Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 904: Ke Sen's End

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Finally, Downey took action in person, directly passed Seth, who was aggressive but extremely evasive, and headed straight for Ke Sen.

Although the five-faced monster and the blood-slaughtered bull Hulk were severely injured, they still couldn't die, and that was enough.

The key is Ke Sen. If you kill Ke Sen, you will have everything.


Three Transformers, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Doomsday, are besieging Ke Sen crazily. Powerful energy fluctuations that destroy the world are spreading frequently, and countless tsunamis erupted directly in the blood field, falling into an endless state of rage.

Figures beyond time moved, black shadows covered space, terrifying forces collided with each other, and the battle was fierce.

Downey stabbed Ke Sen fiercely like a sharp sword, and joined the battlefield forcefully.


Ke Sen's face was ashen, and he knocked away the hornet that was lying on his body and was desperately biting. The moment his eyes crossed with Downey's, he showed a fierce look, and his mouth screamed: "Donnie, you will die today! You are a newborn!" A mere few decades old thing will definitely die in the hands of my ancient god Ke Sen."

The body suddenly swelled and exploded, and the power of chaos raged in all directions. As the divine power soared, Ke Sen's aura became more manic and profound.

As he roared, his momentum was overwhelming, his murderous aura was overwhelming, and he controlled a large amount of energy waves to blast out, while his figure retreated desperately, and he crossed countless universes in an instant, moving at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Want to run?!"

Downey grinned ferociously, and the black battle armor flew over, and he put it on in an instant. Downey sneered and looked at Ke Sen's fleeing figure while uttering harsh words, with a hint of cruelty flashing in his eyes.

"Go and besiege the snake god Seth, be careful of that guy's snake crown, it's an eighth-level artifact."

Downey said something to Optimus Prime and the others, and immediately disappeared in place, following Ke Sen's figure.

He can ignore the snake god Seth, but Ke Sen must die.

Seth, the old Yinbi, was immediately besieged by many eighth-level gods. The seven snake heads spit out letters, and their eyes showed sinister.

It was ruined, he wanted to eat Qin first, but now it was all ruined.

"That trash, Ke Sen!"

Seth cursed, looked impatiently at these ant-like eighth-level gods, and flicked his tail irritably. Every time he swung it, he would cause a large area of ​​damage, and his mighty power could not be stopped by ordinary eighth-level gods.

Click it!

The bumblebee pounced on it again and bit the snake's tail hard, but it didn't bite.


Seth turned around suddenly with a snake's head, and bit the bumblebee fiercely, almost breaking the bumblebee into pieces.

One-on-one, Seth is sure to kill anyone present except the unkillable Doomsday King Kong, but facing so many eighth-level gods at the same time, it will inevitably be a bit tricky.

A crowd of figures scuffled together, launching a fierce battle of a higher standard, forcing Seth to get serious.


In the blood field, two figures swiftly passed by, spreading an awe-inspiring chill, shaking hundreds of millions of lives in the universe.

Ke Sen looked back at Downey coldly, his eyes flickering, and finally he snorted coldly, stopped suddenly, and confronted Downey.

Two gods exuding infinite energy indexes faced each other, clearly looking at the killing intent in each other's eyes.

"This set of battle armor..." Ke Sen looked at Downey coldly, the extravagant set of supreme armor made of X energy made Ke Sen look uneasy, clearly showing jealousy.

He also wants the X energy armor! This is an artifact that can turn weak chickens into strong ones!

"It's a bit of a waste to wear this battle armor on you..."

Ke Sen looked at Downey and whispered.

"The battle armor will only work if worn on a living person. Unfortunately, you are obviously the one who is the least suitable for this set of battle armor."

Downey sneered, his figure disappeared, and a blast of energy bombarded Ke Sen. Two powerful gods collided with each other. Two completely different power systems attacked each other, shaking countless worlds.

The power of Chaos and the power of fire come into contact,

In an instant, they were tumbling crazily, and wave after wave of terrifying aftermath erupted, facing each other like fire and water.

The dazzling brilliance illuminated everything, and the red blood field was soaked into a void that obliterated everything. It seemed that there were only two demon-like monsters left in this world.

With an indifferent expression, Downey moved forward, with terrifying sharp claws protruding from his black battle armor, and grabbed the ancient god Kesen. A tunnel of nothingness comes out, and all obstacles along the way are wiped out.

In an instant, a bloody confrontation unfolded, and the new gods and the ancient gods waged a war that was destined to be unavoidable.

This shook the multiverse.

"The New God has indeed attacked Ke Sen... I knew this greedy guy would not let the power of chaos go."

Mobius had just destroyed the thousandth universe, raised his head indifferently, and immediately fell down, feeling the saturation in his body approaching the limit, and began to search for the next target.

Mobius can already vaguely feel the will of Nadakseid in the distant area, which is the secret connection between the Omega effect and the anti-life equation.

"It's coming soon, I need to hurry up..." Mobius murmured to himself.

Mobius doesn't like the power of chaos. As long as Darkseid can be killed next, everything will be there. What are the three major forces of the multiverse? What is a mere new god?

"And my stupid kinsman, I always feel that he is planning some shameful and disgusting deeds."

Mobius snorted coldly, and punched the next universe.

The movements of Mandrak, an old Yinbi, also made Mobius very uneasy. As a senior member of the Overseer family, he was too familiar with Mandrak.


There was another loud bang, and Downey consciously lowered his energy output. The price was that his whole body was blown away, and a large number of universes were blown up by Ke Sen.

"Why don't you do your best?" Ke Sen looked at Downey gloomily.

Downey said calmly, "It's enough to kill you with half of my strength."

"...Very well, you have a thick skin." Ke Sen had a cruel look on his face. Although he felt a little doubtful about Downey always keeping a hand at the last minute, it didn't affect anything.

How did he know that Downey is also suffering. If it was possible, Downey would have made a fierce move. At worst, he would destroy the multiverse and restart it by himself. As long as he can get the power of chaos, this price is worth it .

But Downey couldn't, if he didn't intentionally stop the beating, the Wall of Speed ​​and Force wouldn't let him go. Sending a clone to fight can fight with all your strength, but the clone can't beat Ke Sen, so you can only rely on the body.

Ke Sen didn't understand the situation of Downey, the number one pluralistic indigenous god.

Downey looked around, a large number of universes were blown up and emptied by Ke Sen, and the bright side of the entire Wantianyi world was blasted blank, which was exactly what Downey wanted.

"The grave you chose for yourself is not bad."

Downey sneered, the black figure disappeared in place, and collided with Ke Sen's huge body. The muscles under the armor swelled wildly with Downey's roar, and the veins bulged. The blood of the universe is crazily rolling in the blood vessels like a roaring tsunami, making the sound of landslides and landslides.


Downey punched out a powerful energy beam that mixed the power of fire and X energy, and stabbed Ke Sen fiercely.

The power of chaos that swept everything surged out, forming a light curtain that penetrated the multiverse, and various supreme forces collided with each other, and time and space immediately fell into chaos.


The power of chaos was forcefully blasted out by Downey.

The supreme armor's blessing to Downey is too powerful, it has surpassed the power of the original mother box.

Downey used the Mother Box to kill the clone of the Sangong Demon, and now wearing this set of supreme armor, the blessing of combat power has reached an unimaginable level.

No one is as extravagant as Downey, a unique luxury forcibly created with infinite X energy.

You must know that in the comics, the reason why the three giants of Zhenglian finally defeated Barbatos was because the three of them risked their lives and sneaked into the melting pot of the world. Coupled with the sudden betrayal of the dragon of Barbatos, Barbatos was put down.

X energy has the combat power to make a mortal become a god, not to mention that this set of supreme armor is completely sealed, unlike in the comics where the three giants get the armor and there is a large gap, it is conceivable that it will improve Downey's strength what a horror.

Even the ancient god Ke Sen would be deflated in the face of the hidden armed Downey.

"If you don't have this set of battle armor..." Ke Sen's expression was extremely cold, and the powerful force of chaos was thrown out continuously, and hit Downey, but he was forcibly smashed by the latter. Several potential confrontations between the two Boom, Ke Sen not only did not gain the upper hand, but was faintly suppressed.

Behind Downey's indifferent eyes behind his battle helmet, there is a phantom of a black cube emerging. It is the core of Star Cybertron, the source of fire seeds. At this time, there is a long distance between them, and a lot of power is drawn by Downey. , continuously emerging.

Fire Seed Source + Supreme God Armor, two sets of eighth-level artifacts in hand, attack Ke Sen who possesses the power of chaos, occupying a good advantage.

The more Ke Sen fought, the more aggrieved he became. He was so powerful that even the five gods valued it, but it was nothing in front of Downey.

Downey is just a new god who has been born for only a few decades! It forced him to such a point!

There was another terrifying aftermath of the explosion. Ke Sen's face was completely dark, and he looked down at his tattered body that had been bombarded. Although he recovered in an instant, it was hard to hide his decline.

"Aren't you worried about your woman?" Ke Sen said darkly.

Downey was expressionless, but the strength in his hands suddenly increased, and he continuously suppressed Ke Sen, which shocked the eyes of countless gods.

"As long as I want, I can let her die! She is my puppet now!" Ke Sen growled, and slapped his palm that covered the sky, and the ant-like Downey just ruthlessly smashed all of Ke Sen's body. The force field abruptly held Ke Sen's giant hand.

"You can still cause Wanda to have problems through my mother box... If you have this ability, you won't die soon."

There was a chill in Downey's eyes, but his expression remained calm, with a little coldness.

On the Cybertron star, the three mother boxes have formed a three-sided closed Rubik's cube, with white divine light shining, isolating everything inside and outside, no matter how the berserk Wanda uses the power of chaos, it does not have the power to destroy the mother box.

"I don't need to control her directly, I just need to detonate the power of chaos...she is using my power."

Ke Sen dodged the energy wave that Donnie shot out in embarrassment, and said fiercely.

"Then I'll kill you as soon as possible, and all problems will be solved."

Downey suddenly stopped moving, with a trace of regret in his eyes that he couldn't swallow everything all by himself. Before Ke Sen could heave a sigh of relief, he immediately chanted a series of Kama Taj's spells, and a magic circle suddenly appeared, releasing coordinates to the outside world continuously.

A pure white light suddenly appeared, coming from a long distance, crossing the wall of speed and force, a tall and blurry figure emerged.

"Emperor Weishan?!" Ke Sen's face changed wildly, and he growled, "You actually helped outsiders to kill your brother!! The Creator will kill you if he finds out!!"

After speaking, Ke Sen didn't intend to stay for a moment, and turned around to run away.

Downey's strength has already surpassed Ke Sen's imagination, and now there is another Weissandi... Even if it is just a clone, it is no longer something Ke Sen can contend with.

"You're late." Donnie said calmly.

In Weissandi's blurred figure, there were three light groups exuding extraordinary brilliance, and Ossett's cold voice came from the top light group: "It takes a long time to cross the wall of speed and force from the realm of gods." With great energy, you will understand when your body enters the realm of gods, and it is not that simple to transfer avatars."

Downey said calmly: "I have a mother box, the main body can come in at any time, just be careful not to be sucked to death by the wall of super speed and force."

Emperor Weishan fell into a long silence.

Show off your wealth? No, dazzle artifact? And the mother box is not yours...

Emperor Weishan is a bit stuck, after so many years, they only have one book of Weishandi that they can get their hands on.

"I'll go and intercept him, and then you immediately peel off the power of chaos." Wei Shandi said, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

Downey raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes for a moment, and quickly chased after him.

He took away the power of chaos, and Weishandi took away the half-dead Ke Sen, which is fair.

"You want to make Ke Sen a part of you?" Donnie asked suddenly.

Weishandi didn't respond, and the huge avatar pressed down like a curtain covering the multiverse, blocking the livid-faced Ke Sen.

Ke Sen looked at Emperor Weishan twitchingly from the corner of his eyes, and a deep chill rose in his heart.

"You two..." Ke Sen growled, the ominous premonition in his heart magnified to the extreme. Vaguely, Ke Sen felt that he had really fallen this time and could never get up again.

Downey hunted him down, he could accept it, but he didn't expect Weishandi to appear at this critical moment, blocking the possibility of him escaping.

Two top level eight gods surrounded him, and he couldn't escape.

Ke Sen looked at Weishandi and smiled bitterly: "You want to disintegrate me and swallow the source of black magic into your concept of the Trinity Weishandi, right?"

Ke Sen is not only the holder of the power of chaos, but also the source of black magic, which is opposed to Ossett, the source of white magic.

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