Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 62 Self-Repairing Car Clothing Can Repair Fatal Injuries, Megatron's Shock

Megatron's cannon was extremely powerful.

Terrifying light runs through the entire battlefield, gathering the sights of all Autobots and Decepticons.

All I saw was the center of the battlefield, and a deep gully appeared on the ground.

This is just a trace of the remaining power of the energy cannon!

Besides the gully caused by the energy cannon, strong gunpowder smoke was also billowing up there.

The nearby ground was ignited by the terrifying temperature of the energy cannon - several vanishing points arose.

Next to the tragic explosion point.

Bumblebee looked around nervously with its large round blue eyes.

He faltered non-stop, unable to speak for a long time.

The worry was palpable.

"What an amazing shot!"

"Is this the strength of Megatron?"

The ambulance held Bumblebee's shoulders, looked at the still rising smoke, and couldn't help sighing.

Immediately, he also saw the worry of the hornet.

The ambulance was also a little worried.

Although Arci just killed the Quartet, suppressing and beating many Decepticons.

But the instigator of this cannon was Megatron himself, the leader of the Decepticons.

Just looking at the destructive power of this gun on the surrounding ground, the ambulance's heart was half cold.

When he wanted to come, Alcie experienced Chen Mu's training and modification.

However, compared with Megatron and others, its body still has a huge difference in physique.

The ambulance felt in his heart that if Alcie was really full of Megatron's cannon, he would definitely not be able to survive.

The only hope is that Alcie escaped the direct hit of this cannon with his own flexibility.

If so, there is still a ray of hope.

Thinking like this, the ambulance couldn't help but look sideways at the iron sheet.

Ironhide is a former Captain of the Defense Forces of Cybertron.

Then after the destruction of Cybertron, he became a weapons expert in Tianzhu's team.

As for the power of observing weapons, Ambulance thinks that he only knows a little bit, and the real expert is of course Tin Hide.

He looked at Tin Hide, just to confirm to Tin Hide whether his guess was correct.

When Ironhide saw the ambulance looking at him, he knew it.

Before Megatron established the Decepticons (deceptical faction) camp, characters such as Ironhide and Starscream had contacted many times.

Later, he joined the Autobot camp led by Optimus Prime because he couldn't understand and could not accept the behavior of the Decepticons.

Ironhide is an old friend of Optimus Prime and the oldest weapons expert in the Autobot camp.

Therefore, whether it is the understanding of Megatron or the understanding of this weapon.

It can be said that the iron skin is well known.

He deeply knew that Alcie's own armor alone would definitely not be able to withstand this blow!

So, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly at the ambulance.

But then, he looked at Bumblebee again, and Ironhide knew that he couldn't tell Bumblebee the truth at this moment.

This is too much of a blow to the fighting spirit of the Hornet.

After all, the battle with the Decepticons is still going on at this moment, and the Bumblebee is one of the main combat forces in the Autobot team.

To save Optimus Prime from the hands of Decepticon leader Megatron, he must not lose his fighting spirit at this moment.

So Ironhide could only comfort Bumblebee perfunctorily.

"Bumblebee! You have seen the battle of Alci just now!"

"After Chen Mu's training, her strength has already improved by leaps and bounds."

"She'll be fine!"

The ambulance on the side also hurriedly responded to Tin Sheet.

"Yes! Hornet, we are still on the battlefield at this moment! Don't forget, our leader is in crisis right now!"

"Alsi doesn't want you to lose your fighting spirit at this moment either!"

The ambulance and Ironhide responded to each other, while reassuring Bumblebee.

Bumblebee also cheered up a little.

However, facing the three Hornets, they were also shocked by the power of the cannon. Hatchet, Crowbar and Crankcase, who were still fighting fiercely with the three Hornets just now, taunted wildly when they heard the comfort of the two Iron Skins.

"Don't dream about Ironhide! As the weapon and armor of the Autobots, you know the level of our boss's cannon best!"

Crankcase was the first to mock Iron Sheet.

The crowbar on the side also hurriedly taunted the ambulance driveway: "Don't say you call an ambulance, even if the angels in human legends come down, they can't save Alcie! Hahahaha

"You're looking for death!" Bumblebee was enraged by the taunts of the crankcase and the crowbar, and wanted to go forward to fight with the two of them.

Iron Skin and the ambulance hurriedly stopped him.

At this moment, Bumblebee is worried, anxious and angry, and then ridiculed, he will definitely mess up in the battle.

If Bumblebee is caught in the siege of the Decepticons and thus loses its combat power, their chances of winning the battle against the Autobots are really slim!

Seeing the iron skin and the ambulance stopping the hornet, the crowbar and the others laughed even more wildly.

"Hahaha! Bumblebee! No matter how powerful your comrade-in-arms is, he will be defeated by our boss!"

"She's finished! Next, it's you!"

While talking, the crowbar, hatchet, and crankcase pulled out their weapons at the same time, and rushed towards the Hornet again.

The six Transformers fought together again.

Because of the impact of Alcie's unknown life and death, while Hornet was worried, it became more and more difficult to concentrate during the battle.

He always glanced in the direction of the gunpowder smoke that has not dissipated from time to time, which caused him to make many mistakes when facing the opponent's crowbar.

Not long after the six Transformers got into the battle, Bumblebee had already suffered many injuries.

The iron sheet looked as anxious as the ambulance.

But in the face of the battle between the crankcase and the hatchet, the two of them were at a loss for time.

The movement of the six Transformers fighting awakened Simmons and the military troops not far away.

Simmons and the others were also shocked by the cannon fired by Megatron just now.

After that shot had caused a horrific and horrific destructive effect.

The military commander looked anxiously at Simmons.

Undoubtedly, not long ago, Alcie killed the Quartet, which boosted the morale of the army a lot.

But after Megatron's shot, it became a side effect instead.

Many soldiers were frightened. The agile and powerful Transformers warriors like Alcie were all alive and dead under Megatron's cannon.

How can they resist these flesh and blood?

The morale fluctuated, and the commander was naturally anxious.

But it's useless for the commander to be anxious, Simmons doesn't know what Alsi's condition is now.

It just so happened that at this time, the house was leaking and it was raining all night.

Some soldiers anxiously reported to the commander that the scientific research warehouse storing the fire source was attacked by unknown deformed balls!

At this moment, the source of the fire seed has disappeared!

The significance of the source of fire is extremely important.

It can be said that the key to this battle is the source of fire!

The commander and Simmons also know that if Megatron gets the fire source, the consequences will be disastrous!

But now with Alxi in crisis, life and death are unknown.

The situation on the battlefield is already quite unfavorable for Autobots and humans.

Simmons and the military commander looked silently at the center of the battlefield, where the smoke was still rising from the huge crater.

At this moment, they are all praying in their hearts that Alcie can escape or resist Megatron's blow.

But Simmons and the military commanders also know that such expectations are almost futile.

After all, the power of Megatron's cannon is obvious to all.

Under such a powerful direct attack, it may be able to penetrate the entire aircraft carrier, let alone the small and thin Transformer Alcie?

"Write first to help the Hornets secure their line,"

Just as Simmons and the military commander fell silent, Captain William Lenox led his team to the two.

These squad members carried the heavy weapons that had just been scavenged from the base.

Captain William Lennox almost yelled at Simmons and the military commander.

After all, he sees it clearly, no matter whether Alcie can withstand Megatron's blow, they will stop Megatron from obtaining the source of fire at any cost!

That being the case, in Captain William Lennox's view, the most urgent task at the moment is naturally to help the Hornets establish their advantages.

So as to try to recover the situation.

Hear the roar of Captain William Lennox.

Simmons and the army command also woke up.

Human armies spring into action, assisting Bumblebee and others against crowbars, crankcases and hatchets.

With the addition of William Lennox's squad and army carrying heavy weapons, Ironhide and other Autobots were able to stabilize the front line.

the other side of the battlefield.

Megatron watched all this with a blank face.

"We were fellow countrymen."

Barely getting up, Optimus Prime, who was covered in injuries, drew out his battle ax and stared at Megatron.

"It was you who betrayed Hambotan."

Megatron didn't even look back, the cannon in his hand quickly retracted, and then changed into two swords shining with cold light.

"There are other options, resembling Sibotan, another species' homeland should not be sacrificed!"

Optimus Prime didn't launch an attack hastily, the injuries on his body were serious, and Optimus Prime no longer had the power to fight for a long time.

But no matter what, he wants to organize Megatron to get the fire source!

"That's our home, I want to give it everything!"

With that said, Megatron turned around abruptly and swung his knife at Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime barely caught Megatron's sword with his axe.

...asking for flowers...

Just when the two were close at hand, Megatron leaned his head towards Optimus Prime, just when the two were close to each other, head to head.

Megatron just taunted: "Differences do not conspire with each other, you traitor of Zhan Botan!"

"This time, no one! No one can stop me!"

While roaring, Optimus Prime and Megatron fought together.

Because of his injuries, Optimus Prime was always at a disadvantage.

And the entire battlefield erupted again.

The Autobots, the human army and the Decepticons are almost fighting for their lives.

On the side of the Decepticons, Megatron wants to seize the fire source, and then use the power of the fire source to transform human technology and rule the earth.

The humans and the Autobots are here to organize them and protect their homeland!

Both sides are fighting for their homeland, and there is no way out of this battle!


Sword light and sword shadow!

The sound of roars, explosions, and the intertwining of gold and iron can be heard endlessly.

These sounds passed through the gunpowder smoke in the middle of the battlefield and passed into Alcie's analyzer.

Struggling, slowly opened his eyes.

Alcie felt a burst of dizziness and severe pain all over his body.

She looked around, and there were countless fragments, the ground was scorched black, and many flames were still burning.

Lowering his head with difficulty, Alcie saw that his body was dilapidated.

The original bright pink and white armor was now stained with scorched black caused by mud and flames.

Moreover, the breastplate and right leg armor were almost completely shattered, and currents burst out from them from time to time, jumping randomly.


The camera in Alcie's eyes kept adjusting the focus back and forth.

However, no matter how the camera focuses, Alcie's eyes are still blurry.

Another burst of electric current passed through Alcie's whole body, and the blurry screen caused by the malfunction even began to flicker in her vision.

After sitting paralyzed for a long time, Arci gradually woke up.

The hum of artillery fire gradually became clearer.

All around my ears were the warning sounds from the internal system.

WARNING! WARNING! VERY DAMAGED! Urgent repair needed!'

After being hit by Megatron's cannon, Alcie really couldn't resist.

At this moment, she was already on the verge of crashing.

She looked at the fuzzy scene in her eyes that was flushed red because of the system warning, and she couldn't help feeling a flash of fear in her heart.

"Is this what it feels like to die in battle?"

" hurts..."

As her body became weaker and weaker.

There were more and more electric arcs emanating from her body.

Feeling powerless, Alcie smiled.

"As a fighter, the battlefield of such a fighter is the best destination."

She seems to have gradually accepted her own ending.

But when Alcie closed her eyes, Chen Mu's smiling face suddenly appeared in her mind.


I will never see him again...

Moreover, the gradually blurred explosion sound reminded Alcie.

At this moment, the Autobot partners are fighting hard for the earth.

That is their new residence, and also the home of Chen Mu...

"Chen Mu's home..."

"If Megatron really succeeds, what will Chen Mu do?"

Alxi opened his eyes suddenly, Chen Mu's smile was all in his mind.

How could such a smile disappear like this!

At this moment, Arcie rekindled the hope of life again.

She wants to protect Chen Mu, her fellow Autobots, and her new home, Earth!


Holding on to his tattered body, Alcie struggled to stand up.

At this moment, a green light suddenly flashed in her vision.

A reminder suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

【Self-repair car cover starts to work!】

[Beginning to repair the injury, current progress: 70%]

[Self-repair car cover is repairing the injury progress: 80%]

Follow the prompts.

Emerald green light suddenly lit up on Alxi's body.

The same is true of the armor fragments on her body that were broken and scattered nearby.

These fragments began to granulate in a piece of emerald green.

Afterwards, countless particles came towards Alxi.

That scene was like millions of butterflies flying at the same time.

Alcie was shocked, he did not expect that the self-repairing car cover is so amazing!

She understood that her injury just now, even on the Cybertron star in its heyday, was a serious injury beyond recovery.


His eyes gradually became clearer, and Alxi's gaze became more determined.

Looking out of the smoke, she heard the battle cries of her fellow Autobots and murmured, "Megatron! It's not over yet!"

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