Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 125 Letter From The Embassy, ​​The Emperor Of The Universe Is Coming!

Eagle Country, Los Angeles.

At this moment, this ordinary commercial plaza of Fatty Ding has become a place that attracts the attention of the whole world today.

Chen Mu, as a human being on earth, has made an astonishing move.

The military of the majestic Eagle Kingdom sent ten armored tanks, ten +35 fighter planes, and the strongest special teams of the Song Dynasty and the Ten Song Special War Battalion.

Neither can win under the defense of one person.

This incident, which was regarded as a "drill" by the world, has not yet ended.

The military has already dared not move, and the officers in charge of the operation are afraid that the command error of this operation will make the losses worse.

The sacrifice of two special teams is a very important accident for the country.

The person in charge is not stupid. Minister John made repeated mistakes this time. If he continues to obey orders, the government will definitely blame him.


At this time, a sound of electric current sounded in the ear of the person in charge.

His throat tightened, for fear that Minister John from the opposite side would issue some strange orders again.

At this time, another strange voice sounded.

"Hello, I'm Simmons. The executor of District Seven."

"For safety reasons, please retreat now to avoid unnecessary casualties of the army."

On the other end of the phone, Simmons' voice came.

Hearing this sentence, the person in charge wanted to act very much.

However, he was very unfamiliar with Simmons, and had never heard of him at all.

Leading the army without authorization is a serious violation of military discipline, and the person in charge will not be so stupid.

At this time, Simmons did not hear the response, and immediately explained.

"That's right, the Seventh District is a special operations force that belongs only to Mr. President.

"As the executor of the Seventh District, I am directly transferred by Mr. Fu."

"You have seen the result of this operation. Once you fire again, the remaining military forces will be destroyed in Chen Mu's hands."

"At that time, not only will it cause huge losses to the military's supplies, but it will also discredit the army.

"Retreating now, although it will be a little difficult to say, but it is better than not turning back.

"If you are concerned about military discipline, I will bring it up with Mr. President."

Hearing these words, the person in charge was relieved a lot.


The person in charge immediately nodded and hung up the walkie-talkie.

At the same time, he spoke to the correspondent behind him.

"Order all tank units and air units to withdraw immediately.

"Wounded and soldiers, quickly pack up and retreat!"


When the correspondent receives the news, he immediately changes his assignment.


At that moment, all the tanks moved again.

Chen Mu watched the enemy make another movement, and clenched his fists tightly.


With a kick of his legs, two pits immediately appeared on the ground of his feet.

"Come on, bastard!"

As soon as Chen Mu drank it, it was immediately heard by the military.

He thought that these gangsters wanted to attack again.

But seeing this scene, the military misunderstood that Chen Mu planned to take advantage of the victory and pursue, and did not intend to let the military go.

Thus, a funny scene appeared.

"Everyone retreat!"

The commander in charge roared.

All the soldiers quickly picked up their weapons, and immediately pulled the wounded to speed up their pace.

In a short time, they all got into the military camp vehicle.

The tank behind him turned around non-stop. After turning around, he disappeared into the darkness without looking back.

In the sky, the fighter planes that have been roaring back and forth have long since disappeared.

Within three minutes, all the formations disappeared around the square.

After a moment of silence.

Only then did everyone react, and the military retreated.

"Huh? The military has withdrawn?"

Reporter George is holding a camera and is still taking pictures of the battlefield.

It was obviously unexpected to see such a hasty retreat by the military.

at the same time.

On the cloud live broadcast on the Internet, there are also question marks constantly floating around "?

No one expected that such a wonderful military exercise would end like this?

Originally, when Chen Mu thought that he was about to fight again, seeing that everyone had left, he couldn't help curling his lips.

"I really don't have any ambition, come back next time, I will destroy all your weapons."

Seeing that the obstacles were cleared away, Chen Mu waved his hand.

It was late at night, and I was so sleepy after a busy day.

Ready to go home and rest.

At this time, there was a roar behind him.

Looking back, it was Mikaela who was driving Oteste and rushed over.

Looking at the scene, there are bursts of clouds and smoke, and countless holes have been blasted.

Chen Mu in front of him was caught in the explosion, and his clothes were torn to pieces.

Mikaela, who was worried, burst into tears for a while, and should go forward immediately.


Mikaela hugged Chen Mu.

"Are you OK?"

Chen Mu watched helplessly. When Mikaela came over, her nervous expression changed into pear blossom and rain in the blink of an eye.

While weeping, Mikaela touched Chen Mu's body for fear of getting hurt.

On the way Mikaela rushed over, she found that the artillery fire had begun.

I am worried that Chen Mu will appear in a dangerous place because of the safety of the auto repair shop.

Mikaela didn't dare to stop for a moment, her speed was getting faster and faster, and she rushed over in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, I saw Chen Mu's appearance day by day. All the clothes on his body were blown to the ground and there was very little left.

Except for a pair of trousers that were blown into shorts, the upper body was almost covered with a few strips of cloth.

For a moment, heartache immediately flooded Mikaela's body.

Chen Mu obviously didn't expect that La would appear here at this time.

Seeing each other, in order to care about myself, the tension that came all the way.

Chen Mu's heart warmed, and he stretched out his hand slightly, wiping the tears on the other's cheek.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt. 11

Mikaela didn't let go until she heard Chen Mu's reply, and Mikaela's heart was hanging.

At this moment, Mikaela didn't care so much, and hugged Chen Mu tightly.

"It's good that you're fine, don't worry about me...

This scene is very warm.

Seeing this, Chen Mu also smiled slightly, and slowly stretched out his hand, wrapping her in his arms.

Mikaela really cared about herself, maybe she could think about it later.

Chen Mu thought to himself.

At that time, Arcie, who retreated into the darkness, saw Michaela in Chen Mudi's arms.

For a moment, a strange look appeared on that face, completely unconsciously.

It seemed that Arcie was not happy to see this scene.

The situation at the scene gradually returned to calm. At this moment, Optimus Prime issued an order.

"Autobots, retreat!"

Hearing this, Tin Hide immediately replied: "Optimus Prime, aren't you meeting Chen Mu?"

"The timing is not right now, let's go back and start a commercial platform first!"


Follow orders.

All the Autobots, under the arrangement of Optimus Prime, evacuated the scene again.

Alcedo glanced twice, and there seemed to be a hint of loss between her brows.

Turning into a locomotive, he also left quietly.

"Master Megatron, Optimus Prime and the others retreated."

At that time, the movement of the enemy was discovered. Starscream also immediately reported.

Hearing this, Megatron nodded slightly.

"We also retreat first!"

After saying this, all the Decepticons who were ambushing here also retreated.

The scene returned to calm.

Chen Mu also had a brief chat with Mikaela, and asked the other party to go home first.

Chen Mu went back to rest.

Some reporters and residents left one after another.

At this time, reporter George always felt that something was wrong.

"Hi, sir."

After simply thinking for a while, he suddenly called out to a nearby resident.

The man George greeted was dressed casually, wearing slippers and carrying a bag of fruit in his hand.

Wearing glasses, he looks in his early thirties, similar to George.

Hearing the greeting, the man turned his head and looked over curiously.

At this time, Yinzhi stepped forward with a smile.

"Hello, sir. I'm a reporter."

"I think you seem to be a resident of this neighborhood, do you know the gentleman just now?"

With an attitude of giving it a try, George pointed to the square behind him.

Unexpectedly, this question really brought the best news.

"You said Chen Mu? Of course I do."

"Oh? Can you tell me about it? I want to know more about this Chen Mu!"

When the whole incident started, George always felt that something was wrong with this exercise.

It is absolutely impossible for any military operation to cause such a big commotion in the city center.

In the course of the action, George noticed that the two sides did not seem to know each other.

The shots from both sides were even more merciless.

Coupled with the military's retreat without warning.

Everything happened suspiciously, and George's keen intuition told himself that there must be something hidden in it.

Originally, George gave up hope and wanted to find someone nearby to ask if anyone knew Chen Mu.

After all, when this man appeared, he was wearing pajamas.

In addition to the woman who appeared just now, it is obvious that the other party lives here.

Unexpectedly, after asking such a question, an opportunity really appeared.

Later, George also made an amazing discovery through the resident's answer.

During the exercise, the man who appeared was named Chen Mu.

Chen Mu, the owner of an auto repair shop in Fatty Ding Plaza in Los Angeles.

An ordinary auto repairman has lived in this place for many years and knows the neighbors very well.

After knowing this news, then the problem came.

The sudden action of the military is definitely not for exercises.

With the appearance of Chen Mu, the military dispatched a number of military soldiers to carry out terrible interception and attack.

However, unfortunately, he was killed by Chen Mu.

What is the reason for the military government to commit such a terrorist act regardless of the safety of the people of Los Angeles?

Chen Mu, as a dutiful citizen, why was he targeted by the military and made such a move?

According to the residents' answers, Chen Mu is very skilled in auto repair in this area, he is kind and polite, and has never had any enemies.

From this point of view, it must be that the military faction has done something in the dark.

After getting the news, George reported to the newspaper center overnight.

The leaders of the newspaper office did not hesitate about this matter today.

Immediately ordered George to write a popular report from this matter.

On the second day, a piece of hot news spread all over the world.

A super human has appeared on Earth!"

"Youths from Huaxia defended the car repair shop, resisted military attacks, and showed superhuman strength..."

Reporter George, a guess of his own today, instantly made the news and newspaper circulation of the entire newspaper directly rush to the first place in history.

at the same time.

The public opinion effect of this matter is also rapidly fermenting.

Soon, more netizens began to investigate the incident between Chen Mu and the military.

At Fatty Ding Square last night, that Superman

Humans, indeed, are ordinary human beings on Earth.

It's not the technological human beings mentioned in the guesswork.

At the same time, this human's position, nationality information, etc., are all exposed.

Everyone found that Chen Mu was a very ordinary car mechanic.

There is no violation of law or discipline.

It was such a person, but he was bombarded and killed by the Eagle Kingdom military so mercilessly.

For a moment, the wind direction of public opinion was instantly on Chen Mu's side.

In the comments on the Internet, there was a lot of abuse.

"A young man from the Huaxia Kingdom who came from outside was working in Eagle Country, but he was targeted by the military so hard.

"It's so sad!"

"In the future, we foreigners dare to live and live in this country? In my opinion, we don't even welcome consumption..."

"Yeah, as a resident of my country, I feel ashamed of the military's behavior. It's really shameful!"

Around ten o'clock this morning, the news spread around the world.

In the stock market of the entire Eagle Country, the stock prices of all local enterprises and companies plummeted instantly.

A large number of countries that cooperate with the Eagle Kingdom have proposed (Li Haohao) to contact the cooperative relationship.

The military's cooperative factory even directly scolded the military and directly broke the bond of cooperation.

On the other hand, Chen Mu's homeland suddenly has many foreign investors today.

A large number of capitalists introduced industries and funds into Huaxia Kingdom.

Many cooperative enterprises even offered to cooperate with Huaxia's enterprises to run business together.

The economy of the whole world was violently turbulent on this day.

The root cause of it comes from Minister John's insistence on going his own way.

He led a large number of troops to carry out such a horrific killing of Chen Mu in public.

This behavior has caused many people around the world to be dissatisfied with the Eagle Nation's military.

Most of the partners no longer trust their own companies or their own military.

For Chen Mu's homeland, because of his performance, he left a good impression.

Everyone is willing to put all business and cooperation in such a country to operate, which is more reassuring.

On this day, there is a constant flow of graphic news.

Chen Mu, who got up early in the morning, even received an email from the embassy of his motherland.

The content of the email is roughly like this.

Chen Mu, hello.

I am Zhou Weiguo, Director of the Chinese Embassy.

Last night, I learned that my compatriots suffered, and felt deeply sympathetic. I'm here to say hello, are you all right?

If compatriots have difficulties, they can come to the embassy for help at any time. If there is any difficulty, I can send a special plane to send you back to the country.

A simple letter warmed Chen Mu's heart.

In a foreign country, if something happens, the country's embassy will come to ask me if I am all right.

At this moment, in Chen Mu's heart, let alone how nourishing the ring was.

The embassy came to ask Chen Mu if he had any difficulties.

If you want to go back to your country or have difficulties, the other party will provide assistance immediately.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu thought about replying. .

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