Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 27 Bombing And Killing Confusion, The Terrifying Power Of The Pulse Rifle!


At this moment, there were explosions on the highway section of the city.

Bumblebee and the ambulance attacked the roadblock from left to right.

However, the other party was extremely cunning, holding an extended rifle, bypassing the two of them frequently, and constantly bombarding its flaws.

The confusion on one side is like no one cares about it. They keep aiming at the vital points of the two, and after some bombing, they quickly change points.

For a while, Bumblebee and the ambulance fought against the roadblocks and confusion, and they couldn't get any advantage.

Obviously, the roadblocks and confusion are avoiding the most serious, and they don't intend to confront them head-on.

The shells that fell through the air bombarded everywhere on the earth.

Ten minutes later, the entire road was completely paralyzed.

The viaduct was destroyed, and the main body of the road surface was blown into sections of gravel and dirt.

Vehicles cannot pass at all.

The people at the scene even abandoned their cars and fled long ago, hiding far away.


The roadblock punched the ambulance in the abdomen, and the other party took two steps back in pain.

On one side, Bumblebee saw the opportunity, tightened his thigh, and kicked sideways with all his might.

Just about to hit the opponent, a shell hit the supporting leg.

In a burst of explosions, Bumblebee staggered and fell to the ground with pain in his legs.

Oncoming is a thick muzzle.

In a flash before his eyes, the roadblock bombarded the hornet's face with a shot.

The bumblebee evaded in a hurry and escaped in danger, but there were still scattered fragments scattered all over the place.

With force from both feet, he hooked his legs and tripped over roadblocks.

The opponent fell to the ground in response, Bumblebee got up angrily, picked up a tattered car, and smashed it hard at the opponent's face.

At this moment, the abandoned car in Bumblebee's hands is like a brick.

Slapped on the face of the roadblock over and over again, Bumblebee was about to avenge what he had just done.

Suddenly, the roadblock held the hornet with one hand, and the two stopped, and he actually showed an evil smile.

"Go to hell, Hornet."

The heavy voice is like announcing the end of the bumblebee's life.

"Bumblebee, be careful!!!"

There was also a scream from the ambulance behind him.

At this moment, Bumblebee's back felt a chill.

Out of the corner of his eye, he already found a person standing behind him.

It is confusion!

He has a small body, but holds an extremely sharp blade in his hand.

Confusion went straight to the energy core of the bumblebee!

If Jiao Miluan really hits, Bumblebee will definitely die!

The speed of confusion was very fast, almost reaching the chest of the hornet in the blink of an eye.

The bumblebee struggled violently, but was firmly restrained by the roadblock, unable to move!

However, at this critical moment!

Bumblebee thought he was about to die here.

A powerful pulse of light flashed across the eyes.

Right in the middle of confusion!

A powerful pulsing light blinded the bumblebee's eyes.

Closed for a while, not watching anything.

Just heard a huge bombing sound in the distance.

At this moment, the bumblebee was kicked away by the roadblock.

When he opened his eyes, a huge pothole exploded in the distance.

Earlier, Mi Luan, who was about to assassinate Bumblebee, turned into a corpse, lying motionless!

Everyone was surprised and looked for the reputation.

On the road, a bright red Ducati came roaring.

After a while of tumbling, a robot showing a woman came domineeringly, holding a huge phantom camouflage pulse rifle.

Just one shot directly ended the confused life.

"What weapon is that?!"

The barricade's face was full of astonishment, obviously shocked by this powerful force.

This level of strength is definitely not someone who can be defeated by roadblocks.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the roadblock looked left and right.

Seeing that no one responded, he turned around and ran away.

"Want to run!"

Seeing the opponent running away, Arcee was holding a pulse rifle.

With a bang, another attack went away.

The sound of the explosion instantly blazed across the battlefield.

When the brilliance dissipated, everyone opened their eyes, and there were no more roadblocks on the scene.

A moment of silence.

Arcee came with a gun and sighed softly.

"Hey, let him run away!"

Then, Bumblebee and the ambulance saw a huge severed arm appear on the side of the road.

The roadblock just now, while escaping, narrowly escaped Arcie's attack, but his arm was broken!


Seeing this scene, Bumblebee and the ambulance were extremely shocked.

Arcee, now she actually has such a powerful strength?

Bumblebee and Ambulance, the undefeated opponent for the time being, Arcie can knock out an arm with one shot!

If the roadblock hadn't escaped by luck just now, it might already be lying on the ground now.

Bumblebee and the ambulance were extremely shocked, and swallowed nervously for a while.


"Si... Simmons... Agent..."

"Let's run away now!"

Right now, the battlefield fell into silence.

In the surrounding battle, there has long been no trace of human beings.

Only Simmons was setting up the camera, and the driver and the other two were recording everything in the distance.

Just now, Arcee appeared, and some operations surprised everyone.

Simmons is no exception.

At this time, the driver, afraid that the alien technology would discover him, asked in a low voice.

The other party was shocked, and suddenly remembered something.

Simmons quickly pulled out a nuclear energy detector.

Aiming at Arcee in the distance, a red light flashed for a moment.

"That's right, it's her!"

"That pulse rifle is exactly the same as the previous two amazing energy levels!"

"Call the seventh district, the satellite department is now, and go all out to track down the female robot with the pulse rifle!"


The pager in his hand responded, and Simmons was relieved.

With a smile on his face, he was finally satisfied in his heart, having found the owner of the nuclear energy.

"Arcee, I never thought that your pulse rifle is so powerful!"

"A single blow can take the life of Confused!"

"Yes, Arcee, thanks to you."

"If you hadn't rescued me in time, I might have died."

The ambulance and Bumblebee praised and thanked Arcie for the timely rescue.

At this moment, Arcie smiled.

"It doesn't matter, we are all companions."

"But we have exposed our identity in front of humans, what should we do now?"

Looking at the battlefield, it was a mess.

Human satellites also discovered the existence of three robots.

If you want to act secretly, it will be even more difficult.

Several people were worried for a while, and the ambulance was the first to speak.

"Originally, I planned to find Chen Mu and find out his identity."

"You also have tasks on your own."

"But things are changing suddenly now, we must put everything aside, go back and tell Optimus Prime that he is making plans!"


After receiving the proposal, Bumblebee and Arcee agreed to the matter.

At this time, Bumblebee suddenly said: "Wait, I want to bring a human!"

"What did you say?"

Arcie and the ambulance exclaimed at the same time.

Turning around suddenly, I saw Bumblebee looking embarrassed, pointing to the side.

Behind a large truck in the distance.

Under the leadership of Bumblebee, the two unexpectedly hid a human teenager.


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