are uncertain, and formed a Superman alliance to fight against the only god of Apocalypse .You have the potential to become a god, and I would like to invite you to join this alliance."

The golden superman said solemnly.

Clark was stunned, and looked down at his hands subconsciously. They were a pair of slightly gray palms, and the bones were more protruding than ordinary people. This was a small sequelae of the Doomsday serum injection.

"I...can also become a god?" Clark whispered.

"You must become a god! Only if you become a god can you fight against more and more terrifying dark forces!" The golden superman stood up, his tall body shining with noble gold, "The more terrifying turmoil is coming, you, me, and the light are diverse All beings in the universe have no choice but to make themselves stronger and protect more people!"

"The darkness comes from Apocalypse? Or the dark multiverse?"

"Both, but the threat of the dark multiverse is more urgent!"

"I understand, I will try my best to become...a god! When the time is right, I will join the Superman League." Clark took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly, "What should I do?"

"You have to ask yourself, Clark, what kind of god do you want to be? No god is man-made!" The golden Superman's expression was very meaningful.

Of course he is talking nonsense, even a ninth-level god can be man-made, let alone an eighth-level god, the Clown Emperor is a typical example, but he would not say such despondent words to the Superman of the main universe.

Moreover, it is unreliable to expect a high-level existence to endow it with powerful power. There is a price to be paid for using power beyond the specification, at least the price of the soul, and which high-level existence would be so boring, casually spreading eight-level and nine-level information strength? If there is... please tell him about Golden Superman, he wants it too.

"Think about it carefully, let me help you deal with a hidden danger first."

The golden Superman patted Clark on the shoulder, his golden body stepped out like a mortal, pushed the door, disappeared, turned into a golden light, and appeared in Midtown almost at the same time.

Savitar raised his head suddenly, looking at the golden Superman who appeared in front of him with a livid face.

"Supreme Superman... I don't remember offending you." Savitar took off his disguise instantly, ignoring Sisko and Catherine who were present, and quickly put on his sci-fi futuristic armor.

The golden Superman became expressionless, and he waited quietly for Savitar to finish dressing.

This speed beyond time and the lingering white arc are nothing in the eyes of the golden superman. In the eyes of five-dimensional creatures, things in the three-dimensional world are like ordinary people reading comic books. Every frame is fixed. What do you think? Read it whenever you want.

The only difference is that Savitar, a cartoon character, can move between different page numbers.

Sisko pulled Catherine, and hid aside for the first time, looking at Savitar coldly, without the slightest surprise on his face.

They had known for a long time that The Flash had been replaced, and through the pursuit and observation of the time wave, they roughly guessed that the current Barry Allen came from another timeline.

Both the Justice League and the Avengers are making plans to imprison Savitar, just because the speed that Savitar showed in the darkest night is too scary to act rashly.

"Savitar, what awaits you is an eternal prison life." The golden superman said loudly with a majestic expression on his face.

Savitar roared unwillingly, "Supreme Superman!! Do you want to start a war between the fifth dimension and the outside world!!!"

"No, I just want to start a war with you villain."

The golden Superman glanced at Sisko and the two of them. Under the eyes, the golden light boiled, and the two of them were surrounded by a ray of light.

The golden superman stretched out his palm towards Savitar. This hand was separated from a long distance, covering the sky and covering the sun, and grabbed Savitar without any dead ends.

Through the Speed ​​Force, Savitar was horrified to find that the countless dimensions and timelines he could see were shrouded in impenetrable golden light, blocking all his escape routes.

"NO!! No one can catch me, absolutely nothing!!!"

Savitar went crazy, he roared, and burst out with all his strength, the white arcs around his body rolled like a tsunami, but because of Jin Chao's power, the earth was not harmed at all.

He drove himself, crazily hitting the ubiquitous golden barrier in front of him, but he found desperately that the golden superman was almost everywhere, blocking all his possibilities of movement.

The golden superman is too strong, and the restrained Savitar is dead.

"I don't know how many years I haven't done it, Savitar, you are the first person who has been arrested by me in so many years."

The golden superman slowly retracted, his whole body was incomparably stalwart, he had already stood in the blood field, his palm was tightly clutching Savitar who was struggling desperately.

The entire multiverse seemed so small in front of the Golden Superman, his body like an infinite world filled every corner.

Savitar tried his best, and a lightning arc burst out, but it was still useless, and he couldn't help roaring, "Why did you come to catch me? I have never caused any disasters on Earth!"

After he replaced the Flash, he stayed in Midtown honestly, deliberately not causing trouble! Even if a man of justice came to arrest him, he wouldn't be able to dispatch the golden superman, would he?

This is too bullying, right? ? ?

Five-dimensional Superman against Savitar, it is simply perfect, okay? !

The golden Superman paused, pondered for a while, and then slowly replied, "Why did you arrest you... Actually, there is no reason, just happened to see you on the earth, so I arrested you by chance."

The arc suddenly rioted, Savitar was so angry that he almost fainted, and his heart collapsed even more.

It took a lot of energy for him to escape from the speed force prison, plus some luck factors to escape, if he entered the fifth dimension...

Savitar suddenly wanted to die.

"Even if I am imprisoned in the fifth dimension, I will find time to escape! There is no prison in this world that can trap me!!" Savitar roared, the armor on his body had already been crushed by the golden Superman.

"Then you can escape and show me. In the long years, no one has been able to escape from the fifth dimension."

The golden superman was expressionless, grabbed Savitar, returned to the fifth dimension in an instant, and threw it directly to the five-dimensional court.


At the same time, somewhere in the multiverse, Downey and Tony are having a barbecue on an unknown planet, and some local animal has just been roasted and can be eaten.

"What a big show, maybe this is also the demonstration of the golden superman?" Downey glanced at the sky, looked at the giant golden figure, and praised.

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