Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 929 Heavenly Court of God's Domain, Troublemaker's Wedding

After the huge God's Domain made waves, it quickly fell silent, because in this huge and complicated world, there was nothing worthy of the long-term attention of the beings in the entire God's Domain.

Even if it is the news of the arrival of a new god, those who are interested will only keep it in their hearts silently, waiting for the chance of a fatal blow like a cold poisonous snake, and more existences will just watch it coldly, or even dismiss it.

Some beings have already started walking in the realm of gods, trying to find the new god's planet as soon as possible. This process may take countless years, but they don't care, they have plenty of time.

Many people held grudges and stared fiercely at the movement of the new gods. They could not forget that it was the new gods who released the monster that made the gods fear the ancient Doomsday, and then intensified the countless Doomsdays , Let some weak guys have bad luck.

In the cruel world of God's Domain, which is full of crises, no hatred can last forever. The premise is to maintain absolute strength, otherwise if you reveal a little bit of fragility, countless wolves will swarm up and tear it to pieces.

Just when there were small waves in the realm of gods, just when more existences directly ignored the new gods, and instead put more attention on the Doomsday King Kong who hunted down Hollenmeyer.

An outrageously small force was quietly established.

There were only a few dozen people in total, and they were extremely gloomy. Fortunately, their leader had two brushes, not only an eighth-level god, but also a higher-level eighth-level god beyond the multiple gods, with a quasi-unique nature.

The Jade Emperor was wearing a tattered golden dragon robe, his hair was disheveled, and his figure was extremely embarrassing.

"Only so few immortals survived?"

The Jade Emperor glanced at all the people present, and his expression was a little unsightly.

Nanji Xianweng looked at the dozen or so people present, fell silent for a moment, and said bitterly: "These people survived, thanks to the fact that Sangong Mo didn't take it seriously, but just slapped Da Luotian impatiently, and ignored it." The lives of us people."

Thinking about it now, it was a nightmare.

They rushed into the realm of gods excitedly. As the first three-generation god system to hit the realm of gods in history, every immortal was full of excitement, but it was a pity that they were hit head-on.

In order to have the strength to attack the realm of gods, they risked death and survived. They risked their lives to walk the path of being the only god. Now they are no longer the original ones. How many characters, strengths, and cognitions have been integrated? The same respective doppelgangers.

As a result, he was full of confidence but suffered a head-on blow.

They were almost wiped out by a Sangongmo.

The Jade Emperor looked at the immortals present, although they had familiar faces, but even the Jade Emperor at this time did not know which of them still maintained their original temperament, and which of them had become unrecognizable when they were promoted to the quasi-unique god , just be careful not to be discovered by him.

But this is not important, as long as these guys who have changed their temperament will not do some crazy things, the Jade Emperor will not foolishly want to correct them. This is not what a qualified leader should do. What he should do is to make his interests more brilliant.

"The gap is really too big..." The Jade Emperor sighed.

The deeds of the new gods are gradually spreading to the entire domain of gods, and are known by more gods and the world. Every god is amazed at the power of the new gods, who can still face Sangong and Hollenmeyer. Save.

Even with the help of Emperor Weishan, Xinshen relied on himself to fight the Sangong Demon, but it was real.

The Jade Emperor felt heavy in his heart. He could barely see the back of the new god. He thought that by devouring the snake god Seth, he could close the gap, but the gap became even more astonishing.

"What should we do? The Great Luotian is gone, the population of our Heavenly Court has been completely lost, and we have temporarily lost the ability to replenish the immortals, and all the treasures we have stored over the years are also lost..." Nanji Xianweng frowned.

The Jade Emperor calmly tore off the broken robes, and recreated a new body with energy. He said indifferently: "It doesn't matter how much the middle and low-level immortals lose. It is a blessing to survive more than a dozen high-level immortals... I will By extracting your genetic sequences and artificially cultivating the population with technological means, it is only a matter of time before Heavenly Court recovers."

Monkey King swung his half-broken golden cudgel, seeming a little depressed.

"I will get you a more powerful weapon." Jade Emperor said.

Sun Wukong was very calm: "I listen to you."


This monkey is absolutely fake!

Everyone thought about it, and looked at this calm, wise, and friendly monkey... What the hell, how could that rebellious monkey have anything to do with these precious qualities?

This stuff is absolutely fake, the original monkey from the main universe is probably completely fused, and the one standing here is fused with a lot of monkeys from other universes.

But no one said anything, except for the Jade Emperor, everyone present changed more or less.

In this way, a group of miserable immortals finally survived, and there is hope for them to live. They have a powerful Jade Emperor, and there are also a few immortals exuding a powerful aura. survive.

In terms of foundation, they are not weak at all.

Few people have noticed that the indigenous forces from the multiverse, Heavenly Court, have taken root in the realm of gods in a low-key manner, silently rebuilding their own territory.

The God's Domain, which was so huge that it made one's heart palpitate, did not cause any waves at all, and no one cared about such a small heaven.


The well-hidden Cybertron star.

The God of Cybertron, who was standing on the planet and watching the vast God Realm from a distance, looked calm, and was calmly observing every change in the God Realm.

In this world, only the only god can clearly feel the massive information set eternally solidified with time and space. As the infinite amplifier of the information set, the only god has the ability to capture the most subtle changes in the realm of gods with extraordinary consciousness.

The Downeys are on Cybertron, but they can clearly feel the ubiquitous chill and coldness. Almost every second, there are terrible wars erupting, and this erupts directly in the realm of gods. So those Located in the top realm of God's Domain, what a tragic war will break out.


Downey's expression suddenly moved, and the clone monitoring the main universe sent back a message.

It's not about the original transcendent, anyway, that guy is so happy on earth.

It's a troublemaker. This guy came here from the fifth dimension. After going to the main universe and the earth, he immediately turned to find Downey.

"It's really not easy to find you. I hide so tightly. If it weren't for me being a five-dimensional being who can observe the low-dimensional from the high-dimensional, it would be impossible for someone else to find you."

At this time, the troublemaker is not using the image of the little old man, but the image of a young man. He is still wearing a meticulous purple suit and a gentleman's hat on his head. Not to mention, it is more than the image of a child and an old man. Somewhat stable and mature.

It's not easy.

"What do you need from me?" Donnie frowned.

"Indeed, but who is that guy who you answer my question first?!" The troublemaker pointed at the main universe in the vast blood field with some horror, with deep horror and fear.

It's too scary, he is a troublemaker who is not afraid of anything, even if the five gods come, he dares to throw face, this time he was really scared.

The original transcendent, the guy who bears the image of Michael Jackson, tortured him to death!

The ability to achieve what he is proud of is directly invalidated in front of the original transcendent! No, it should be that the other party's ability to make wishes come true is more advanced than his!

Everything about the troublemaker was picked up by the original transcendent, and he was useless with just one look. If the transcendent was not busy looking for fun, he would have played him to death long ago.

"I can't say it." Downey replied, "If I say it, he will know that I said it. You know that he has this ability. He has the authority to go beyond the entire fifth dimension."

The troublemaker put his hat on irritably and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that mysterious ten-dimensional man? It is said that he is the only life from the highest dimension. I thought it was a legend..."

Among all the high dimensions, the fifth dimension is the most active group, because there are troublemakers who can't settle down no matter what.

The sixth dimension is the master control room of the multiverse. The master who was "killed" by Barbatos himself, the creator of the world, the eldest son of God of Creation, is hiding in the sixth dimension and watching everything indifferently, preparing for his A whimsical salvation plan.

The seventh dimension is a large blank area, and even sporadic beings are only slightly more special than the fifth dimension in terms of life characteristics.

As for the tenth dimension, there has been a glimpse of it in the comics. It is the highest peak of everything. No matter what level of world it is, the tenth dimension is the ultimate end of the dimension. Everything is included there. Below the tenth dimension In ten dimensions, there are no secrets at all.

In the tenth dimension, there is only one mysterious life body, an unknown ten-dimensional person, who is like the tenth dimension itself, exhausting all the mysteries, including the high-level God's Domain, in front of the tenth dimension. Bow your head, there is no secret in front of ten-dimensional people.

Of course, the troublemaker has heard of the legend of the ten-dimensional man, who is an existence surrounded by mist. In the past, the troublemaker listened to him as a fairy tale that belongs to the children's fairy tales of the fifth dimension, because myths in the conventional sense are very important to them. It's a joke to say that, what creation myths create man myths, five-dimensional beings can do it with their brains.

But Downey shook his head: "I'm very interested in Shiwei people, but I can tell you with certainty that this guy has nothing to do with Shiwei, and Shiwei is a joke in his eyes."

A ten-dimensional person, if he pierces the sky, he is a level nine omnipotent, which is nothing compared to the transcendent.

The troublemaker patted his head irritably, revealing his impatience immediately.

For the first time in his life, he was abused so badly by a guy he had never seen before.

"Don't talk about him anymore. Even if all the gods are assembled at this stage, they can't stop the power of one finger of his, unless he is brainless himself."

Downey shook his head, and couldn't help but show helplessness on his face. Only those guys like oaa and God can hold down the terrible primitive transcendent, and whoever provokes him will die.

"Forget it, forget it, Mr. Troublemaker doesn't bother to pay attention to him..." The troublemaker grumbled, fumbled from his bosom, and finally took out a crumpled invitation card, which was still written in the cultural system of the earth. There are two Chinese characters for "wedding invitation".

"Wedding invitation... are you going to get married?"

Donnie took this invitation, looked up at the troublemaker who suddenly became awkward and shy, and opened it speechlessly. It read: The honorable troublemaker of the fifth dimension, condescending to accept this invitation people go to a great wedding.

Donnie almost tore the invitation.

Is this how you invite people?

"...You don't mean to send this invitation to those giant and all-powerful beings...Why didn't they kill you?" Downey said slowly.

The troublemaker quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't be kidding, those powerful guys will naturally be invited by the king in person... In fact, I only prepared two invitations, one for Clark and one for you. You can bring yours. friend."

Downey recalled this episode in the comics and accepted the invitation directly. It happened that he was very interested in the fifth dimension and went to see it with his own eyes.

"Who is the marriage partner, so that the five-dimensional king can run around in person, I guess, is it the king's daughter you are marrying? The five-dimensional princess?"

The troublemaker nodded shyly, his whole face was flushed, and at the same time he was ashamed that his private matter was brought up for public discussion.

Downey just smiled, thoughtfully, it seems that the troublemaker, the five-dimensional son-in-law, has still taken his rightful place.

Yes, even though the troublemaker is super unreliable, in fact he has another status as the fifth-dimensional son-in-law, and his status is respected.

The troublemaker said: "I didn't invite that guy Clark, but you. You must come... Who told that guy to call me to the earth! And let me bring that weird guy back quickly!" The fifth dimension!!"

The troublemaker ran away cursing, looking very angry, and angered Clark, the main universe.

Downey glanced down at the invitation and put it away with his backhand. He will go to the fifth dimension sooner or later.

He wanted to see the five-dimensional king, queen, and princess with his own eyes.

Also, the Golden Superman is there too.

This avatar glanced at the main universe, and continued to dormant carefully, monitoring all movements.

Downey's body on Cybertron, thinking about it at this time, decided to go to the fifth dimension immediately. Of course, he sent a clone that was strong enough. Whoever sent the body would be the fool. The fifth dimension masters gathered, Level eight walks everywhere, and only when the brain is pumped will it be rash to move the body.

"The troublemaker is getting married, do you want to come with me?" After hesitating, Donnie asked Wanda.

But Wanda needs to create a clone.

Wanda, the God of Chaos who was also staring at God's Domain, hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"I hate that guy."

Downey grinned contentedly, and got a rollicking look from Wanda.

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