Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 123 Sorry, I'm Invulnerable

Inside Chen Mu's surrounding buildings.

Suddenly, many human soldiers ambush appeared.

When Tiepi discovered this situation, he felt uneasy immediately.

However, just when he was worried about this, something bad happened.

There was a strange cracking sound in the air.

In the eyes of everyone, only a dozen bullets were seen shooting out from the muzzles of those human soldiers.

All of a sudden, Chen Mu surrounded him with nowhere to hide.

No matter how much Tie Pi wanted to save people, it was already too late to start at this moment.

The expressions of several people were flustered, they were always staring at the bullets, and fired away.

"don't want!"

In the darkness, a beautiful female voice sounded.


In the dark alley that couldn't be seen clearly, the roar of the sun burst out.

Then, a crimson figure shot away.

This figure was Arcee.

Seeing the movement on Chen Mu's side, Alcie immediately noticed it.

Even a ten-thousandth of a second is not enough to save the opponent.

But at this moment, Arcee still couldn't help herself, and directly transformed into a Ducati 848 car, and rushed over at a high speed.

At this moment, Arcee only hoped that she could help Chen Mu and save him.

The fear in her heart made her panic.

Since she entered Chen Mu's auto repair shop, Arcie, who was mediocre among female Autobots, has completely changed.

When Chen Mu gave her three mods for the first time, Alcie became different.

Extreme speed, superb defense, and terrifying attack power.

These are all given to Alcie by Chen Mu.

Let Arcee play an indispensable and crucial role in the subsequent battle.

Since possessing such a powerful ability "One Two Three", Arcee has never forgotten Chen Mu's kindness.

Especially after getting acquainted gradually, Arcee discovered how unfathomable Chen Mu's strength is.

The enthusiasm and professional attitude to help any Autobot.

More and more, a tall and perfect image was branded in Arcie's heart.

In that scene, when Arcee saw it, Chen Mu had a crisis.

She didn't hesitate at all, even if everything might be too late, she rushed over without thinking

In just a few nanoseconds, Arcee has stepped through the darkness and appeared under the light.

But no matter how fast Arcee was, the bullets were ruthless, and they were already bombarded in front of Chen Mu.


At that moment, Arcee suddenly felt a heartbeat of human nervousness and worry.


Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion occurred at Chen Mu's site.

With a powerful shock wave, Arcie's wheels skidded violently, and she was instantly ejected several meters away.

Eagle Country's TAC50 sniper rifle can be called the most sophisticated sniper rifle with the longest range in the entire world.

In the ranking of the entire sniper rifle [the position is second only to the AWM of the British Wai.

Although its power is not as powerful as that of AWM, it can crush an ordinary military truck on the spot.

However, one bullet from the TAC50 is enough to make a military truck completely paralyzed and useless after being hit.

Such a bullet can make Chen Mu explode with a strong airflow the moment he is hit.

Not to mention, more than a dozen bullets were fired at Chen Mu's body at the same time.

At that moment, all the bullets hit Chen Mu.

The entire ground was instantly lifted up with several thick cement slabs, and countless clods of mud were crushed into dust, which immediately plunged the scene into a cloud of smoke.

This terrifying power, if it hits an armored tank or an F35 fighter.

It can also make it completely useless in an instant.

Even if the Autobot was hit by such a combined bullet, his body would probably be broken on the spot with an arm or a thigh.

The dust and smoke were stirred up tens of meters into the air, and everyone was shocked in an instant...

"Very good!"

At this moment, within the Ministry of National Defense of Eagle Country.

Seeing Chen Mu being shot by snipers from Tombwind and Black Hawk, Minister John applauded immediately.

Clapping his hands together, the face that had been cold all the time, let go of the tension at this moment, showing a sinister and smug smile.

Minister John is very confident that under such bombardment, it is absolutely impossible for any life to survive.

I can finally have a reasonable explanation to Mr. President for the death of the Silver Fox team.

But at the side at this time, Simmons had a sad face.

This man who had always been at odds with Optimus Prime after discovering the Autobots.

Since being rescued by Optimus Prime, a complete change has taken place.

Although Simmons is jealous of the powerful technology of the planet Cybertron, he is a straightforward person and does not want to see his benefactor turn against him.

Chen Mu really died at the hands of the Ministry of National Defense today, then the whole country will face the baptism of revenge from Optimus Prime and others.

Even if the Eagle Kingdom's technological weapons are endless, if there is a war, will there be a chance to win?

Simmons sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Meanwhile, around the scene.

A pair of blood-red demon eyes lit up.

In the darkness, one can vaguely see an extremely terrifying mechanical face with a smug smile.

"Yes, this time Optimus Prime will completely lose his backing.

"Without Chen Mu, they would not be resurrected after death, and they would have no chance to become stronger."

"As long as we defeat each of them and eliminate all the Autobots, all stumbling blocks will be cleared away"

Megatron was in the dark, watching everything that happened, feeling round and faint.

The Decepticons behind them also immediately became excited when they heard this.

All the scary faces showed terrifying smiles.

the other side.

Seeing this scene, Optimus Prime, Tin Hide and others were completely dumbfounded.

Under such a thick smog, the ground has cracked huge holes, how can human beings survive.

"Oh no!"

"It's a pity for our benefactor!"

Optimus Prime's expression showed bursts of regret.

Tie Pi stood aside, with a sad expression, not knowing what to say.

side of the scene.

Arcee, who was ejected several meters by the shock wave, was extremely sad.

I stared blankly at the scene, not knowing what to do.

For a long time, the benefactor who had taken good care of Arcie's modification and had great kindness was engulfed by the explosion at this moment.

How could such a fatal blow not deal a big blow to Arcie?

However, the smoke gradually dissipated after a while.

Just when everyone was going to look for it, under the powerful bombardment, it was blown to pieces and covered with traces of blood, but they disappeared for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, some special warfare soldiers outside the field immediately irradiated them with high-intensity lights.

He wanted to be the first to discover the fragmented corpse of the other party through the irradiation of strong light.

But just as the lights were shining fiercely, a figure in the thick fog suddenly surprised everyone.


Not waiting for a reaction.

I saw the figure that was irradiated, and it was the first to move out.

A foot protruded from the dust, stepped on the gravel and rubble, slightly blocked the glare, and appeared in front of everyone again.

Chen Mu, who was shot by more than a dozen bullets just now, was unscathed at this moment, standing calmly in front of everyone.


"What the hell happened here?"

"This human being is actually still alive...

Chen Mu was guarded by countless bullets, but he was safe and sound, which immediately caused an uproar among the people at the scene.



"Why is this? Why is this..."

"TAC50 sniper rifle can penetrate even tanks, why can't it kill a human!"

"What are these Tombwind and Black Hawk special teams doing?"

The command room of the Ministry of Defense.

Minister John obviously couldn't believe that Chen Mu was alive and well.

At this moment, both shock and anger welled up in my heart, and Minister John didn't know what to do for a while, and couldn't help cursing angrily.

On the other hand, Simmons looked at Chen Mu who had returned from the smoke, and secretly let out a sigh of relief.

For this person, who helped Optimus Prime and his gang improve their strength, and also helped the earth successfully get off the line, Simmons really didn't want anything to happen to him.

There is more than one person who is as angry as Minister John.

In the dark, see that Chen Mu is not dead.

Megatron was also angry for a while: "Why can't this group of humans beat Chen You to death?"

"Such a short distance, failed to hit?"

Megatron stared at the scene with gritted teeth.

On the other hand, Optimus Prime and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Arcie, who was at the side of the scene, smiled even more reassuringly when she saw that Chen Mu was not injured and was safe and sound.

The benefactor in my heart, nothing happened, nothing is more reassuring than this.

For a time, Chen Mu's life and death has become everyone's focus.

Human beings who pay attention to this war are constantly shocked with the feeling of watching a military exercise.

For the people on the battlefield, people who stand on all sides will bring different emotions because of Chen Mu's life and death.

On a tall building in the distance.

Tombwind and Black Hawk, the two special forces, are very different from each other.

"I clearly aimed at this human's brain, and I'm sure the bullet must have hit him.

"Me too, I hit this human head firmly.

"Why did this happen? Is this human being still a human......

Tombwind and Black Hawk, their respective snipers questioned one after another...

Everyone was shocked, why the target person could survive such an attack.

"Quick, act!"

However, only the captains of the two teams were very calm. Facing the walkie-talkie, call immediately.

As soon as the words came out.

In a hidden corner in the dark, immediately start to act.

Other special team members began to set up mortars and bazookas everywhere.

Prepare to launch a second swift attack....

At that time.

From a thrilling death crisis, Chen Mu, who survived safely, opened his palm slightly, and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

The system is awesome!

This kind of bullet hit me in the head, nothing happened?

The mechanical steel frame is really powerful.

In Chen Mu's heart, he was amazed at the performance of his body just now.

It turned out that Chen Mu obtained the mechanical steel frame in the mission before.

Under the systematic whole-body evolution, his body has already become a silicon-based state.

With the blessing of the Mechanic God's Death Star on his body, it is impossible for any armed forces on Earth to harm Chen Mu even a single bit.

There is no need for Chen Mu to react, facing any bombardment from the opponent, he can stay in place without incident.


Chen Mu was in surprise.

Suddenly, a burst of brilliance appeared in front of his eyes.

A rocket hit Chen Mu's feet on the spot.

A violent burning sensation spread from his legs in an instant.

The flames engulfed Chen Mu's entire body in an instant.

But soon, this kind of severe burn, on the Death Star of Mechanic God

Under protection, the moment has no effect.

The dazzling light in front of him made Chen Mu's brows furrowed suddenly.

A burst of irritability suddenly burst from Chen Mu's heart.

"Your local gangsters, because there are no rules!"

"Demolition of my house in the middle of the night, fighting is not above board!"

"Then let me die..."

Chen Mu was already angry.

Looking back, Chen Mu never paid any attention to the harassment of these gangsters.

But these guys became more and more violent, which made Chen Mu's emotions no longer want to endure.

Chen Mu shouted violently.

The flames in front of him were instantly dispersed.

The air was instantly quiet.

However, the bursts of artillery fire did not stop there.

Countless shells came galloping from every corner.

Sniping and decapitating failed, Tombwind and the Black Hawk team chose to use shelling to completely turn Chen Mu into a gray king.

Because of this order, Tombwind and Black Hawk received the message "Kill Chen Mu, by whatever means."

Therefore, in order to make this mission safe and stable.

Neither Tombwind nor Black Hawk chose the melee plan, but let Chen Mu die here in the most simple, direct and effective way.

All kinds of mortars and rockets roared towards Chen Mu's body.

In anger, Chen Mu's eyes instantly turned on night vision.

In the air, the extremely fast cannonballs are like a slow-motion picture in Chen Muyan 2.8.

All the movements were very slow in Chen Mu's eyes.

With a grimace at the corner of his mouth, Chen Mu immediately reached out and grabbed a flying cannonball.

This scene shocked everyone.

Grasping cannonballs with bare hands, is this something humans can do?

Everyone in the crowd was shocked and surprised.

I saw Chen Mu holding the cannonball, exerting strength with his arm, and throwing it towards a building in the darkness in an instant.

In an instant, the shell left his hand. The flying speed caused bursts of air bursts, enough to match the original speed.

Such a scene made everyone dumbfounded.

With only human strength, it is possible to hold the cannonball and fire it out again like a cannon mount.

How could this weird ability be done by human beings?

Everyone who saw this scene dropped their jaws in shock.

But in the next second, a violent explosion brought everyone back to reality again.

Where Chen Mu threw it, an instant explosion sparked light.

A pothole appeared on the entire building.

Among the special forces, the snipers of the Black Hawk team who occupied this stronghold had no news on the spot.

Before the Black Hawk team became tense, a shell sounded from the sky.

The captain of the Black Hawk team looked up, and through thermal imaging technology, a shell in the sky was heading towards him.

"Get out!"

"Chen Mu can see where we are!"

Captain Black Hawk roared immediately.

All team members quickly ran towards safety from various places.

However, the speed of the shells is definitely not comparable to that of manpower.

A burst of explosion spread instantly from the tall buildings in the darkness.

Every explosion point is the stronghold of Tombwind and Black Hawk [No doubt!.

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