Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 57 Optimus Prime, Megatron, Chen Mu Is Mine!

"All Decepticons, Cyclone has been killed by Jazz!"

"On Earth, there is a person who revived the knight and increased his combat strength."

"Sound Wave, find out this person for me!"

A message from Megatron.

Soon, it spread to the ears of all the Decepticons.

At that time, a person called "Sound Wave" by Megatron sent a message from distant space.

"Sound wave received!"

"Long live Megatron!"

Looking for the source of this sound, it is in the galaxy outside the earth.

A spy-satellite constantly orbiting the planet.

Soundwave, the Decepticon's south intelligence officer.

After his voice came out, a surge of energy instantly poured into all the satellites of the Eagle Nation's military.

Affected by this force, the data from the satellite started immediately.

Under the control of sound waves, the entire satellite station is searching for Jazz's whereabouts on the earth...

at the same time.

The Decepticons who received the exact news fell into astonishment.

"This guy Whirlwind actually lost to that adjutant Sir?"

"It's ridiculous to be killed by a dead guy!"

"Whirlwind is too arrogant and underestimates the enemy, this is the end......"

These Decepticons, who have been bloodthirsty and fighting all the year round, did not feel a trace of sadness after the death of their companions.

Instead, everyone sneered and belittled the whirlwind.

Issue an order for Soundwave to investigate, after all Jazz's whereabouts.

Megatron's eyes turned and he clenched his fists, ready to participate in the battle.

At this time, the flames were within sight.

A familiar figure was fighting with Starscream.

Optimus Prime smiled, and after thousands of years, we met again.

"Optimus Prime..."

A roar came from the battlefield.

At this moment, Optimus Prime is fighting with Starscream.

Hearing a voice, he remembered, and turned his head when he heard the sound.

In the darkness, that figure also reminded Optimus Prime immediately.


Both of them gave a loud shout.

After that, it happened by coincidence.

The two took long, slender steps, each holding a fist.

Within a hundred meters, the two are approaching. With the fist in his hand, he slammed towards the opponent fiercely.

No one is hiding, no one is guarding.

They were hit by heavy artillery one after another, and they were all knocked out several meters and fell to the ground.

"Optimus Prime, I haven't seen you for thousands of years, you really haven't improved at all..."

"Megatron, don't be so obsessed!"

When the two propped up on the ground, they did not forget to spray each other.

As soon as they stood up, they punched each other in the face one after another.

The two seemed to be friends for many years, and their eyes showed excitement that they hadn't seen for many years.

But the expression on his face is like an enemy of great hatred, his ferocious lips and teeth seem to want to eat each other.

A fierce battle begins...


Nine million years ago, it was the golden age of Cybertron. The heyday of technology and civilization.

Optimus Prime was born and became an important iron castle archivist.

Guarding the planet Cybertron, the most important confidential documents.

Megatron was at that time a new type of Transformer that had attracted the attention of the victimized Planet Botan.

For Megatron, Optimus Prime admires him very much.

Later, by fate, the two became brothers who guarded the fire source together.

With the passage of time, Megatron became more and more dissatisfied with the status quo, and began to pursue his desire for power.

What followed was that Megatron was gradually swallowed by the power of the fire source, and his consciousness was swallowed up.

After being fascinated, Megatron began to betray everyone and led the Decepticon army to start a fierce battle with Optimus Prime on the planet Cybertron.

At that time, Optimus Prime's upright and fraternal character was destined to turn against Megatron.

Gradually, Optimus Prime also became the leader of the Peace Autobots, completely breaking with Megatron.

In the long years that followed, the two sides launched an endless duel of the century.

Until the end, Cybertron could not bear the consumption of energy, and entered the state of exhaustion and decline.

In order to find new energy, Optimus Prime and Megatron set foot on the road to compete for the source of fire at the same time.

On this road, the two people each uphold different concepts, and the road they walk is getting farther and farther.

The friendship that was once perfect has long since disappeared in the years.

Megatron roared loudly, and punched Optimus Prime on the shoulder.

The opponent did not show weakness, and the horizontal kick made Megatron back a few staggers.

But for Megatron, these are not painful at all.

Optimus Prime has a kind heart, and he is afraid of hurting innocent people when he does anything.

This also makes Optimus Prime unable to let go of his hands and feet once other innocent humans are present in the battle.

The unleashed attack, in Megatron's view, did not constitute any threat at all.

On the contrary, Megatron's desire for power can make him do whatever he can.

Any life and any consequences are not worth mentioning to Megatron.

The two people who were originally equal, it was precisely because of their respective obsessions in their hearts that Megatron Genius gained the upper hand even more.


With one blow, the cosmic cannon blasted out.

Optimus Prime will dodge, but the military base behind him was hit and ignited a raging fire.

Looking at the rear, Optimus Prime saw with his own eyes that many soldiers were killed by zombies in the sudden explosion.

Some soldiers with broken limbs and arms were fortunate enough to escape, but most of them could only drag their disabled bodies through their lives.


Optimus Prime was furious and ran towards the opponent with all his might.

He threw Megatron down, and the other party was under his body.

The fists were like a rainstorm, quickly bombarding Megatron's face.

At this moment, an afterimage flashed across the distant sky.

A burst of force directly lifted Optimus Prime.

Then, the figure disappeared into the night again.

In the sky, the F22 fighter jet in the form of Starscream is continuously washing the battlefield.

Optimus Prime was hit hard by this move, and fell to the ground for a while, his consciousness was a little blurred.

Megatron looked at the other party's predicament and smiled lightly.

"Optimus Prime, why are you so persistent?"

"You and I are both warriors from the planet Cybertron. You and I are very aware of the current situation of Cybertron, which is declining day by day."

"Stop pursuing unrealistic things...

"Now the fire source is on the earth, we can work together to use the fire source to transform the earth.

"When the time comes, transform the Earth into the second Cybertron star!"

"That way, our Cybertron warriors don't have to wander in the universe!"

"Think about it, those fighters who are exiled in the universe in order to survive..."

Megatron waved his hand, and Optimus Prime looked at those companions who were fighting bloody battles.

At this moment, Bumblebee, Jazz, Arcee, Ironhide and Ambulance are all constantly fighting against the Decepticons.

At the same time, through Megatron's words, Optimus Prime also recalled those warriors who once fought together in the universe to save the lives of zombies.

...asking for flowers...0

In the current universe, there are still many companions who are constantly fighting bloody battles for peace.

The haughty Megatron turned and looked at the pillar again.

"Optimus Prime, did you see that?"

"Because your leader, your companion on Earth, is facing a life-and-death struggle."

"Because of your persistence, there are still many companions in the universe who are fighting alone. At the same time, they are also hunted by the Decepticon army all over the universe!"

"You have always been kind and peace-loving. But do you really want your fellow camera to die?"

"As long as you cooperate with me, I can stop them immediately, and even bring your soldiers back together.

Saying this, Megatron stretched out a hand, facing Optimus Prime.

At this moment, Optimus Prime looked slightly embarrassed.

Sitting on the ground, once he reaches out, Megatron will have the most powerful companion.

Staring at those eyes, swallowed by greedy power, Optimus Prime's determination never wavered for a moment.

"No, I can't let you do that!"

As soon as the words came out, a pulse cannon was fired instantly from the palm of his hand.

Facing Megatron's eyes, he shot straight away.


Megatron didn't have time to defend himself, so he growled.

At that time, Optimus Prime slowly got up and glared at the other party.

"Whether Cybertron lives or dies or survives, that is Cybertron's fate."

"The earth gave birth to their own civilization, and we cannot forcibly deprive these civilizations of their right to survive."

"Your evil deeds have stained Cybertron, isn't it enough!"


Megatron shouted loudly, pointing at the seventh district and those troops angrily.

"Look at the civilization you're talking about!"

"These human beings, at all costs, waged wars and chaos, and did not hesitate to kill each other for resources.

"They don't want to return things that don't belong to this world, they just want to keep them for themselves."

"A civilization like theirs doesn't need us to do anything at all. It will perish by itself in the long river of time!"

"As for me, I just accelerated the process of this result."

"A civilization destined to perish has no need to exist from the very beginning."

"How about we rebuild Cybertron's furnace!"

Megatron waved his hands, raised his head and looked down at everything.

It seems that in this war, I saw the destruction of the earth and felt joy.

Looking at the current appearance of Megatron, Optimus Prime shook his head helplessly.

"You said barbarism and cannibalism, aren't we the same?"

"If it is a civilization that is destined to be destroyed, there is no need to exist from the beginning."

"Then, the demise of Cybertron is also a doomed ending. Was there no need for Cybertron to exist from the beginning?"

As a result of the gaze, Qingtian loves to understand.

Megatron's concept can never be reversed.

At this moment, the other party also looked angry, and when he saw Optimus Prime again, a giant sword condensed out of his hand.

"In that case, don't come to hinder me!"

As soon as these words came out, Megatron's figure appeared in front of Optimus Prime in an instant like a quick shadow.

The giant sword slashed towards Optimus Prime's face...

"Megatron, I will absolutely not allow the fire source to fall into your hands!"

With a movement of his body, a cannon was condensed in the palm of his hand.


A white light flashed in the night sky.

Optimus Prime and Megatron were instantly engulfed in the Minister of Light.

The pair of cybertron warriors who uphold their respective ideas, fight again...just...

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