Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 931 You Useless Thing

Steppenwolf used his toes to figure out that the Golden Superman was here specifically for him!

Staring with icy eyes, Steppenwolf's cold eyes fixed on the golden Superman,

The golden Superman was walking, nodding to the gods, while facing the Steppenwolf from the corner of his eye, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

A superman looked over, stared at Steppenwolf for a while, and then looked away.

The Superman Alliance led by the Golden Superman is to fight against Apocalypse, and to face the executioner of Steppenwolf.

Don't forget how enthusiastic this guy Steppenwolf is about the slaughter of Superman's doppelganger, and the entire Apocalypse is interested in hunting Superman.

The bronze Superman's head was now on display in Steppenwolf's private vault as a trophy.

"Dark Superman, you actually chose to betray Darkseid..." Steppenwolf said slowly.

The Dark Superman lowered his head and remained silent.

In name, Steppenwolf is still a "relative" of his grandparents. He himself is Darkseid's adopted son.

It's just that as far as the current situation is concerned, they finally stood on the opposite side.

Everyone could smell the danger in the confrontation of cold eyes full of the smell of gunpowder, but no one was stupid enough to stand up and reconcile.

"How did you do it?" Donnie looked at the silent Dark Superman with his head down, and grinned at the Silver Superman.

At the beginning, Dark Superman, the second idiot, came to his door when he was promoted to the only life, and directly delivered the fourth mother box, helped Downey solve the big trouble, and presented Downey with a top-level artifact.

When Downey was about to kill this idiot directly, Superman Silver rushed over and took Dark Chao away.

But, don't look at this dark super low-browed pleasing to the eye, the devil will know if he is temporarily surrendering.

Bai Yinchao just nodded to Downey without explaining anything.

Naturally, Downey was not interested in reminding these guys of the danger of the Darkness, it had nothing to do with him.

"Sooner or later, there will be a fight between this group of supermen and Apocalypse..." Downey mused.

The troublemaker stared at the main universe Superman,

His pupils dilated, he was very astonished, pointed at him and said angrily: "So you don't need my invitation at all!! Clark, you lied to me!"

The Superman of the main universe smiled wryly and shook his head.

How does he explain it? He didn't even think that the Golden Superman would come to invite him directly, and the reason was to take this opportunity to gather with other members of the Superman Alliance.

And, Steppenwolf was there too.

He will never forget the scene when the Steppenwolf clone attacked the main universe and the earth, and dozens of superheroes died in battle.

All the gods present could smell the strong smell of gunpowder.

The troublemaker was groaning, and the wedding went on as usual.

Troublemaker, the guy that many people fear, eventually became the son-in-law of the fifth dimension, and will represent the fifth dimension to some extent in the future.


The wedding ended quickly, and the gods left one after another.

Steppenwolf sneered again and again, turned around and stepped out of the fifth dimension with the ax on his shoulder. The golden superman bowed his head slightly to the king of the fifth dimension to show respect, and then led several supermen to catch up immediately.

"Aren't you going to stop him?" the queen asked worriedly.

The king said in a deep voice: "No need, he knows what to do. Jin Chao has been holding back this anger for a long time...Let him do it this time. Anyway, he will use his own hands."

Downey also left, and he never communicated with the five-dimensional high-level executives from the beginning to the end.

Leaving the fifth dimension.

Several golden figures moved quickly in different dimensions, and rushed towards the Steppenwolf fiercely.

"You are looking for death!"

Steppenwolf smiled cruelly, surrounded by a group of demons.

"Steppenwolf, pay for your sins!!!"

The golden superman said in a deep voice.

Many other supermen who had been instilled with Jin Chao's power rushed forward fiercely, and a group of eighth-level existences fought fiercely around the Steppenwolf.

The ear-piercing roar shattered countless dimensions, time and space were shattered, and golden shadows enveloped everything, surrounding Steppenwolves.

A group of demons screamed piercingly, but these things were too weak to be easily killed by supermen.

Steppenwolf was the worst, he was surrounded and beaten by a large group of supermen.

"This is your hidden ability? Distribute your power and characteristics to other supermen?"

Steppenwolf staggered when he was punched by the Superman of the main universe, a wound burst on his face, and he wiped it away, revealing a ferocious laugh.

The even more frightening energy index exploded, shaking countless distant worlds. A group of weaker eighth-level supermen beat up the Steppenwolves. Every moment, they would fight countless times.

Apparently, Steppenwolf was almost blown away.

Once again, he was hit head-on by the hot eyes of several supermen, and the terrifying energy impact was rapidly depleting his body and soul.

The Steppenwolf swung the huge axe, the Sentinel and the Hyperion King rushed over together, grabbing the ax abruptly, the Dark Superman punched over and broke the axe.

"You will regret it, I will tell Darkseid about this, and you will suffer crazy revenge from Apocalypse!!"

The Steppenwolf was in a mess, and under the attention of one after another divine sense, his majesty was completely lost.

The superman of the main universe said coldly: "There is no essential difference between you now and the angry roars of the innocent people you killed in the past. You should feel their taste."

Muscles bulged on his gray and tall body, and he punched the Steppenwolf hard.

A group of supermen fought together and tore Steppenwolf to pieces on the spot.

The golden superman has been quietly watching the battle. Obviously, he is very satisfied with the performance of these doppelgangers he personally recruited.

"Great job, guys, we just killed a villain who has plagued countless universes, but you know, this is just the beginning, and bigger troubles lie ahead." Jin Chao said with satisfaction.

"Who is stronger, Darkseid or you?" Dark Superman asked suddenly.

"Dakseid is stronger, and much more powerful. If I guess correctly, our Superman Alliance will go all out and barely be able to draw with his body."

Jin Chao said calmly.

All Supermen fell silent.

After receiving the power bestowed by Jin Chao, they all have eighth-level strength. Together, they can only be tied with Darkseid...


"It's getting more and more interesting."

Downey witnessed the battle and watched the Steppenwolf being torn into pieces with his own eyes, and let out a sigh, like a spectator who had watched enough excitement and expressed satisfaction.

When the fun was over, he left.

"Jin Chao is not a fool, he must know something..." Downey smiled, and a passage opened, pulling his clone back to Cybertron.



This star of hell is burning with terrible flames all the year round, and the terrifying high temperature sweeps the world. Countless lives live on the star of Apocalypse, suffering in agony.

This is what Apocalypse should be like. There is no hope, kindness and other things allowed here, only countless pain and despair.

The Steppenwolf walked out with a gloomy face, and killed many servants in a rage. The corpses were scattered all over the place, and the monstrous anger continued to spread, making countless weak lives tremble in humiliation.

On this planet, apart from Darkseid, Steppenwolf is the second in command. After Yuga Khan went to the wall of origin, if Darkseid hadn't gained the Omega effect and rose strongly, the one who ruled this planet should be Steppenwolf.

But now, the second-in-command suffered a huge setback and vented his anger, and countless people were suffering from the god's anger.

bear with their lives.

Steppenwolf killed many people in a row, and then went to see Darkseid angrily.

On the huge high platform, Darkseid, the tyrant of Apocalypse, was sitting on it as always, looking down at the world under his feet indifferently.

The high platform he stepped on had been destroyed once because of the sudden arrival of the ancient Doom Day, and it was rebuilt.

The red eyes did not contain any emotion, and looked indifferently at the uncle who was coming up step by step.

"Daxseid, one of my multiverse clones was killed by your son."

The monstrous anger of the Steppenwolf dissipated immediately after seeing Darkside, and under Darkseid's indifferent gaze, the Steppenwolf only felt a tightness in his chest.

Darkseid still maintained the same movement, with one arm resting on his head, his face was expressionless on his rocky skin.

That gaze didn't seem to be looking at his own uncle, but at something that couldn't be said to be anything.


The Steppenwolf bit the bullet and said in a deep voice, "Your adopted son has joined the Golden Superman! The Golden Superman has formed an alliance led by him that includes other Supermen!"

Darkseid stared for a while, seeing that Steppenwolf's whole body was tense, which he hadn't felt for hundreds of millions of years, that feeling of sweating almost resurfaced on him again.

"When did you feel anxious about a small defeat?"

Dakseid got up slowly, looked down at the Steppenwolf from above, a huge shadow cast down, completely enveloping the Steppenwolf inside.

"I... am not panicked, just a little..." Steppenwolf was dumbfounded.

Darkseid stepped down from the throne step by step, and slowly came to the Steppenwolf. In the blood-red eyes, familiar and fearful brutality was welling up little by little.

Dakseid stretched out a finger, tapped Steppenwolf's chest hard, and said coldly: "What are you thinking in your mind? Could it be that group of miscellaneous fish can kill Apocalypse? My uncle , what are you guilty of...?"


Darkseid suddenly exploded, enough to crush a universe's palm and grabbed the Steppenwolf's neck, and with a loud bang, he pressed the Steppenwolf to the ground.


The Apocalypse, which is comparable to the size of ten thousand universes, trembled suddenly.

Darkseid expressionless, lifted the tall and mighty Steppenwolf in his hand, and repeatedly smashed it to the ground.

Booms sounded one after another.

The solid ground was smashed into deep pits, and the power of the two sole gods radiated hundreds of millions of miles underground, making the entire Apocalypse trembling and restless.

"A long time ago, I realized that you were hiding something from me."

Darkseid held his uncle who was ashamed but didn't dare to get angry, and showed a cruel smile: "But it wasn't until not long ago that I realized what you were hiding from me... This seat of God of Apocalypse just makes you yearn for it so much." ?"

Steppenwolf's heart was icy cold, and his most worrying thing was finally noticed by the tyrant.

That is something that the God of Apocalypse has been chasing for countless years.

Anti-life equation!

Dakseid's expression gradually became ferocious and tyrannical, he stared at the Steppenwolf, the fury in his eyes wave after wave: "I thought, you idiot could be smarter and know when to be greedy and when to be greedy." Be generous."

"But obviously, it's not without reason that you idiot have been trampled by me for so many years, and it's no wonder that my father looks down on you as a brother..."

"You stupid waste to the bone, you have cultivated a troublesome enemy for me and for Apocalypse!"

In Dakseid's eyes, the tyrannical blood color spread wildly, and the biting murderous aura spread, almost freezing the Steppenwolf to death.

This was the first time Steppenwolf saw such a furious Darkseid.

Even if he was pushed to the ground and beaten violently by the ancient destruction day, he was not so angry.

He was not so angry even if he was calculated to take advantage of Xinshen again and again.

But now, Darkseid is really irritated!

This idiot uncle still doesn't understand the point, so he used the most boring means to test whether he knows or not! ! !

Darkseid looked ferocious: "I can feel that guy in the multiverse, he has reached his peak, and has challenged my Omega effect through the anti-life equation! You idiot, delay event!"

"If I am defeated, not only you will die, but the entire Apocalypse will be buried with you because of your stupidity!"

Darkseid kicked the Steppenwolf into the air, knocked down an active volcano, and the magma erupted.

Darkseid's anger directly shook Apocalypse. He raised his head and stared in the direction of the multiverse. The powerful anti-life force was directly transmitted to his Omega effect through a secret channel.

This is a brazen provocation, clearly visible.

Mobius is declaring war on him.

It is no longer the obscurity of the past, and it is no longer the evasion of the past, so that Darkseid can only search around like a crazy headless chicken.

The opponent jumped out.

Steppenwolf, you idiot, delayed a big event!

Darkseid glanced at Steppenwolf coldly, completely disappointed in his heart.

I am not afraid of being ambitious, but what I am most afraid of is that I am so ambitious at the same time, it is easy to do bad things.

"After I get the Anti-Life Equation, I will have the strength to match or even surpass my father. This boring God of Apocalypse will be entrusted to you as... a pathetic ambition."

Darkseid snorted coldly, but he didn't kill the Steppenwolf after all.

He didn't even ask Steppenwolf where he got the news about the anti-life equation. For Dakseid, who is only result-oriented, it is meaningless to pursue pursuits that do not affect the results that have not occurred.

A huge figure soared into the sky, and Darkseid's main body was finally dispatched after a long time.

This is him once again. He is so powerful that he makes countless gods tremble. He also takes the strongest weapon he is satisfied with and goes to the multiverse in person.

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