Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 937: Crazy

"They succeeded."

Blue Superman and Liberation Superman are carefully lurking somewhere in the multiverse, with a dim golden light flowing from their bodies, and Jin Chao's power surges on them.

As members of the Superman Alliance, the two of them with slightly lower potential obey Jin Chao's order and lurk in the multiverse to keep an eye on everything.

If it is really a last resort, the two of them will be responsible for stopping Darkseid who is furiously returning, no matter how much it costs.

Fortunately, Darkseid didn't seem to know that the Apocalypse was dismantled by a powerful enemy, and he still stared at Mobius, and joined forces with the Dark Walker to launch a fierce attack.

"You said, did he really not know what happened to his base camp?" The blue superman asked in a low voice, cautiously looking at the aftermath of the spreading energy, watching the universes collapse one after another, his scalp tingling.

Jiefang Superman was expressionless, and said coldly, "I said he didn't notice it at all, would you believe it? If the tyrant doesn't even know that Apocalypse has been taken, then he will be regarded as too incompetent."

That is to say, in Dakseid's heart, as long as the Anti-Life Equation is in hand, even throwing away the Apocalypse is worth it!

At this time, Darkseid was not interested in the rats who dared not appear in front of him at all, and all his attention was on Mobius, who was just a mere apocalypse, and he still couldn't arouse his sideways glance.

Moreover, don't think that he is not prepared for anything on Apocalypse, otherwise he will be too underestimated.

The seeds have been planted, just waiting for the complete explosion in the future.


Mobius faced Dark Walker and Darkseid at the same time, unable to defeat each other for a while. Every tragic confrontation would cause countless universes to explode, and even the speed of universe rebirth could not keep up with the speed of destruction.

The interweaving of the three figures brought a devastating disaster to this multiverse.

However, no one made a move to stop them, and everyone was watching coldly, observing the battle between the two sides.

"Why, why on earth!! This is not at all what I estimated!!!"

Greer was about to go crazy, her face was twisted in everything, her blood-colored eyes were exactly the same as Darkseid's, and she looked at the dark night sky unwillingly.

In the main universe, Greer looked up at the multiverse, felt the suffocating sense of oppression, and felt a strong sense of resentment in his heart.

"Why are things different from what I estimated!! Why didn't they put the battlefield on Earth!!!"

In anger, Greer roared loudly, and the brutal breath rolled over, blowing away a large number of buildings.

Super Queen clutched her big belly and looked at her in horror.

Greer turned her head suddenly, staring at Super Queen with resentment: "Since they didn't start the war as I guessed, you are useless."

"No—please give me another chance, the child in my belly must have other value—"

The super queen shrank into a ball, shivering, her alluring face showed deep horror, and her former calmness disappeared.

Super Queen, as one of the main forces of Earth III's invasion of the main universe Earth, was actually pregnant with Zansha's child at that time.

She's carrying a baby with terrifying potential.


A monster that is terrifying enough to carry the Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation at the same time, as a baby, it can do things that countless gods cannot do.

But at this time, not many people know the true potential of this baby. Even Greer, who has long been ambitious and waiting for the best time, just intends to use this baby as a gamble.

The horror of the Shazam group was noticed by the keen Greer, whether it was Black Adam who followed Franklin, or the new Shazam and the old Shazam who carried the power of the God of Cybertron, their combat power was extremely terrifying. If you are forced to ask Downey for more powerful power, you can become a new eighth-level existence.

Greer is betting, what if the Son of Zansha can really capture the power of Darkseid or Mobius? Then she would be crazy.

Unfortunately, all the ideas were not realized, and the ambition was hit hard.

Greer didn't dare to get close to the battlefield at all. Even if she was a small character who could survive the cruel battlefield, she would only be smashed to pieces by Darkseid and Mobius who were fighting furiously.

With a hostile expression on her face, Greer approached the Super Queen step by step.

Thain followed closely behind Greer, staring at the Super Queen indifferently, with a fierce gleam in his eyes.

The Super Queen looked terrified, with tears streaming down her face, but in the depths of her eyes, there was already a flicker of madness. She is the Super Queen, the super villain who rules Earth 3, and her brutal character is her nature.

"Die, bitch." Greer raised her hand.

Madness appeared on the Super Queen's face, and a roar roared in her throat, she was about to desperately.


A rift in space suddenly opened, and a wide palm tightly grabbed Greer's neck, lifting her up on the spot.

"You can't kill her."

The plain voice came, but it carried the terrifying coercion of freezing everything, almost shattering Greer's soul tainted with the breath of the only god.

Thain let out a roar, tensed his whole body, and attacked the intruder under tremendous pressure. During the movement, his muscles collapsed, and the cells began to be exterminated in batches.

"Go away."

Donnie slapped Thain away with a slap, leaving him with only one breath.

Standing in front of Greer, Donnie looked at her calmly.


Greer's face changed wildly in an instant, and after hesitating for a moment, he bowed his head respectfully, expressing his respect for the only god and the high-ranking person.

The super queen's face was full of ecstasy and the joy of the rest of her life. Looking at Downey's majestic face, she immediately took out an instinctive weapon—the fierce eyes like a leopard, which immediately became charming and charming. While hanging down, the ferocious face has become charming, pitiful and heroic, exuding amazing charm.

When she was in the crime syndicate, Super Queen used this ability to fascinate all the villains including Chaoba and Zansha.

"If you dare to show me that kind of look again, I will gouge your eyes out, the kind that can never be restored."

Downey snorted coldly. He, who could receive countless messages in an instant, understood what Super Queen was thinking from the very beginning.

Stupid, dogs can't change eating shit.

Super Queen lowered her head in fear, her hands tightly covering her swollen belly.

"This person is useful to me, so I took it away." Downey said flatly.

Greer suddenly raised her head, "This baby, has it reached the point where it can startle you?"

"This baby who is about to be born is indeed remarkable, but it depends on who guides him... If it were you who guided him, I'm afraid your father would treat him like a fool."

Downey sneered.

In the comics, after Darkseid died in battle, all his power was absorbed by the baby, and even the Omega effect became the baby's power, and Darkseid's will was reborn on the baby at the same time.

From the beginning, this dark tyrant has calculated everything, no matter what, he will not be a loser.

Downey turned to look at the Super Queen, and calmly said: "Put away your disguise, it will only cause me to hate you... Come with me, I will promise you a safe asylum, on condition that the child in your belly Leave it to me to handle."

"I am willing to obey your will." The super queen did not dare to resist, but was ecstatic in her heart.

She was fed up with staying on this powerful and shameless main universe earth, and she was even more unwilling to do things for Greer. Being able to follow Downey was the best result.

As for the baby... Don't be ridiculous, although she desperately clutched her belly as if she was protecting her child, but a femme fatale like her really cared about a mere child?

Even if the child is her own!

As long as it can be exchanged for benefits, it is not that the Super Queen cannot exchange it. She just uses the child in her stomach as a bargaining chip for life.

She won the bet.

Downey raised his hand, and a soft force controlled the Super Queen to float up, about to send her back to Cybertron.

"Wait a minute, my lord, I want to gain power! This is what you promised me!" Greer suddenly chased after him and shouted.

"Promise? I never promised to give you strength. It is already a great kindness for me to guide you to the anti-matter universe to find the anti-life equation. Well, although I am using you."

"I just want the power of revenge!" Greer yelled like crazy with disheveled hair.

Thain reluctantly got up from the ground, spat out blood, and looked at the eldest sister he had followed for decades with a complicated expression. For the first time, he felt that the distance between him and her was really too far.

Downey paused slightly, paused, and said calmly, "Are you afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid! As long as I can kill Darkseid, I am willing to give everything!!"

"Then come with me. I suddenly had a good idea. If you succeed, you will have the power to challenge your father. If you fail, you will die." Donnie pondered for a while, and said.

Greer immediately followed quickly, looking back at Thain hesitantly.

"He can't get enhanced opportunities from me, he is more suitable for the multiverse." Downey said casually, and left with Greer and the Super Queen.

Thain was in a daze on the spot, and it took him a long time to recover. He staggered to his feet, gasping for breath, and his breathing was hissing like a broken bellows.

A group of figures came quickly, and the superheroes on the earth discovered that the Super Queen had been rescued, and they were taking action.


Downey's avatar immediately sent the Super Queen to Cybertron, but kept Greer by his side, observing the battle situation, while looking in the direction of the earth, heaved a sigh of relief.

Going to the earth is a very risky act, who knows if that transcendent will suddenly have a brain twitch and want to do something.

"Whether you can gain strength depends on yourself. If you survive, you will be the new god of death. If you can't make it through, you will always be the god of death."

Donnie made a strong barrier to protect Greer, lest she be destroyed by the terrible aftermath. While pointing to the center of the battlefield far away, he said calmly, "Did you see that black figure? That thing is your target." , I will create opportunities for you, either you fuse it, or it fuses you."

The Dark Walker, at the end of the original Darkseid War, merged with the Flash and became a new god of death with a black and red suit all over his body.

Downey's plan is to find a way to snatch the Dark Walker, which is a coveted item with an astonishing value.

Throwing out Greer is just an experiment. Greer has the noble blood of the only god flowing from her body, and she has a strong bearing capacity. Even if she fails, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the person who died was not Donnie's, and Donnie doesn't feel bad at all.

As for Greer's success... Hey!

There are some things that Downey understands, and so does Greer, it's a life-and-death gamble.

Greer wants to gamble with her life that even if she merges with the Dark Walker, she will not be controlled like a puppet by Downey—just like Darkseid controls the Dark Walker now.

But Greer is willing to take the risk, she's had enough of hopeless days.

"Your choice is correct. Your three brothers have far surpassed you. Now you are not even qualified to touch their backs."

Donnie said calmly without looking back.

Greer's heart skipped a beat, and she fell into a long silence.

Indeed, counting the adopted son of Dark Superman, Greer is currently the worst one.

Not to mention Kalibak, the Crown Prince of the Apocalypse Star is powerful and has a high prestige.

Orion, this is a complete freak. His growth potential is not lower than Darkseid's. As for whether he can turn his potential into strength in time, that's another story.

Hei Chao, followed Jin Chao to attack the Apocalypse. To be honest, Jin Chao brought this guy is definitely the biggest failure. The ghost knows if there is a dark hand left by Darkseid on Hei Chao, and he touched Apocalypse in Hei Chao At that time, did the dark hand activate again?

In the comics, Dark Chao is the ruthless character who has blown up the New Genesis Star. He has the ability to carry the power of the entire Apocalypse Star on his own. In terms of record alone, he has blown up Jin Chao dozens of streets.

Greer is the worst, and also the one with the least growth prospects at present, just happened to be used by Downey as an experimental product.

"Look carefully and follow my orders." Downey said indifferently, "After the matter is done, serve me until the next generation. As long as you live, you must fight for me."

Greer was silent.

In the next generation, God knows if she has the ability to survive until then.

The Realm of God has gone through such a long and ancient journey, and it has only passed through three generations.

Gods including Yuga Khan and Downey are actually third-generation life forms.

In the first two generations, the oldest and most terrifying group of monsters, without exception, are all stuck on the wall of origin.

Downey stared at the battlefield, ready to fight at any time. At this time, the battle between the two gods had reached the final stage.

Darkseid can still hold on, but the Anti-Monitor can't hold it anymore. His body has already swelled into a ball, and the slightest cracks have emerged one after another, and it will explode at any time.

Even if it is anti-supervision, it is impossible to control the anti-life equation. In other words, he has not controlled it from the beginning, and everything is his illusion.

Mobius was tricked by the Anti-Life Equation and became a pathetic tool man. The Anti-Life Equation was the biggest winner. He was activated and gained a precious opportunity to expand.


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