Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 21 The Autobot's First Probe, Is Chen Mu An Alien? !

Optimus Prime is waiting for the Autobots.

Except for the fact that Bumblebee and Arcee are hiding in human society to inquire about news.

Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Jazz, and Ambulance all act together.

At this moment, the Decepticons have already carried out frequent attacks on the Eagle Nation's network, stealing a lot of secret information on this planet.

Logically speaking, the mainstay among the four Autobots should be to search for the location information of the source of fire against time.

However, the appearance of Chen Mu, the mysterious Chinese auto mechanic, caused some subtle changes in the center of gravity of the four Autobots.

Since the last time, Arcee showed the car jacket that can be repaired automatically in front of everyone, and the already extremely powerful pulse rifle.

Tinhide and the ambulance have been a little restless.

The mechanical technology shown by Chen Mu really made it difficult for them to accept it!

You know, on Cybertron, the life of mechanical species is extremely long.

In addition to the Cybertron star, it was once ruled by the Creator.

The mechanical knowledge left on it, logically speaking, is several grades higher than the planet where the Autobots descended.

In the beginning, when I saw Arcee displaying such extraordinary technology for the first time.

Tinhide and the ambulance also thought that maybe the mysterious country on the other side of the planet had surpassed the planet's own civilization in terms of auto repair.

But the longer you stay on this planet, the longer you stay.

Tinhide and Ambulance know more and more about the countries on this planet.

It is precisely because of a better understanding of human society that Iron Sheet and the ambulance are somewhat unable to accept the previous point of view!

Self-healing suits and pulse rifles, although they are all equipped on Autobots.

But the technical field it involves is more than just auto repair?

Even if Huaxia's auto repair knowledge is far beyond the civilization level of this planet itself, there is no reason why they can create these two pieces of equipment that surpass Cybertron technology!

After removing the inherent thinking brought from Cybertron.

The four Autobots, Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide and Ambulance, the more they think about what happened to Arcie, the more weird they feel!

Especially Ironhide and Ambulance, the two Autobots, one is a weapons expert, and the other specializes in the field of mechanical repair.

In the past few days, I have not even thought about the source of fire.

Those two big iron heads are all running calculations on issues such as 'Why the mechanical technology of human beings surpasses that of Autobots'.

Now they can remember why they came to the planet under their feet, which is already good.

In the process of this constant calculation, the GMC off-road vehicle that the iron sheet turned into suddenly hit a big rock on the side of the road.

Knock out a big hole in the black hood.

But it was just this collision that seemed to open up Tie Pi's big head!

Ironhide immediately called his three companions, Optimus Prime, Jazz, and the ambulance.

With an iron sheet with a big hole on his head, he said excitedly to the three Autobots in front of him:

"I know! I know! I finally want to understand what the truth is!"

The tall iron body is constantly dancing.

On Iron Knot's head, the big crater was shining brightly in the sunlight.

Jazz saw himself synchronized like this, the eyes of the two big light bulbs flickered, full of worry.

Said to Ironhide:

" didn't smash your head, did you..."

"Although we Autobots, the physical strength is solid."

"But the chip in the head is also easily damaged. If you hit it, the head may be short-circuited."

"'d better let the ambulance check it first, and then talk about other things..."

In the past few days, the absent-minded appearance of Iron Skin and the ambulance was noticed by Jazz.

He felt that the two companions of the Cybertron star had something wrong with their thinking.

We Autobots came all the way to this planet to find the source of fire!

Why are you so obsessed with that Huaxia auto mechanic?

No matter how you think about it, no one else can be a Decepticon!

Optimus Prime saw a crater on the iron head, and kept dancing, and a worried look appeared on the mechanical face.

He just felt that being the leader of the Autobots was exhausting enough.

Some subordinates don't know what their thoughts are.

Just think about what's there and what's not.

And the ambulance heard Ironhide say, "Finally know the truth".

The whole Autobot was excited!

He hurriedly ran to Tie Pi and said excitedly:

"I'll check your head first. After I'm sure you're okay, you can slowly tell the truth you found."

Tie Pi didn't want to take the ambulance, so he pushed the ambulance away.

Swearing to everyone:

"I'm out of my mind!"

"I just thought of that Huaxia auto mechanic, why did he have such a high level of mechanical knowledge!"

Hearing Ironhide's words, the ambulance, Optimus Prime, and Jazz all subconsciously turned on the language receiving system to the maximum.

Facing the puzzled looks of his companions, Tie Pi expressed excitedly:

"You say, is there a possibility that the mysterious Chinese auto mechanic is not a native human of this planet at all!"

"It's alien life like us!"

"It's just that, for a certain purpose, he is like us, hiding in human society..."

As soon as Ironhide said this, the three Autobots, Optimus Prime, Jazz, and Ambulance, froze in place on the spot!

As if at this moment, they all replaced the CPU in the metal head!

A new direction of thinking appeared in their minds!


In this wilderness, four Autobots and eight eyes as huge as chandeliers in the living room lit up together in an instant!

The entire Autobot in the ambulance, as if hit by Megatron's ferocious blow, the mechanical body trembled, and suddenly realized:

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!"

"Even if Huaxia's research in the field of auto repair has surpassed this era."

"There's no reason why you can get a self-repairing car jacket and a pulse rifle!"

"But if the problem is only with that Chinese person, it's easy to understand..."

"Since our Cybertronian Autobots can descend on this planet, so can other civilizations in the universe!"

"That Chen Mu! That Chinese auto mechanic probably came from a planet that has mastered a highly mechanical civilization in the universe!"

The ambulance let out a mouthful of car exhaust, and stared at the endless universe with admiration.

In this vast sea of ​​stars, there are countless civilizations that are more developed than Cybertron.

Among them, many civilizations are on the mechanical side. On the surface, Chen Mu, who looks like an ordinary auto mechanic, is very likely to be a member of those mechanical civilizations!

When Optimus Prime heard this, he couldn't help but be sure that Tie Hide's guess was probably right!

For a moment, he also doubted Chen Mu's real identity.

Seeing that the three companions agreed with his views, Tie Pi hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and continued:

"If, as I suspect, that Chen Mu is an alien life disguised in a human being."

"Then we should take the initiative to contact Chen Mu!"

"You know, the mechanical knowledge mastered by the other party is very likely to surpass that of Cybertron!"

"Especially for us Autobots, it is really a great help!"

"If we bring such a powerful force to our Autobot camp, it will definitely greatly increase our strength!"

"It plays a vital role in obtaining the source of fire for us!"

"The most troublesome thing is, if such a talent is acquired by the Decepticons first..."

"For us, it can only be a devastating blow!"

Tie Pi's last two sentences directly caused several companions to raise their vigilance to the highest level!

Even Optimus Prime frowned humanely at this moment.

On the forehead of the mechanical metal, several decks were stacked together.

After some deliberation, Optimus Prime finally made a decision, and said to his companions:

"Tinhide is right!"

"Chen Mu has such advanced mechanical knowledge, if he enters into the camp of the Decepticons, we will be in trouble..."

"You can try to find out the details of Chen Mu!"

Having said that, Optimus Prime pointed to the ambulance again, and said:

"This glorious task is handed over to the ambulance."

"Just pretend to be a car that is about to be scrapped and go to Chen Mu's auto repair shop."

"At that time, if Chen Mu has mastered mechanical knowledge beyond the boundaries of this planet's civilization, you will definitely be able to see it clearly!"

After the ambulance heard this, it hurriedly nodded its mechanical head up and down.

For Chen Mu's amazing auto repair technology, he has long wanted to experience it.

Speaking of which, the ambulance and Chen Mu are more or less half of the same team.

Only peers look at peers, in order to see the real doorway.


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