Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 893: Eight Lights

Huo Rong has no heart, he only has himself, which is untrustworthy.

Duzun scolded Downey, in the dream he became Downey's father, Downey looked at him with a half-smile, and then hung him beside the collector.

Huo Rong now is completely different from him ten billion years ago. He was a mortal in the past, but now, he ushered in a new life.

Atoshitas roared and roared, but was slapped away by Fu Rong, and the surging sea of ​​blood that spewed out was also easily annihilated by Hua Rong.

The participation of the Red Lantern Corps in the war did not make any useful contribution to the overall situation.

He was still hanged and beaten by Fu Rong.

"No one can control me!!" Atositas spat out the broken teeth in his mouth and growled.

Fu Rong broke his head a little and adjusted his position again. He couldn't be killed by conventional means.

"Maybe, but now you are not even worth being controlled."

Fu Rong waved his hand indifferently, stretched out a finger, and lightly touched the fist that Atoxitas hit.

With a soft sound, Atoshitas' body flew upside down, and one arm exploded on the spot.

"A bunch of wretches."

Huo Rong whispered, the ring of origin burst out with more powerful power, and terrifying monsters devoured the soldiers present.

Optimus Prime and Megatron were scarred, and they looked at each other, knowing that Furong couldn't do this anymore.

The longer the time dragged on, the stronger the disaster army would be, and they would have no chance.

"Raven! Help me!" Optimus Prime turned his head to look at a woman covered in a black robe. The blood-colored eyes of the other party in the darkness reveal coldness and evil, which is the power faintly connected with Sangong.

"I can only delay it for you. This guy is too powerful and has been interfering with my will."

Raven dodged a monster's attack, and threw a powerful magic backhand to blow it up, and said quickly.

Accompanied by a reluctant roar, Zatanos rushed towards Furong in grief and anger with the consciousness of death.

"You promised me, you won't harm me!!"

Zatanos was terrified. This demon from hell didn't want to fight a monster like Furong at all, but the strange rune on his forehead and the power of the raven were driving his soul.

Raven was expressionless: "As long as your heart doesn't explode, I can bring you back to life. No one here understands creatures like demons better than me."

She herself is the great devil second only to Sannomiya.

Zatanos rushed to Fu Rong in despair, but was beaten to the head by Fu Rong with a punch, which was extremely tragic.

Also at this moment, Megatron used the Reality Gem and the Space Gem at the same time, breaking through a trace of the emotional force field and teleporting Optimus Prime into it.

With the sudden rotation of his fists, Qideng was barely awakened. In this world controlled by the first Lanternman, it was extremely difficult for Changguang to exert some power.

The seven kinds of light converged, and the white light descended again, covered by the white battle suit, Optimus Prime charged towards Fu Rong like a sharp sword.

Numerous Lantern Warriors in charge of the Lantern Ring also rushed towards Furong desperately, while other people without the Lantern Ring continued to entangle with the monsters.

Optimus Prime's broken body burst out with the last bit of strength, and looked at Fu Rong stubbornly, this was the last look.

The white light turned into a sharp sword and directly pierced Fu Rong's heart. With a pop, a clear gap was blasted out of that rainbow-like body.

Head and heart, try both.

"You worked so hard for this?"

Fu Rong suddenly wanted to laugh, and looked down at his chest, which was almost beaten out, and didn't care at all.

heart? this kind of thing,

He really didn't.

He is a person who has no heart for a long time. Whether it is physical or magical, whether it is reality or spirituality, he is fearless and doesn't care.

No one can influence him, no.

"Those who persevere do not always have good luck. It is more likely that they will be defeated by bad luck first. Which one do you belong to?"

Huo Rong's body quickly returned to its original shape.

Optimus Prime's white light tried to go deeper, trying to start directly from the spiritual world, but how could Fu Rong, a heartless person, be affected by the spirit.

"Goodbye, I'm waiting for the new god's revenge."

Fu Rong raised his hand, patted Optimus Prime's head lightly, and then slammed hard.

Click it! boom!


"It's time, the Black Death Emperor will recover."

Donnie stood up slowly, feeling the unprecedentedly weak fire of Optimus Prime, as if he would die in the next second.

On Earth, Downey's avatar also raised his head. Under his feet, William the Black Hand was staring at his bloodshot eyes with resentment, and the breath of death permeated the air.

"You will die, the Black Death Emperor will kill you!"

William the Blackhand let out a venomous roar. In the darkest night, the titular leader of the Black Lantern Corps also acted as the medium through which the Black Death Emperor entered reality. At this time, he was being controlled by Downey like a dead dog.

"That's also a matter between me and the Black Death Emperor. You just need to stay here honestly until the Black Death Emperor recovers."

Downey stepped on Black Hand's head, and it shattered with a pop.

Ever since the Black Death Emperor was buried in the darkest night, William the Blackhand has always been obsessed with the feeling of embracing death, and he has never given up trying to wake up the Black Death Emperor.

But his every move was monitored until Chu Deng woke up.

When the first light wakes up, the Ring of Origin will be activated, and this is the best time to do it.

Donnie took out a black ring that exuded a dark light, and the breath of death lingered around, carrying an uneasy peace.

The black lantern ring floated up, and immediately rushed towards the black hand who was close at hand.

"William Hand from Earth, resurrected!"

A large amount of black plasma immediately gushed out of the crushed head, quickly repairing the broken head and awakening William's will.

"You devil, you will not end well!"

William the Blackhand immediately understood everything when he woke up, and let out an angry growl. The bloodshot eyes in his eyes had already turned into dense black, and the corners of his ferocious mouth grinned, and black blood flowed out.

There was a bone-chilling chill in William's heart. He knew what Downey was doing. This guy was hunting the Black Death Emperor!

The person who buried the Black Death Emperor with his own hands in the darkest night, now wants to wake up the Black Death Emperor without hesitation!

What a madman.

"With you, the Black Death Emperor has gained a bridge from darkness to reality... Although I don't know why he is so focused on you, a worthless guy, but from now on, your mission has entered the countdown."

Downey said blankly.

When the Black Death Emperor wakes up, everything will be on the right track. At that time, William will be useless, and there will be a new, more suitable candidate to replace this guy.

Downey would not hand over the authority to communicate with the Black Death Emperor to a paranoid like William the Black Hand.


main universe.

Optimus Prime's head was pinched and exploded by Fu Rong, turning into hundreds of fragments and blasting in all directions.

"Damn it!"

"He killed Optimus Prime!"

"kill him!"

There were roars of anger, and a number of soldiers rushed towards Furong hysterically. Until the moment they saw Optimus Prime's body collapsed powerlessly, they were unwilling to believe that Optimus Prime was actually dead.

Killed by Fu Rong!

Megatron's face was livid, and he appeared next to Optimus Prime at the first time, grabbed Optimus Prime's body, activated the time gem in his left hand, and tried to modify the timeline to revive Optimus Prime, but failed due to the interference of the emotional spectrum.

The same is true for the Reality Gem, which is ineffective in the face of the more powerful Huo Rong.

"You have to pay with your life for this! The entire Cybertron star will chase and kill you desperately!"

Megatron was outraged, almost insane.

Although he had always disliked Optimus Prime, it was purely a conflict of ideas. The two were fighting and fighting, and their relationship was far closer than outsiders imagined.

But now, Optimus Prime is almost dead!

Only a little tinder is still sending out a weak signal, and it is possible to return to the source of the tinder at any time, which is unprecedented.

Megatron's eyes revealed tyranny, but he held back, wanting to send Optimus Prime back to Cybertron first.

A roaring figure rushed towards Fu Rong, thinking of revenge, and wanted to use Fu Rong's body to pay homage to Optimus Prime.

"A group of humble ants are always sad for their weak lives."

Huo Rong smiled dismissively, and started a new round of fighting with the guys who broke out.

This time, he didn't want to procrastinate any longer, and ended all of this directly. He could feel that powerful eyes were already watching here.

The New God was staring at him, but he didn't know why he didn't stop him from killing Optimus Prime, which made Fu Rong feel a little uneasy.

Huo Rong brazenly rushed into the dense crowd, the power of the spectrum swept everything, and the strong pressure shrouded it, as if the weight of the universe was suppressing everything, and the emotional spectrum that was gradually boiling began to show its power.

At this moment, all the light rings began to emit light and shade, flickering continuously, and the power of the disaster was interfering with all the light rings present.

The ring of origin bloomed and radiated light to the entire universe, and it was connected to countless lives in an instant. Huo Rong opened his arms and greedily felt everything. Looking at the colorful world that appeared in front of his eyes, he felt the billions of lives in person. What you think, emotions, sorrows and joys.

This feeling fascinated him.

"Everything will be erased."

Misfortune announced.

A more noble reality, created with the will of the disaster, was connected with the main universe at an extremely terrifying frequency, and it began to erode rapidly from the very beginning.

Every minute and every second, everything in the main universe is being covered by a new reality. This is a higher force, and the main universe is powerless to resist.

At this moment, a black ray of light suddenly pierced through the space. This is the black light ring from the world of Cybertron.

"Optimus Prime from Cybertron, resurrected!"

The black ring was quickly put on Optimus Prime's finger, and there was an extremely sharp conflict between the black and the other seven lights immediately. The seven rings symbolizing the band of life were in tit-for-tat confrontation with the black light ring at the end of death.

Covered in black light, seven lights shine.

"Optimus Prime from Cybertron...program error."

"Optimus Prime from Cybertron...program error."

"...program error."

"...program error."

The seven common light rings issued warnings one after another, and malfunctioned one after another.

The black light is invading, and the lives represented by the seven common lights are also not to be outdone, and are fighting fiercely against the black light ring.

Black Lantern began to resurrect the host, and Seven Lanterns began to use the host to counterattack Black Lantern.

The blackness filled the air, and Optimus Prime's shattered head immediately recovered. He was not completely dead, and the fire in his chest was the real core of his life.

The sharp warning from Qideng resounded in his mind, and the roar was extremely loud.

People who wear the black light ring will enter the state of death, and the living will be forced to kill you, but other light rings will still default to the fact that the living host is not dead, and play their due role.

In the comics, there are many Lanterns who wear both black and green light rings, entering a strange state of half-life. The green light ring keeps issuing warnings of program errors, but they never leave. By default, the Lantern is still alive.

This is a "bug" belonging to the lantern ring, and it comes from the opposition between life and death on the emotional spectrum.

Optimus Prime stood up slowly, the black light ring was slowly shining on the eighth finger, an unprecedented feeling was torturing his soul in pain, trying to pull him into death.

"how are you feeling?"

Lila quickly leaned over and looked at Optimus Prime cautiously. At this moment, eight kinds of light were colliding with each other on Optimus Prime, and the blackness of death like tarsal maggots was madly attacking the other seven kinds of light, which made people feel uneasy. touch.

"I'm... fine, Laila."

Optimus Prime whispered, this feeling is very strange, he feels death himself, even just needs to open his eyes, he can see the other side of the darkness, a skeleton man holding a scythe, watching him indifferently.

"The Black Death Emperor..."

If Optimus Prime realized something, he knew why Downey gave him this ring.

The seven colors of light converge, and the whiteness of life reappears, but in the confrontation with the black lantern, he is still at a disadvantage. Lacking the blessing of the real white lantern ring, the corrosion of the black lantern ring on him will not stop for a moment.

But that was enough, Optimus Prime had no intention of completely controlling the Black Lantern, at least not yet.


Megatron stood in front of Optimus Prime, barely resisting the attack of a monster, and growled: "If you are not dead, wake up quickly, how can there be time for you to be in a daze on the battlefield?!"

A number of soldiers surrounded Optimus Prime, looking at Fu Rong vigilantly, blocking many monsters.

"Leave the next thing to me."

Optimus Prime took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

He had a real feeling that he could summon the guy in the dark.

That's what Downey wanted him to do, too.

Wo Rong walked in the vacuum, looked at Optimus Prime who had recovered, and fell into a momentary pause, and said lightly: "It's a should have died."

"Damn you, Fu Rong, you will face the test of death."

Optimus Prime roared, and the black lantern ring immediately erupted with terrifying light, shooting straight into the sky, and the endless darkness radiated out, like the second darkest night coming.

In the darkness, a huge figure slowly

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