Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 113 Ying Jiang Was Shocked, And The Special Forces Sent To The Auto Repair Shop Were Wiped O

"Mr. Secretary, restore power to downtown Washington!"

Command Room of the Ministry of Defense.

A satellite liaison, reporting to an anxious Minister John.

"Great, order all troops to quickly rescue citizens and protect the safety of government departments!"

Hearing this news, Minister John's sad face eased a little.

With one shot from Optimus Prime, the teleportation pile that was transporting the planet Cybertron exploded.

On the earth, hundreds of teleportation piles, by absorbing the energy from the earth, converge into a space light body at the most important position, and only then can a 100-meter-wide space bridge be built to teleport the planet Cybertron.

This extremely powerful energy magnetic field can paralyze the electricity and signals of the entire city in an instant.

This is why the city of Washington lost contact and why any electronic product failed.

At this moment, the main control teleportation pile of the Space Tower Bridge was shattered, and the rest of the teleportation piles also lost their ability.

Everything is like a falling iron, falling on the ground.

All the city's electricity and satellite signals are restored, and only in the command room of the Ministry of National Defense can the scene in the city be seen clearly again.

At that time, the soldiers who had accepted the order were rushing to the inner city of Washington at high speed.

All the special forces, the tank barracks, and the Air Force special warfare battalion of Eagle Country.

They started in unison, headed towards the interior of the city, aimed at the wanton destructive Decepticons, and crazily took revenge.

Da da da.....

In the sky, the f35 fighter jets are constantly firing shells, aiming at the insidious and cunning guys in the city below them.

Some heavy armored tanks were also located inside the city at this time.

Aim at those Decepticon fighters and shoot them away.


The cumbersome tank, although not absolutely lethal, caused the Decepticons to die on the spot.

But the hard and thick cannonball also pierced a big hole in the Decepticon's chest in an instant.

at the same time.

In the city, the sound of human mechanical guns also began to sound like firecrackers, "Nine Zero Three".

Those mechanical dogs that kept running and biting in the streets and alleys kept retreating under the suppression of the special forces.

At that time.

The Bumblebee punched down, and the head of a Decepticon exploded in an instant.

Stepping on the horizontal cannon of Hot Wheels and holding two swords, he looks like a sword fairy in the world.

Traveling through thousands of armies is like no man's land.

Dozens of Decepticon warriors can't do anything about him.

Going back and forth through it, since it didn't hurt him a little.

On the contrary, when Hengpao alone passed through dozens of Decepticons.

Under the sunlight, the twin swords glowed with a frightening cold light.

Hengpao turned around domineeringly, looked at the enemy in front of him coldly, and smiled.


With a wave of the two swords, the sound of piercing the air was particularly crisp.


The next moment, the bodies of all the Decepticons mutated instantly.

The chests and backs of each person burst open in an instant, blood and engine oil mixed all over the ground, and they lost consciousness in an instant.


The iron sheet on the back of the horizontal cannon, and the cannons on both arms are activated instantly.

All the Decepticons who came over from bee pupae without knowing their life or death, all turned into metal fragments of Cybertron under his powerful artillery fire.

The ambulance was holding a huge axe, and with a single swing, the bodies of several Decepticons were cut off on the spot, without a trace.

Jazz, who has grown in strength, is constantly looking for traces of the mechanical dog.

These small, but extremely fierce mechanical dogs are the most inhuman

Once a human being is caught, it will frantically bite and kill.

In order to prevent this kind of creature from continuing to harm human security.

Jazz's cannons fired almost without fail, and they all fired towards those mad dog-like creatures.

The Autobot warriors all re-entered the battle after solving the final opponent, the natural enemy, and destroying the teleportation on the planet Cybertron, which is the biggest crisis.

The blow of Optimus Prime aroused the hatred of many Cybertronians.

At this moment, countless Decepticon warriors frantically surrounded his figure.

However, the broken-arm Tianzhu stood in place.

In front of him are Arcee, Alita and Clauria, three female robot sisters.

Like an unshakable city wall.

With weapons in their hands, any Decepticons and mechanical dogs' attacks would not be able to step in.

"Lord Megatron, what should we do now?"

At this moment, the field has a look of anxiety.

The plan of the Decepticons and the natural enemies has already fallen.

As the strong leader of the planet Cybertron, Yu Natural Enemy not only failed to survive to the end, but was killed by Arcee's powerful blow.

Even everyone's plan to transmit the planet Cybertron to the earth has failed.

The Decepticons and their party have been exposed to deceive human beings.

At this moment, the human army is constantly approaching the city of Washington.

Although human weapons cannot kill Decepticons with one blow.

However, these guys have so many weapons, and the firepower of no money bombards the Decepticon with bullet holes all over his body, so he can only die unwillingly.

The situation is getting worse and worse for the Decepticons.

Although Optimus Prime is hated by the Cybertronians, the current situation simply cannot allow him to die here.

If this continues, the Decepticon army that has finally regrouped will only increase casualties ineffectively.

At the same time, Megatron is also aware of this.

Without the most destructive diamond demon and its powerful subordinate, Shockwave, the combat power of the Decepticon army plummeted.

If today's battle continues, it will only become more unfavorable to Megatron.

"Command all Decepticons, retreat!"

In desperation, Megatron ordered Starscream behind him.

The opponent took the lead.

In an instant, an F22 fighter jet flew across Washington.

"This is Starscream, all Decepticons retreat immediately!"

With Starscream's order, all the Decepticon army immediately started to move.

Under the bombardment of everyone's firepower, they began to rush towards the edge of the city.

Those fighters who kept suppressing the city's core also began to retreat towards their original places.

At this moment, Megatron stood on the tower. He stared at Optimus Prime with an angry face, because he was unwilling to do so.

If it wasn't for this moment, there would be three female warriors at the leader level by Optimus Prime's side.

Megatron will definitely draw his sword and kill Optimus Prime.

Now Optimus Prime's strength has been greatly reduced, and he has five blessings.

It was the best time to assassinate, but unfortunately Megatron didn't have this chance.

"Optimus Prime, you wait..."

"One day, I will let you and the people on the earth all die by my hands."

Megatron grimaced, muttering in his mouth.

As soon as these words came out, he instantly transformed into a space fighter and left this place.

With Megatron gone.

Followed by his lieutenant, Starscream, and led the entire Decepticon army, everything started thoroughly.

With hundreds of powerful robots, the attack is unstoppable, and the retreat is also helpless.

But a few minutes.

Under the unstoppable momentum of the people, these huge fighters rushed out of the city of Washington and fled towards the distance.

"Quick, we must track them down!"

"I will never allow this traitor to leave safely."

In the command room of the Ministry of National Defense, Minister John looked at those hateful Decepticons and left like this. Immediately ordered the satellite department to track their whereabouts.


However, just a few seconds later, the screen of the satellite department instantly went black.

Immediately afterwards, only a pair of code data was transmitted, which was continuously rotated on the big screen.

"Report to the Minister that the satellite has been intercepted by Decepticons."

When Minister John heard the liaison officer's explanation, his mood fell into a trough again.

Behind the Decepticon, those fighter planes that followed were all swept away by Starscream.

As for the tracking on the satellite, under the interference of the sound waves, the satellite of the entire Eagle Kingdom is like a limp dead body, floating in space.

"Fack, Megatron, I will definitely find your lair!"

"Bringing such a loss to the Eagle Kingdom, I want you and the Decepticons to disappear under my artillery fire!"

In the command room of the Ministry of National Defense, Minister John's anger has already reached its peak.

The roar in the headquarters at this moment made everyone dare not refute.

Everyone stayed in place quietly, waiting for Minister John's next order.

After a few minutes of silence, Minister John calmed down from his anger.

"Let all the troops maintain order in Washington, rescue the wounded, and restore the city's operations as soon as possible..."


As soon as the words came out, the soldiers behind him immediately conveyed the order.

The battle against the tricks of natural enemies, a paragraph.

At this moment, the originally bustling city has become dilapidated.

A group of Autobots entered into a short respite at this moment.

This time, Optimus Prime and others once again became the key figures to save the earth.

Without them, perhaps the earth this time would have become a planet devastated by life and death everywhere.

The human military began to clean up on the battlefield, and began to repair and deal with the entire disaster-stricken city.

The command room of the Ministry of Defense.

The moment fell into a brief rest.

Just when everyone thought it was over, a bad news came in.

Lieutenant Pete, the executor of the Autobot manufacturing, entered the headquarters with a worried face.

Looking at Minister John, who was slightly relieved, he kept his head down, showing many emotions in his expression.

Or hurt, or angry, or timid, or helpless.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Looking at each other and walking in front of him, he never said a word.

Minister John was the first to ask the question.

But the other party has been a little twitching.

"Say it!"

As soon as Minister John drank, Adjutant Pete became alert.

Only then did he speak slowly.

"Send... the special forces sent to scout Chen Mu..."

"Something happened to the Special Forces..."

When everyone inside the Ministry of Defense heard the news,

There was a look of panic on their faces.

"What did you say?"

Minister John got up excitedly and stared at the other party in surprise.

At this moment, Lieutenant Pete regretted it very much.

If it wasn't for his own opinion at the beginning, the Eagle Kingdom would not have been plotted against by Megatron.

The sudden fall of Washington caused huge and irreversible losses,

Now, the dispatched special team also had an accident again.

Lieutenant Pete suppressed his emotions and handed a video recorder in his hand to Minister John.

The other party took it and immediately handed it over to the technical department.

This is from the video recorder worn by the soldiers of the dead Silver Fox Special Forces.

It clearly records all the important pictures about the accident of the Silver Fox team.

Lieutenant Pete remained silent.

He understands that the incident in Washington and the Silver Fox Squad are directly related to his plan and cooperation with Megatron.

After this incident, Lieutenant Pete was ready to be

The Ministry of Defense dismissed some posts and accepted severe consequences.

At that time, the big screen of the Ministry of National Defense opened up all the pictures.

This is Silver Fox Team, the adjutant's chest impact recorder.

The small team was divided into three groups, one after another from a distance, and began to lurk gradually, heading for Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

Along the way, nothing happened.

Everything changed, starting from the scene where the Silver Fox team got an order, made a decision, arrested Chen Mu by force, and pressed back to the headquarters.

The team is probably less than 50 meters away from the auto repair shop.

There started to be members of other groups, and messages started to come in.

It is claimed that a teammate was shot by an unknown pulse rifle and died on the spot.

The deputy captain called everyone to stop, and after staying for a while, he decided to break into the outer wall of the auto repair shop together.

That scene, the scene that shocked everyone when everyone appeared, happened.

The moment when dozens of special teams started to head towards the outer wall of the auto repair shop at the same time.

Appearing from nowhere, the light and shadow of countless pulse cannons.

The shells were like a torrential rain, and all of them hit the chests of the soldiers of the special squad.

In the picture, everyone is hit at the same moment.

Everyone was injured, the entire chest was completely pierced, and they lost consciousness and died on the spot.

Everything happened in less than ten seconds.

The whole silver fox team lost all news.

In the video recorder, the deputy captain's walkie-talkie and the urgent cry for help from the corps can also be heard.

At this time, there is no one who can answer alive.

The screen fell into dead silence. , The entire command room of the Ministry of National Defense was also dead silent.

Minister John swallowed, hesitating for a moment and couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

"Who is this Chen Mu?"

"What happened at the scene?"

"An ordinary car mechanic, why can there be a weapon that can kill the Silver Fox team near his shop...

"It's impossible..."

Minister John was so shocked that he didn't know how to explain it, and kept talking about various possibilities.

The Silver Fox Squad is the top three strongest reconnaissance team in the entire Eagle Kingdom military.

Every member here can make an indelible contribution in the military camp in the next life.

Single-selected, it is the unique super soldier king in each military camp.

At this moment, all of them died strangely in front of the shop of an ordinary auto mechanic.

This shocking news quickly spread throughout the military and government units of the Eagle Kingdom within five minutes...

At this moment, in the city of Washington.

A few clouds of smoke rise to 2.8, and the city that has been hit hard is complaining weakly at this moment.

Under the steel overpass.

Optimus Prime found his right arm which was cut off by the natural enemy.

The whole arm was completely separated, which can be said to hurt Optimus Prime's vitality.

Arcie stepped forward worriedly, looking at the other party's injuries and said.

"Optimus Prime, do you want to change into a vehicle form and ask Chen Mu for help?"

"With his technology, your arm will definitely be repaired quickly, and even get a better experience.

After listening to Arcee's suggestion, everyone nodded in approval.

But at this time, Optimus Prime shook his head, and he refused.

"No, we have already caused too much trouble for Chen Mu.

"My injury is nothing, just let the ambulance treat me to carry out my beliefs!"

After these words, Optimus Prime took his arm and transformed into a car.

"Autobots, retreat!"

As soon as these words came out, all the Autobots transformed into cars and left Washington.

Those people along the road, seeing Optimus Prime and others leaving, warmly thanked and waved goodbye.

Optimus Prime lost his hometown, but because of his fraternity, he saved the human beings on the earth.

This choice also made all the Autobots gain the gratitude and worship of human beings.

At this moment, among the group of people, only the three sisters Alcie did not keep up.

After receiving Optimus Prime's order, the three sisters can stay in Chen Mu's auto repair shop for the time being, and must hide themselves.

Seeing the departure of Brother Optimus Prime, the three of Arcee were full of respect at that time.

"In order to protect the peace of the earth, Optimus Prime will bear everything at such a high price.

"We should also stick to our identity and continue to serve as doctors in the human world.

As soon as the words came out.

Three dazzling top racing cars left Washington City and returned to Fatty Ding Square. .

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