Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 25 Gathering From Various Parties, Gather In The Auto Repair Shop!

In the bathroom of the auto repair shop.

Michaela slowly smeared foam on her body, covering her wheat-colored skin completely.

A pair of faint blue eyes were also tightly closed at this moment.

While wiping off the engine oil sticking to his body with his tender palm, Mikaela was thinking about what happened to the Ducati 848.

Although, I love the Ducati 848 very much in my heart.

But even if Mikaela likes excitement, she would not dare to ride this kind of motorcycle that breaks down suddenly!

Thinking of the strange situation of the Ducati 848, Mikaela was puzzled.

In her opinion, the ignition system of this locomotive might be malfunctioning.

This can be confirmed from the fact that the engine will start itself from time to time.

However, as soon as he touched the Ducati 848, he rushed towards her.

No chance for Mikaela to fix it.

"Hmm... maybe there's something wrong with the exhaust system too!"

Mikaela thought about the situation of that locomotive and its oil spraying indiscriminately, and sent a medical record to that locomotive in her mind.

It is this half-bad situation that makes Mikaela very uncomfortable!

If it breaks directly, it's fine.

But this Ducati 848 suddenly started its engine and rushed towards her.

Moreover, it also sprays out such sticky oil!

Just spray the engine oil, at least don't spray so much...

Mikaela rubbed the foam on her face with a little force.

Try this to get rid of the bad smell from the engine oil.

Finally, the white foam was rubbed all over the body.

Mikaela turned on the shower head, and the stream of water hit Mikaela's body.

Peel off the foam mixed with engine oil layer by layer from Mikaela's body.

Like an egg being slowly peeled off its shell, revealing the extremely tender and smooth skin inside.

Although it is wheat-colored skin, but the incomparably astonishing width, there is hardly a trace of excess fat to be found.

Like the mountain road in the high mountains and secluded forests, with a slight width, it goes straight to the sea.

When Mikaela showered, she didn't use hot water.

Because she felt that every inch of her skin was emitting heat to her surroundings.

But right now, only the cool running water can slightly reduce the heat in her body.

But no matter how the water washes the body, the temperature in Mikaela's body cannot be lowered.

In my mind, the scene of Chen Mu getting wet flashed from time to time.

The T-shirt was mixed with tap water, sticking to every muscle of Chen Mu, making Mikaela throbbing until now.

She can be sure that she has never seen such a strong and powerful male body in her life.

That explosive feeling like a cheetah in the wilderness, and the power like a tiger in the mountains!

Even the shape of each muscle is extremely standard.

In Mikaela's view, Chen Mu's body perfectly conforms to the golden ratio called by ancient Greece!

Body like a god.

Enough to make any woman crazy about it!

Especially in the country of Eagle Country, women don't know what it means to be reserved.

Mikaela can imagine that as long as Chen Mu appears in any gym in Eagle Country, he will definitely attract the attention of the audience.


Mikaela clasped her hands into fists and slapped the shower tiles.

She lowered her head and let the water wash over her slender back.

As long as she thinks of Chen Mu, Mikaela can't stop thinking.

Especially, thinking of the countless Caucasian girls who will surround Chen Mu in the future.

Mikaela didn't know why, but she felt restless and uneasy.


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Mikaela turned off the water valve.

Dark brown hair, hanging on the shoulders, like a waterfall falling from the mountains.

"Fortunately, there are only me and the boss in this auto repair shop..."

For some reason, Mikaela wondered about the life trajectory of her boss.

"Well, there's not much outdoor socializing."

"The boss's excellence has not been discovered by other girls."

" chances are great!"

Thinking of this, Mikaela's face turned red again.

The heart is also bumping like a deer.

At the stalwart place, there are rapid ups and downs.

She didn't know why, so she just thought of these.

The more I think about it, the more shy I become.

Mikaela bit her red lips lightly with her silver teeth, a mist slowly seeped out of her blue eyes.

"Michaela, Michaela. What are you thinking..."

"Obviously I came to the store as an apprentice, why do I want to be the proprietress so much?"

"Hey... I don't know what the boss thinks of me..."

I could feel the temperature in my body slowly rising again.

Mikaela turned on the water valve again.

Let the cool water flow hit his glowing red face.

Trying to use this cold water bath to suppress the evil thoughts about the boss in my heart.


On the Bumblebee's side, the pair of glasses that Sam identified with the coordinates of the fire source were left behind Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

Bumblebee immediately turned around and drove towards Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

"Boy! Sit still!"

"My bumblebee is going crazy!"

Hearing the excited voice of the bumblebee on the radio.

Sam had a bad premonition in his heart.

Even with his seatbelt on now, Sam still feels uneasy.

He leaned forward directly, holding his hands tightly on the steering wheel.

At the moment, the steering wheel wasn't even what Sam was using to operate the Camaro.

It was more like the driftwood that Sam hugged tightly after falling into the water.

Sure enough, after Sam hugged the reverse disc tightly.

A huge roar came from the hornet's engine.

This old Camaro, at a speed that even a GT-R can't run, is rushing like lightning!

Sam was too scared to open his eyes.

The bumblebee didn't care about it, excitedly shooting towards the target point.

The Autobots came to this planet for the sake of the source of fire.

Now that it's hard work, knowing the location coordinates of the fire source, how can the bumblebee not be excited?

It's just, on the road section that the bumblebee can't see.

Not far behind him, a Forbele police car, after seeing the bumblebee racing wildly, also sped up its power and followed the bumblebee.

It is the roadblocks and confusion that have been trailing the hornet.

At this moment, the roadblock turned into a police car.

Confusion almost started to dance with excitement.

"Jie Jie Jie! Look! Look!"

"They really are going to find those glasses!"

"The fire source must belong to our Decepticons!"

"Autobots, you are dead! I'm going to tear you all to pieces! Jie Jie Jie!"

Except for the bumblebee and the trailing barricades and confusion.

At this moment, there is an ambulance rushing to Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

Following Optimus Prime's order, he planned to contact that Huaxia auto mechanic first.

The ambulance drove slowly while thinking about how to disguise itself as a scrapped car.

He never expected how lively Chen Mu's auto repair shop would be.

At the same time, Simmons and the others also noticed something amiss in the Seventh District.

It seems that all kinds of clues point to an auto repair shop opened by a Chinese.

The Seventh District was extremely active, and Simmons immediately planned to go to the auto repair shop opened by the Chinese man to do some investigation.

However, Simmons never imagined that there would be many forces going to that auto repair shop today...

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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