Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 111: Successfully Devoured Cybertron And Upgraded Like Crazy!

Chen Mu was slightly surprised when he heard the system notification sound in his ears.

The Death Star can actually devour a planet that is about to be destroyed, which is really beyond his cognition.

It seems that the strength of the Death Star seems to be much stronger than he expected.

But this is not a particularly important thing.

How powerful the Death Star is, he can slowly explore in the future.

The most important thing right now is to choose whether or not to let the Death Star swallow the planet that is about to be destroyed.

Swallowing this planet will definitely bring benefits to the Death Star.

Although it is about to be destroyed, it is a planet after all, and it will definitely bring great benefits to the Death Star.

For Chen Mu, he didn't have any entanglement or hesitation at all.

How could he disagree with such a great and good thing before him?

Anyway, that planet is about to be destroyed, what's wrong with him just turning waste into treasure?

Thinking of this, Chen Mu nodded slightly and chose to devour.

After he gave the answer to the system, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the existence that gradually appeared in the parallel space not far away.

There exists a mechanical planet that is collapsing!

Chen Mu has never seen the appearance of a mechanical planet.

In his cognition, most planets are like the earth or the planets in the solar system.

Even if life and civilization cannot be bred, it will definitely look like an ordinary planet.

Who would have thought that such a mechanized planet would exist?

Chen Mu carefully looked at the collapsing mechanical planet not far away.

The surface of the planet seems to be made of unused metal ore soil, and the scattered structure exudes a faint blue light.

Just looking at the surface of this planet, you can realize that this planet is a place full of technology and civilization.

It is a pity that this planet is constantly collapsing, as if it has been impacted by some extremely powerful star.

The beautiful planet is slowly disintegrating and disappearing.

After this planet appeared, the Death Star bound by Chen Mu suddenly began to vibrate.

Standing on the Death Star, Chen Mu felt the vibration from the ground, and subconsciously looked at the Death Star.

Isn't the Death Star already badly damaged?

How could such a sudden change happen? Is it really going to start devouring that mechanical planet?

Chen Mu looked at the Death Star in surprise, and found that the Death Star was changing its shape.

From a dead planet gradually becoming alive, a huge gap opened in the center of the planet.

After the gap is formed, it slowly moves to the side of the collapsing planet.

At this time, the Death Star produced a strong suction force, pulling the mechanical planet, which was not too big compared to it, to 18's side.

The huge gap opened, and began to swallow the collapsing mechanical planet.

[Ding! The Death Star has officially started to devour the mechanical planet, current progress: 1%]

The system notification sounded in Chen Mu's ears, because he was still on the progress of devouring the Death Star.

At the same time, the Death Star officially began to devour the mechanical planet around it.

The collapsing mechanical planet didn't have any ability to struggle, and was pulled into the gap under the strong gravitational force.

The atmosphere of the mechanical planet was completely shattered, and the extremely high concentration of oxygen exploded in the air.

There was even a misty mist that could not be seen clearly.

After the atmosphere was shattered, the buildings and structures on the mechanical planet were further crushed into pieces.

The blue light representing the technological civilization on the mechanical planet was all extinguished, and it became gray and unremarkable.

Gray fragments floated in mid-air, drifting towards the depths of the Death Star.

The part of the planet that has not been crushed into pieces by the suction force is slowly sucked into the depths of the Death Star.

The huge gap in the Death Star is like a huge mouth of an abyss, ruthlessly devouring the mechanical planet.

Seeing the scene of the planet devouring the planet in front of him, Chen Mu was startled.

He had never seen such a grand scene before, and the engulfment between the planets was indeed a bit too spectacular.

Although some scientists have previously suspected that star phagocytosis has occurred in the universe.

But when this kind of thing really happened before his eyes, he was still shocked.

For human beings, the planet is too huge, and they are just tiny lives that appear on the planet.

The collision and engulfment between planets is not at all a grand event that human beings can face calmly.

【Ding! The Death Star is devouring the mechanical planet, current progress: 3%】

Chen Mu watched the scene of the death star devouring the mechanical planet seriously, and was amazed in his heart.

What Chen Mu didn't know was that the Death Star devouring the mechanical planet also attracted the attention of others.

The planet that is about to be destroyed by the death star is exactly the cybertron that was attacked by the recoil energy after the transmission was interrupted.

Cybertron has not completely left the earth at this time, and its huge figure still stays beside the earth.

People in downtown Washington can still see Cybertron close at hand.

The military of the Eagle Country is also always paying attention to what happens in downtown Washington, as well as the situation on Cybertron.

They never expected that things would develop to this point.

In order to protect the earth, Optimus Prime would blow up the main control teleportation pillar with one shot, and he did not hesitate to let Botan suffer a blowback.

But this situation is too dangerous!

The military is afraid that after Cybertron is attacked by recoil energy, the debris generated when it disintegrates will spread to the earth.

Such a short distance is bound to cause heavy losses to the enemy!

But now the military has no choice but to observe the situation of Cybertron all the time.

Once something unexpected happens, launch missiles and try to let the Cybertron fragments explode in the air.

Only in this way can all losses be minimized.

But when the military is always paying attention to the situation of Cybertron, they are surprised to find that Cybertron is being swallowed!

But they didn't see the Death Star devouring Cybertron.

The current Death Star is in a parallel space, so naturally it will not appear in front of everyone.

Therefore, in the eyes of the eagle country military, it is a huge black dark field.

The mysterious dark realm is gradually devouring the collapsed Cybertron.

Although the emergence of the dark field solved the military's concerns, this incident obviously made them more vigilant.

In the military conference room, Admiral James was amazed at the pictures sent back from the scene.

"Oh my God! This damn Cybertron is finally gone!"

"But what's going on with this damn dark realm?"

"Why has so much crap been happening lately without us having any warning?"

"Are the people who monitor the situation on the planet all white-collar salaries?"

"If it weren't for the urgent situation now, I would really ask Boom!"

"The next time something like this happens, I'm going to send those damned people to God!"

"What are you doing here? Start checking now!"

"Find out for me as soon as possible what is that mysterious thing in the sky!"

"The disappearance of Cybertron does not mean that this matter will pass!"

"Get out! Get out and investigate!"

Admiral James vented his anger wantonly.

The military did form an alliance with the Decepticons, but the original intention of the alliance was to study Cybertron technology.

Who would have guessed that those bloody bastards were headed for Earth?

If Cybertron really appears on the earth, the whole earth will have to play layers.

Even the earth has been destroyed, so what is the research on Cybertron technology?

Everything that happened today exceeded Admiral James' expectations.

After the appearance of the dark field that swallowed Cybertron, it made General James a little crazy.

What do the people monitoring the earth do for food?

No warning whatsoever!

If I had known about these messy things [the military would definitely have prepared in advance to deal with them.

How could he be so caught off guard?

Admiral James was so angry that he had no place to vent, so he could only use this to severely reprimand his subordinates.

But he had lost his temper, and things weren't without any progress.

In terms of cosmic research, it still needs professional people to solve this matter.

The military personnel left immediately and went to the scientist's research institute to inquire about the situation.

They had to find out as soon as possible what it was that devoured Wen Botan that appeared in the sky over Washington.

It must also be clear whether this thing will pose any threat to the earth.

At this time, the scientists of the Eagle Kingdom naturally noticed the mysterious substance appearing in the sky over Washington.

When Cybertron appeared, all the scientists rushed to the research room and observed Cybertron carefully.

This is the best opportunity they can currently find to study Cybertron.

Although you can't get close to Cybertron, you can get some important information from it when you observe it from a distance.

"Cybertron is collapsing, have we recorded what we just observed?"

"The process of the collapse must not be forgotten, it must be fully recorded."

"After the collapse is over, we will start further (cbfd) research."

"The technological civilization on Cybertron may have something to do with this planet.

"By the way, John, you should contact the military to see if you can find a way to get the Cybertron fragments.

"I want to study the composition of Cybertron."

Thomas, the leader, has gray hair and is a senior scientist with high authority in the institute.

John, who is following him, is his student, who has been following him to study cosmic technology and things.

Listening to Thomas' instructions, John nodded again and again, writing them down.

At this moment, the scientists who were watching the collapse process of the Cybertron star suddenly exclaimed loudly.

"Professor Thomas! Come and see!"

"Dark matter appears next to Cybertron!"

"No! It's not just dark matter! That's the dark field!"

Hearing the exclamation, Thomas' eyes lit up, and he immediately went to the side to check Cybertron's status.

Under the monitoring of the research institute, Cybertron is gradually disintegrating, being swallowed by a huge black dark field.

The scene of the dark field devouring Cybertron was extremely shocking, and the scientists in the institute were dumbfounded.

"This should be a higher level of cosmic civilization!"

"Cybertron can quietly appear near the earth, so naturally higher-level cosmic civilizations can too!"

"Maybe it's because of our technological shortcomings that we can't see clearly the beauty of the universe!"

Some scientists expressed their conjectures excitedly.

In his opinion, this is definitely a more advanced cosmic civilization.

Previously, many people were speculating whether there were alien life in the universe, and to what stage their civilization had developed.

The appearance of the Cybertronians gave them a better understanding of the universe.

They became more nuanced when it came to the existence and study of extraterrestrial life.

Now that Cybertron is swallowed, it is very likely that it is because of a more advanced cosmic civilization that humans have never understood.

But there are still many scientists who have objections, especially Thomas who has carefully observed the situation in front of him.

He believes that this is not a cosmic civilization, but dark matter that has always existed in speculation.

"It will not be a cosmic civilization

"Would a more advanced cosmic civilization think about devouring Cybertron to make him stronger?"

"Perhaps in the eyes of more advanced cosmic civilizations, Cybertron is nothing at all."

"It's like the Cybertronians look at the earth with disdain."

"And this thing is very likely to be dark matter."

"Its appearance is proof of the existence of dark matter!"

"The dark field made up of dark matter is devoured after sensing the collapse of Zhan Botan.

"This is a more reasonable explanation!"

Scientists are arguing over what exactly devoured Cybertron.

They insisted on their own opinions, thinking that their guesses were right, and You Fu was unwilling to give in.

For a time, the institute was filled with noisy and noisy voices.

At the same time, the Cybertronians who remained on the scene were even more shocked by the fact that Cybertron was swallowed.

After Optimus Prime blasted the main control teleportation pillar with one shot, he stared at his home planet with firm eyes and a bit of sadness.

He grew up on Cybertron since he was a child, and he has a strong and deep feeling for his home planet.

Now that he has personally decided the collapse and destruction of Cybertron, he is still a little sad deep in his heart.

But when the huge black dark field appeared, Optimus Prime and the Autobots were shocked.

"My God! What the hell is this?"

"Is it eating the collapsed Cybertron?"

"Can such a large planet be swallowed like this?"

Bumblebee stared in the direction of Cybertron dumbfounded, unable to believe the scene in front of him anyway.

His sigh fell in the ears of the Autobots, and naturally aroused countless resonances.

They didn't know what it was either.

Even if they are intelligent mechanical life much higher than human civilization, they have never seen such a scene.

It is true that there are things that devour planets in the universe, but they rarely appear in front of everyone.

Now that they saw this kind of thing for the first time, they were naturally shocked.

Even if a planet as powerful as Cybertron collapses and is destroyed by the recoil force, it cannot be swallowed easily.

What the hell is this?

Approaching the earth without a sound, it can even completely devour Botan!

Not only the Autobots, but the attention of the Decepticons has also shifted from Optimus Prime to Cybertron.

They have never seen such a scene before them.

The huge black dark field opened its bloody mouth, swallowing their parent star cluster Botan.

Every piece of Cybertron was not spared.

The powerful suction made Cybertron unable to resist.

Looking at such a scene, the Tianhus couldn't believe what they saw.

This is too subvert their cognition!

Is the Cybertron star going to be swallowed like this?

Under everyone's watchful eyes, countless cybertron planets were swallowed by the dark field at will, and the figure of Minbotan star gradually became smaller.

Cybertron is about to be completely swallowed by that dark realm!

【Death Star is devouring the mechanical planet, progress: 98%】

Hearing the system notification sound in his ears, Chen Mu couldn't help being a little curious.

I have to say that this incident seems to have happened a bit too coincidental.

He had just bound the Death Star, intending to bring the Death Star back to life, when the system jumped out and let him devour the collapsing planet.

But when did such a mechanical planet appear in the solar system?

Humans seem to have never noticed this planet.

Could it be that alien life has been bred in the solar system in places unknown to humans?

And more importantly, this planet is already on the verge of destruction.

In other words, this mechanical planet has appeared in the solar system for a long time.

Exactly after he binds to the Death Star, he is about to collapse and collapse.

This is too coincidental! It was so coincidental that Chen Mu couldn't help but doubt the system.

He glanced suspiciously at the Death Star that was trying to complete the swallowing, and asked the system curiously.

"System, are you responsible for this mechanical planet that is about to collapse and destroy?"

"Why is it such a coincidence?"

"Isn't it really the novice benefit you gave me?"

"This kind of novice welfare is really good! But at least you have to tell me straight up, right?"

But the system didn't give any answer.

Just listened to Chen Mu's inquiry and kept silent.

Soon, the Death Star completely devoured the mechanical planet.

【Ding! The Death Star is devouring the mechanical planet, progress: 100%】

[Congratulations to the host, the engulfment of the mechanical planet is complete!].

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