Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 55 I Killed You, I Will Kill You Again!

"What's the meaning?"

"You killed our people, invaded our military base, and said it was to save us?"

Simmons didn't understand what the robot in front of him meant.

He was a little annoyed. Recently, two military bases were destroyed and satellites were invaded throughout Eagle Country.

It's all the work of these alien technologies.

Now, these extraterrestrial technologies actually keep saying that they are here to save themselves.

When he was emotionally agitated, Simmons' eyes suddenly caught Arcie.

At that scene, Simmons' face suddenly became serious.

Simmons deeply remembered Arcee's strength, especially the pulse rifle with the power of an atomic bomb.

His face became more and more vigilant.

The surrounding soldiers, seeing the change in Agent Simon's expression, touched the trigger with their fingers, ready to attack at any time.

"Wait, the person who attacked you is a Decepticon!"

"We are here this time for the source of fire that you have hidden here..."

Seeing that the situation was getting more tense, Optimus Prime understood that the Decepticons at this moment must also have noticed the movement here, and were rushing towards him.

In order to get the fire source as soon as possible, complete the task.

Optimus Prime had no choice but to tell Simmons the reason regardless of the beams of light above his head.

About the origin of the fire source.

Moved by the actions of Megatron, the Decepticons, and the purpose of Optimus Prime and others, he told the man in front of him verbatim.

"Simmons, if we really want to go to war with you, with your current strength, you won't be able to stop us at all.

"Since I came to talk to you, it means that we are not enemies."

"Please trust us and bring the fire source to a safe place.

"Once the Decepticons and others come, the consequences are beyond our control..."

"We Cybertronians didn't want to expose ourselves in front of you."

"But right now, in order to resolve this matter peacefully, so much has been done!"

"I hope you understand!"

Optimus Prime's words are often sincere.

After some politeness, there was no conflict.

Now, let the soldiers of the military relax a little bit.

At that time, Simmons, who had listened to everything, gradually became meditative.

Simmons did not believe what Optimus Prime said.

Since the establishment of the seventh district, it has been conducting long-term research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

The fire source in Optimus Prime's mouth and the nuclear energy released can animate any silicon-based object into a deformed machine life.

Simmons has seen it with his own eyes.

The Seventh District is afraid of this power, so it has been hiding it in the Hoover Dam to prevent it from being robbed by others.

Seeing Simmons pondering, Optimus Prime spoke again.

"Once this power is taken hostage by the Decepticons."

"The fire source unleashes all the power, and some silicon-based items give life."

"Because there is no basic ethics at birth, and it is controlled by Megatron."

"The mechanical life created by the fire source will naturally become a member of the Decepticons!"

"At this moment, the Decepticons must also be looking for the source of fire. Once it falls into their hands, the civilization of your human planet will be wiped out again!"

However, after Optimus Prime finished speaking, Simmons shook his head.

Mu Ran turned his head, looked at Optimus Prime seriously and confidently and said.

"The source of fire in your mouth is something we humans discovered."

"We have the right to manage, and even more so, to control power!"

The other party's words made all the Transformers' complexions sink.

Obviously, Simmons didn't want to hand things over to Optimus Prime easily.

The technology and power contained in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube exceed the civilization of the earth by tens of thousands of years.

This is an invaluable wealth for human beings.

After much deliberation, Simmons believed that this force should never be sent to the doctor.

This is the last weapon of human self-defense!

When the two sides were confronting each other, a sound came from the air force control room to Simmons' ears.

"Report Agent Simon, an unidentified f22 fighter jet, is approaching the dam at high speed, apply for force interception!"

"Approve interception!"

Simmons did not think too much and approved directly.

And, he looked at Optimus Prime again, and said.

"Sorry, we can't hand in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

The inner base of the Hoover Dam.

The Seventh District has done many experiments.

Through the release of the nuclear energy of the Rubik's Cube, some mechanical silicon-based items are endowed with life.

These technological robots do not have any consciousness and have a strong tendency to violence.

However, in the laboratory, every time the technological robot of the place of birth was attacked by a high-energy pulse electromagnetic cannon without control, it was wiped out by humans!

Simmons understands that the current technology of human beings cannot deal a fatal blow to these robots, but it does not mean that they will not be able to!


As soon as these words came out, a formation of 12 high-speed fighter jets was launched into the night sky from behind the base in an instant!

These fighters were dispatched to intercept the unknown aircraft.

In just a few seconds, under the high-speed driving of the formation of fighter jets, they have already arrived a hundred kilometers away.

Under the display of the radar, an unknown fighter is ushering in front.

"Call f22, please state your number, please state your number!"

Getting closer, the intercepting force began to warn.

Suddenly, on the radar screen, this approaching signal disappeared.

And in the secret darkness, the 12 fighter planes intercepting the force turned into 13 out of thin air!

The driver behind him felt something was wrong.

Looking sideways, in the night sky, an F22 fighter plane unexpectedly revealed a huge robot head, smiling slightly, scanning the scene.

Afterwards, the fighter plane was seen spinning in the air, and more than a dozen shells were shot out in an instant.

"not good!"

The fighter pilot yelled, and was engulfed in flames in the next second.


At this moment, on the square of the military base.

The two sides confronted each other, and found that there was a burst of flames in the distant sky.

Simmons frowned, and immediately contacted the Air Force Department.

"Agent Simon, all the interception forces have lost their signal!"

When the bad news of the air force came, Simmons' face immediately turned pale.

12 advanced fighter jets from the Eagle Kingdom take less than two minutes?

"Did your people do it!"

Simmons was furious, and pointed at Optimus Prime and others.

The other party shook his head and pondered: "Our people are all here!"

"Fight in the air, that's the Decepticon, Starscream!"

"Starscream's presence here proves that Megatron is nearby!"

"Hurry up and hand over the fire source to us, your strength cannot defeat the Decepticons at all!"

Optimus Prime persuaded the other party again.

The appearance of Starscream meant that the members of the Decepticons were about to come here.

At that time, once the war starts.

The safety of the earth and the outcome of Optimus Prime and others are all in the day.

However, at this time, Simmons was still stuck in place, a little unmoved.

"Optimus Prime, stop talking nonsense with him!"

At this time, Arcie was also impatient, and stepped forward to warn.


However, Arcee just finished speaking.

A cosmic cannon in the sky blasted over in an instant, hitting Optimus Prime's shoulder.

The huge penetrating force made Optimus Prime lose his footing and fell to the ground.

Surprised at the scene, they inquired about the mutation one after another.

The night sky at that time.

A strange alien plane came roaring.

Coming to the scene.

The alien plane mutated in mid-air, condensed into a ball, and turned into a tall robot with a dark body.


When the people behind him saw this appearance, they immediately recognized their identities.

Megatron, falling from the sky, fell into the earth, setting off a tremor.

Proud, he landed in front of Optimus Prime and looked down at him: "Optimus Prime, you are getting weaker and weaker."

The situation on the scene changed suddenly.

Seeing Megatron's Simmons, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

He clearly remembered that this robot was exactly the frozen giant that was studied by the seventh area back then!

At this moment, he was resurrected!


Of course, Simmons was surprised.

From countless places behind him, there was a loud bang.

The towering flames shot nearly a hundred meters away.

Instantly illuminate the entire military base.

"Agent Simon, the strategic defense deployment of the base, was completely destroyed by the enemy.

There are countless places behind him, bursts of flames are burning.

At this time, a message came from the headquarters next to his ear, completely making Simmons dumbfounded.

"Agent Simon, the strategic defense deployment in the base was completely destroyed by the enemy."

"You... what did you say...."

Simmons looked around in panic.

Faintly hidden behind the bursts of tall walls of fire, Simmons spotted huge robot figures one by one.

"The Decepticons that Optimus Prime said are really here

…………… (of)


The sudden appearance of Megatron surprised everyone.

However, just when the opponent was still defiant, mocking Optimus Prime.

A figure was extremely fast, and the heavy cannon fist directly bombed Megatron's face.

With such a powerful blow, Megatron staggered two steps.


Looking back, the person in front of him surprised him.

At this moment, standing in front of Optimus Prime was a man who was not tall.

Jazz's eyes were wide open, and he was staring at himself fiercely.

Megatron frowned slightly, falling into momentary doubt.

"I remember killing you with my own hands and tearing you in two."

"How did you survive?"

Megatron couldn't believe it, this Autobot was killed for nothing but a day.

At this moment, he was actually alive and appeared in front of him again.

And he is physically strong, and seems to be more threatening than before.

This made Megatron very curious for a moment, what happened to Jazz's body.

But at this time, the other party smiled lightly.

"Megatron, you don't have to know Zero!"

"It is absolutely impossible for the fire source to be handed over to you..."

After Sir's words, everyone took out their weapons and confronted Megatron.

Seeing this scene, Megatron raised his eyes and scanned the crowd.


"They're all a group of defeated generals."

"Since you don't want to say it, I'll kill you again!".

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