Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 44 The Death Of Jazz, The Ruthless Megatron!

Black Canyon.

In a stretch of barren hills, Megatron escaped from trouble.

Turned into a humanoid mecha state again, that huge and ferocious body is constantly sending out evil thoughts to this planet!

Wrapped in iron-gray metal armor, a pair of blood-red eyes burst into fierce brilliance!

He felt Starscream approaching.

Megatron turned around abruptly, and the strong mechanical arm grabbed Starscream by the neck.

He screwed this Decepticon's second in command, like a little chicken, in front of him, and said coldly:

"Say, why did it take you so long to find me?"

"Are you trying to replace me?"

While Megatron's eyes were shining with red light, he slowly increased the strength of his palm.

Seeing that he was about to crush Starscream's neck completely, Megatron said again:

"Give me a suitable reason, otherwise, you will become a pile of scrap iron and be buried on this planet!"

Starscream only felt that the brain chip was about to stop functioning in an instant.

The huge force transmitted from Megatron's hands was simply not something he could resist.

Starscream didn't dare to use all his strength to break free, he could only beg for mercy in fear:

"Yes... 21.. It's those despicable humans who hid you under the 100-meter-thick concrete..."

"We just, haven't been able to find your location."

"I...I. will always remain loyal to you, and all of us Decepticons have been waiting for your return..."

Hearing this, Megatron was somewhat satisfied.

He threw Starscream out, smashing his mechanical body to pieces on a hill.

For Megatron, as soon as he landed on the earth, he was completely frozen.

For many situations, he didn't know very well for a while.

The confrontation with the Autobots naturally cannot be done without hands.

As for Starscream, the Decepticon's second-in-command, Megatron used it very well, so he didn't criticize him too much.

Megatron looked at the mountains in the distance, and slowly said:

"What's the situation now?"

"Is there any action on the Autobot side?"

After Starscream got up from the ground, he heard Megatron ask this question.

Report quickly:

"We have found clues to the source of the fire, the specific coordinate information, in the hands of a human being."

"It's just that the human has teamed up with the Autobots now.

"Last time when I sent Confused and Barricade to capture that human, there was a big fight with the Autobots......"

"A weird thing happened, the rest of the Autobots haven't changed much, only the weakest Arcie, there is a big problem!"

"That weak Arcee suddenly appeared on the battlefield and took out a terrifying weapon."

"With just one blow, Miluan was killed on the spot, and even the roadblock lost an arm, and he escaped desperately.

When Megatron heard this, his entire mechanical body was shaken by the sun!

In his mind, he carefully recalled the members of the Autobots.

Among the entire Autobots, only Optimus Prime can fight him a few times.

And that Arcee, in the eyes of Megatron, is purely a group of weak and broken mechanical life forms.

Now, it can suddenly erupt, killing Confusion and severely injuring roadblocks in one blow.

This kind of performance is enough to surprise Megatron.

"Do you have footage of that fight?"

"Come out and see!"

Upon hearing this, Starscream flicked the device on his body, and a 3D projection appeared in front of Megatron.

In the picture, it is the encounter between the roadblock and the confusion and the Autobots.

Megatron watched with interest.

At the beginning of the battle between the Decepticons and the Autobots, Megatron looked disdainful!

In his opinion, if he goes out in person.

Within a minute, both the Hornet and the ambulance had to be torn to pieces by him.

Until, that human-sized Arcee appeared.

He took out a pulse rifle with a peculiar shape, and a dazzling particle beam burst out from the muzzle.

Megatron's whole body cheered up!

Especially seeing that the mechanical arm of the roadblock that was hit was directly melted by the particle beam, and Dazed was also killed by the attack of the pulse rifle.

In Megatron's heart, he couldn't help but feel incomparably astonished.

He is very clear that the thermal weapon he is equipped with is absolutely not as powerful as that pulse rifle!

Moreover, seeing the destructive power of that particle beam [Megatron's heart thumped.

He had some doubts, his boundless and hard mechanical body might not be able to resist that kind of attack.

However, Megatron is Megatron after all.

After seeing Arcee's terrifying weapon, the first thing she thought of was not to shrink back!

In the eyes, the blood was full, and he said ferociously:

"It's a waste to hold such a powerful weapon in the hands of an inferior mechanical life form!"

"Kill her! I must unscrew the head of this female Autobot!"

"Only me! The leader of the Decepticons! Is qualified to master this terrifying weapon!"

Megatron's fighting spirit was high.

He knew very well that as long as he killed Arcie, that terrifying pulse rifle would belong to him from now on!

Starscream was on the side, watching Megatron's killing intent.

My heart was full of excitement, and I was extremely grateful for my decision to rescue Megatron!

With Megatron standing in front of him, he won't be attacked by Arcee's terrifying weapon...

If Megatron and that female autobot, Arcie, died together.

That is of course the best case scenario!

Megatron was grinning at Space 723.

Starscream also smiled at this moment.

It's just that Starscream's smile was somewhat sinister.

Just when the strongest existence among the two Decepticons was planning their own ambitions.

In the distant barren hill bunker, a Pontiac Solstice sports car recorded all the situations.

It was Optimus Prime's adjutant who witnessed Megatron's escape from Jazz all the way.

"Damn it...Megatron is out of trouble..."

"Hurry up and report the situation here to Optimus Prime!"

Suddenly, where Jazz didn't see it.

A reconnaissance plane, high above Jazz's head.

It is the 'sound wave' that provides intelligence and reconnaissance for the Decepticons all the way

At this time, according to the changes of the surrounding electromagnetic waves, the sound wave discovered the Autobot adjutant Sir who was following here.

Hurry up and inform Megatron:

"Leader, at your 3 o'clock direction, at 1520 meters.

"Spotted an Autobot lurking."

"Preliminary judgment, the other party is Jue Ren from the Autobots."

The sound wave, like an emotionless electronic synthesis sound, with reverberation sound effect, rang in Megatron's ears.

All of a sudden!

Megatron followed the position pointed by the sound wave, turned into a Cybertron starship, and rushed over!.

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