Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 100 The Three Sisters Of Arcee Are Strengthened, Chen Mu Is Definitely The God Of Mechanics!

On the road in the middle of the night, three Ducati 848s were driving fast.

The three Alcie sisters decided to seek revenge from the natural enemy, after much deliberation, they decided to join Optimus Prime first.

Previously, after Arcee and the Tin Soldier split into two groups.

Arcee followed the track of the iron sheet and chased after her all the way.

Just in time, I met Optimus Prime and other Autobots on the road.

It's just that the expressions on the faces of Optimus Prime and the others are different, as if something disputed happened.

The Autobots such as Bumblebee and the ambulance all looked extremely indignant, and the word "hate" seemed to be engraved on the mechanical face.

As for the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, his face is full of tangled and complicated, as if he is struggling hard in his heart.

The appearance of the three Arcee sisters directly shocked all the Autobots on the spot!

Autobots, it wasn't Arcee's presence that shocked them.

Instead, she was shocked by the two sisters Clauria and Alita behind Arcee.

The expressions on their faces were like seeing a ghost.

Seeing that the two sisters, Clauria and Alita, were alive, Optimus Prime breathed a sigh of relief.

The two sisters are still alive, which proves that the natural enemy did not attack the two sisters.

In other words, Tiepi's death was not necessarily caused by the natural enemy.

As the former leader who grew up with himself, Optimus Prime really didn't want to define Yu Natural Enemy as a traitor who attacked his companions.

When the three sisters of Arcee turned into human forms.

Optimus Prime immediately stepped forward to explain the current situation. Optimus Prime said with a serious face:

"Ironhide has been sacrificed..."

"And there are still no bones left, completely disappeared."

"As for the person who did it, we haven't found any definite evidence yet..."

Hearing Optimus Prime's words, the three Alcie sisters all showed a look of indignation.

Arcie opened her big eyes, filled with hatred, and said coldly:

"There's no need to look for evidence. Those who attack the iron skin are definitely the natural enemies!"

"Damn it, he even melted the iron sheet's body!"

"Now..... I'm afraid that even Chen Mu..... can't revive the iron skin..."

"Damn traitor! We shouldn't have said so much to Royal Enemy!"

"If he hadn't let him know that Chen Mu can resurrect the Autobots, he wouldn't have thought of melting the corpses of Iron Skin!

In Arcie's heart, she was both angry and sad.

Previously, no matter what kind of damage the Autobot suffered, Chen Mu could restore the Autobot like a god.

The fire of life that will be extinguished will be ignited again.

But now, the iron sheet can't even find a single screw on the corpse, and it can be regarded as completely disappearing in this universe.

In such a situation, no matter how powerful Chen Mu is, it is impossible to revive the iron skin.

She will, forever, lose a fellow Autobot.

When Optimus Prime heard Arcee, the person who was so determined to do it was the natural enemy.

I was somewhat surprised.

Open your mouth and ask:

"How can you be so sure?"

"Natural Enemy, after all, he is the former leader of the Autobots, he shouldn't be able to do such a crazy thing..."

Optimus Prime's words fell.

The two sisters, Clauria and Alita, stepped forward, with hatred on their faces, and said in unison:

"Our two sisters died once under the attack of the natural enemy."

"Fortunately, it was Arcee who pointed our dead bodies in front of Chen Mu."

"Chen Mu brought us back to life with his god-like auto repair skills!"

"Since Royal Enemy can attack us, it can naturally attack other people too!"

I heard that the two sisters, Claulia and Alita, were killed once at the hands of the natural enemy.

Optimus Prime's entire tall body froze in place for a moment.

In my heart, the image of Yu Tiandi's gentle brother is shattering bit by bit.

Arcee also spoke again and said:

"Before, after my two sisters were killed in battle, I went to the base to find everyone."

"But when we got to the base, only Iron Skin was there."

"I told Tin Hide all these things, and then the Tin Hide and I parted ways.

"I went to the Eagle Country military base and snatched the bodies of my two sisters."

"And Ironhide is going to look for you and inform the natural enemies of the news of their betrayal and backstabbing companions.

"Now that I think about must be that Tiepi didn't find you, and was intercepted by Yu Wudi ten steps away...

The words of the three Arcee sisters were like a hammer, hitting Optimus Prime's heart.

In his mind, the image of Yu Tiandi's elder brother was completely smashed by the hammer.

Reveal the real body of the traitor, Royal Enemy!

The bumblebee jumped over and said angrily:

"I said it! I said it!"

"That guy who defends the natural enemy, there is a fixed problem!"

"Damn it, you shouldn't let the natural enemy know that Chen Mu can revive the corpses of Autobots."

"It's all right now, Tie Pi was directly beaten by Yu Natural Enemy, leaving no bones left..."

"My Tin Brother! I will never see you again! You died a terrible death!"

The bumblebee finished angrily and looked at the sky sadly.

This feeling of never seeing his companion again made him extremely uncomfortable.

Bumblebee's words, like a particle cannon, blasted into Optimus Prime's heart.

Thinking of the details of getting along with the iron skin, Optimus Prime's pair of iron fists are only clenched so that sparks are about to burst out.

"It's my fault... As the leader of everyone... I shouldn't trust Yu Natural Enemy..."

"Iron Skin's revenge! I will avenge it myself!"

"Only the head of the traitor can appease the soul of the victim!"

In Optimus Prime's eyes, two bright and sharp lights burst out.

At this moment, a belief was firmly established in his heart.

For the rest of my life, I must avenge Tiepi!

"I'm with you! Ironhide and I have the best relationship!"

"That guy, Yu Natural Enemy! I have long since disliked him!"

"He was the leader many years ago, and now he is still running out to point fingers!"

"It turned out that we Autobots were used as a certificate of honor and went to seek refuge with the Decepticons!"

Bumblebee clenched its two rows of iron teeth tightly, wishing to tear apart the parts of Yu Natural Enemy.

"Count me in! Such a treacherous act by the natural enemy! It's worth hunting down and killing all of us Autobots!"

Jazz also jumped out, he has died once, so naturally he is not afraid of anything. Bravery, even more so than back then!

"And I!"

"And I!"

For a moment, the entire Autobot was eager to try, trying to directly fight against the natural enemy.

In this moment of unity.


A jet-black light suddenly burst out from the bodies of the three sisters Alcie!

The dense black light is like a black hole that swallows everything!

Any light that is touched by this black light will disappear.

A group of Autobots who were fighting high just now.

Immediately, I was stunned by the situation in front of me!

Because, they felt an incomparably stalwart power from the three sisters Alcie!

This kind of power makes the breath of the three sisters of Alcie unconsciously feel oppressive.

A sense of oppression from the level of life.

Optimus Prime was still thinking about how to find the natural enemy for a decisive battle, but in the blink of an eye, he was extremely astonished by the situation in front of him.

Even if he is the leader of the Autobots, he still doesn't understand what happened to the three sisters.

The black light didn't last long, after a few breaths.

That aura of destroying everything slowly returned to the bodies of the three Arcie sisters.

After the black light disappeared, all the Autobots took a closer look, and the power of the three sisters of Arcee was much stronger than before.

Although in appearance, not much has changed.

But even the faint reflections on the armor seem to be several times more advanced!

Like a gold ingot, after hundreds of years of erosion, it suddenly looks brand new!

The gold ingot is still the same gold ingot, but the luster on its surface only makes people almost blind.

The ambulance took a step forward and started its own scanning detection.


But as soon as his energy detector was turned on, rapid alarm sounds kept coming out.

Looking up at the digital meter, the energy level is about to explode!

The ambulance gasped, because it said:

"...Oh my god! What's the situation with you three?"

"Why did the energy level suddenly increase so much! I don't even dare to detect your situation!"

Bumblebee also took a closer look, his eyes almost staring out of their sockets.

Looking at the three sisters Alcie in disbelief, she was about to go crazy and said:

"What was that black light just now? How did you get a wave of epic enhancements in the blink of an eye!"

"This... what have you experienced?"

"Oh my god! I feel that the three of you are more fierce than the leader..."

After saying this, Bumblebee looked at Optimus Prime.

After being stunned for a while, Optimus Prime finally came back to his senses.

Using his own detector, he tested the condition of the three sisters of Alcie, took a deep breath, and said tremblingly:

"The defense and attack methods of your whole body... seem to have suddenly received a wave of super strengthening!"

"The technology here is almost beyond the level of Cybertron technology after a thousand years..."

Having said that, Optimus Prime still commented in disbelief:

"In other words... you three sisters, each of you is now equivalent to a leader-level existence..."

After Optimus Prime said this, all the Autobots finally understood how strengthened the three Alcie sisters were!

Three leaders?

The Decepticons haven't been torn apart by their Autobots yet?

Is there still a way out for the Decepticons?

The three Alcie sisters also kept looking at the changes in their bodies.

Feeling the luster on the armor, I was pleasantly surprised.

Bumblebee was so envious (Qian Zhao) that he was about to cry, and couldn't help but excitedly said:

"You three...what the hell have you experienced..."

"Why are you three able to evolve even though everyone is clearly a Autobot!?"

"I... I'm really about to cry with envy..."

The three Alcie sisters looked at your companions with envious, shocked, or happy eyes.

I am also a little embarrassed.

As soon as Arcee heard what Bumblebee said, what did the few of them go through.

In Arcie's mind, she was thinking.

Of my three sisters, only one is different from everyone else

Then this sudden evolution......... could only be caused by Chen Mu!

Thinking of this, Arcee said to everyone with some embarrassment:

"We are not very clear about the specific situation."

"However, the only difference between me and everyone else is that I have been following Chen Mu...

"In addition, the two sisters Claulia and Alita have also evolved like me."

"Hmm... come to think of it, the change must be because of Chen Mu!"

"Chen Mu... I'm afraid he has become stronger again..."

Seeing the three sisters of Alcie, they looked extremely happy.

Bumblebee, the entire Autobot, was so envious that his brain chip almost went down.

Silently asked Arcie:

"Chen Mu still has a Chevrolet Camaro in his car...

"It must be the newest Camaro!".

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