Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 23 Michaela Wants To Check On Arcee? Crazy? !

After getting into the car, Sam looked like a white-skinned girl who had been abused by Brother Nee.

He held his backpack helplessly.

He found that after he got in the car, he didn't need to control the Camaro anymore.

I will increase my horsepower and gallop according to the route.

And that driving level is not known how many grades higher than his.

He also remembered the shocking scene of two humanoid mechs fighting fiercely with each other just now.

Sam couldn't bear it anymore, and said after deliberation:

"You...what the hell are you?"

"Is it a dark technology secretly developed by the Eagle Nation's military?"

"'s simply that the second-hand car has become a monster..."

Sam's grandfather is a legendary explorer, and Sam has more or less inherited some of his grandfather's adventurous spirit.

After being out of danger, Sam's mood has stabilized.

And try to use your own world view to understand the scene just now.

After a moment of silence, the bumblebee's voice sounded again on the radio in the car:

"We are mechanical life from Cybertron!"

"My name is Bumblebee, and I am the best scout on Cybertron!"

"I'm an Autobot, and the Decepticons just attacked us."

"We are on Cybertron, and we belong to Autobots and Decepticons, two different queues."

"I came to your planet this time to find the treasure of our Cybertron star—the source of fire!"

"We Autobots love peace and don't want to involve you humans..."

"But the Decepticons of the Mad Faction are different. They are all a bunch of lunatics, and they will do anything to achieve their goals!"

"Now, they have even started attacking the Eagle Country military base!"

Following Bumblebee's narration, Sam also understood what kind of existence the tall humanoid mecha just now was!

It turned out to be alien mechanical life...

After a lot of effort, Sam finally accepted the setting of the Autobot.

Frowning again, he asked suspiciously:

"But...but although you are all alien life forms, you have to find some source of fire..."

"But what does that have to do with Decepticons attacking me?"

"Am I implicated by you?"

Speaking of this, Sam's eyes were full of resentment.

I exhausted my savings and bought a second-hand car, which was nothing more than an alien mechanical life.

I just pretended that the 4,700 US dollars was snatched away by the strong Brother Ni.

However, what made Sam a little unacceptable was that he was actually attacked by the hostile forces of this alien mechanical life!

Who should I ask for reason?

Listening to Sam's complaints, after the indicator light on the Bumblebee radio flickered for a while, he said in a low voice:

"No! You have something to do with the fire source!"

"Your grandfather, you have been in contact with the source of fire seeds! Know the exact location of the source of fire seeds!"

"Even if you didn't buy me back then, the Decepticons would have found you sooner or later!"

As soon as Bumblebee said this, Sam was stunned immediately!

He didn't expect that there was such a cause and effect in it.

Sam put his head in his hands, he had gone through too much today.

Even if he was a little nervous, he couldn't accept so much news for a while.

How legendary is my grandfather...

Even the treasures left on their planet by the advanced alien civilizations have been unearthed...

But why not give more to future generations and leave a few boxes of gold bars?

As a result, even when buying a car, he can only choose a second-hand car...

Seeing that Sam fell silent, Bumblebee hurriedly said:

"By the way, where are the glasses your grandfather left behind?"

"This time the Decepticons attacked you, I'm afraid it was just to find the glasses left by your grandfather!"

"The exact location coordinates of the fire source are hidden on it."

After hearing this, Sam immediately understood the importance of glasses!

Hastily rummaged through the backpack and body for a while.

But even if he dug the backpack out of the hole, he still didn't find any trace of his grandfather's pair of glasses!

For a moment, Sam's expression froze on his face.

In my mind, I recalled all the things after carrying this backpack.

All of a sudden!

Sam remembered where Grandpa left his glasses!

blurted out:

"Grandpa's glasses... It seems that I put them in the auto repair shop..."


In the ruins of the fierce battle between two mechanical beings just now.

At this moment, a lot of onlookers have been attracted!

Whether it is in the Eagle Country or other countries, as long as it is the human race, it is natural to watch the excitement.

The only difference is that the danger level of spectating in the Eagle Country is much higher than that of other countries!

After all, every movement in the Eagle Kingdom is accompanied by hot weapons.

If you don't wear bulletproof vests, or the car deck doesn't pass bullets, you really don't have the guts to watch the excitement.

The roadblock has turned into an ordinary police car again, and the confusion has also been honestly turned into a radio, staying in the police car.

The huge commotion just now has already attracted the attention of the surrounding Fobole.

Roadblocks and confusion are naturally not good enough to maintain the prototype.

The two Decepticons watched the Bumblebee leave from a distance, and did not make any pursuit.

Barricade asked:

"Just let them go like this? Bumblebee just broke out, but I can't stop him!"

"There's no need to wait for reinforcements."

Confusion slowly opened the mouth and said:

"It's useless to chase, but it will scare the snake!"

"The pair of glasses with the coordinates of the fire source are not on that brat at all."

"We just followed them from afar... Jie Jie Jie... We can always find where the glasses are..."


Over here at Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

After Mikaela came to work, her blue eyes frequently fell on the Ducati 848.

This heavy-duty locomotive, which is red overall and decorated with white paint, completely hit Mikaela's sensitive points in terms of appearance design!

On weekdays, Mikaela loves to exercise, so that she can have an extremely sexy figure.

At the same time, deep in Mikaela's heart, there is also a hint of adventurous spirit looking for excitement.

If you can ride this Ducati 848 modified by the boss on the high-speed highway, and become a drag racing female knight.

Michaela thought it would be the coolest thing ever!

The more he looked at the boss' car, the more Mikaela became jealous.

Finally, unable to resist the strong impulse in her heart, Mikaela twisted her willow-like waist and trotted to Chen Mu.

Some expectantly asked:

"Boss... that... can you lend me your car..."

Chen Mu turned his head and glanced at Mikaela's slightly forward body.

Seeing the extremely expectant expression on Mikaela's face, Chen Mu frowned, and said slowly:

"This... I'm afraid it won't work now."

"There are still many problems with this car. For the time being, you can't drive it yet."

After hearing this, Mikaela felt a sense of loss in his heart, and there was a gleam of water in his blue eyes.

Period Ai Ai said:

"Boss, what's wrong with your car..."

Chen Mu gritted his chin, and his eyes fell on this Ducati 848.

Thinking of the problem with this car, Chen Mu just felt a headache, and said:

"This car, I don't know what happened, it started to leak oil as soon as it touched the headlights."

"Well, I have to give this locomotive a thorough overhaul!"

Arcee was quiet, pretending to be an ordinary Ducati 848.

But as soon as he heard Chen Mu's words, an emotion called 'shyness' was automatically generated in the brain supplement chip.

Especially, after hearing that Chen Mu wanted to give her another thorough overhaul.

In this Ducati 848, which Chen Mu thought was a bit faulty, there was a faint roar from the engine.

Seeing this strange scene, Chen Mu immediately said to Michaela:

"Look, this car still makes abnormal noises from time to time."

Mikaela also looked at the Ducati 848 strangely after hearing the words.

After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and said:

"Could it be that the car-machine system of this Ducati 848 is malfunctioning?"

Hearing this, Chen Mu immediately denied:

"Impossible, I have carefully checked this car inside and out."

"The car-machine system is perfect, there is absolutely no fault!"

The more Michaela listened, the deeper her frown became.

She also couldn't figure out what was wrong with this Ducati 848.

But I really like this locomotive in my heart, so I suggested:

"Boss, why don't you let me check?"

"Don't you Huaxia have a saying that 'stones from other mountains can make jade'."

"Maybe if I fiddle with it, I might find something wrong."

Mikaela's father was an auto mechanic, and he has been influenced by it for so many years.

Mikaela has also learned some techniques.

It's just that there are very few opportunities for practical operation.

Chen Mu laughed when he heard this.

He didn't expect this little girl to have research on Chinese culture.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Success, let you check and try."

After that, Chen Mu went to work on his own.

And when Arcie heard this, a wave of anger was born in her mind.

Headlights, staring at Mikaela.

Secretly said: It's fine for Chen Mu to touch me, but if you white-skinned girl dare to touch me! I want you to look good!

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