Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 65 The Autobots Who Survived The Catastrophe, Why Don't We Go To Chen Mu For A Showdown

The battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons is completely over.

In the mechanical civilization, the flames of war between Decepticons and Autobots burn all the way from Cybertron to Earth.

In the end, Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, died directly and became the end.

And the remaining Decepticons of the Decepticons also fled in all directions.

Without the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, as the banner, the Decepticons would not be able to make much waves after all.

The Eagle Nation's military has witnessed the horror of mechanical civilization, and is also glad that the war has finally come to an end.

And this war, after all, still left a mess of gunpowder smoke.

Under the ravages of alien firepower weapons, the land of the Eagle Kingdom is somewhat overwhelmed.

The mechanical fragments all over the ground are waiting for the Eagle Nation's military to deal with them.

However, the entire Ministry of National Defense of the Eagle Country has focused its work on dealing with the dead Megatron.

Even if the strongest Decepticon on Cybertron is completely dead.

But his formidable power still made the Eagle Kingdom's Ministry of National Defense tremble.

The emergence of such existences is a huge threat to all human beings living on this planet!

Not to mention, all these Decepticons descended on the Eagle Country!

In order to avoid Megatron's remnant body, it was used by the remnant power of Decepticons.

Therefore, the Eagle Nation mobilized the most elite naval forces, and under the escort of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Sink Megatron's remnant into the deepest part of the ocean --- the Maria Trench!

Using the extreme water pressure and extremely cold temperature in the deepest part of the seabed, completely block all the paths for Megatron to rebuild the sky.

And the whole process was completed under the witness of the Autobots headed by Optimus Prime.

Just when the Eagle Nation's military forces, as well as the Autobots, were focusing on dealing with Megatron's remnant.

On the battlefield of the original Decepticons and Autobots.

Among the mechanical debris, a surviving little Decepticon suddenly climbed up from the ruins!

This little Decepticon in the shape of a spider, looking left and right, was just about to escape from this place and hide.


That little Decepticon's eyes are wide open!

Because, among the ruins all over the floor, he found a fragment!

Visible to the naked eye, that fragment contains unparalleled power!

That kind of power is a supreme personality for all mechanical life forms.

Fire source fragments!

Like a mouse that found cheese, the little Decepticon quickly crawled towards the fragment of the fire source.

That greedy look was only engraved on that sinister and cunning face.

After getting the fragment of the fire source, he immediately retreated carefully to the shadow.

Take a close look at what's going on around you...

After discovering that his behavior just now was not noticed by other existences. This little Decepticon quickly disappeared into the ruins of the battlefield with the fragments of the fire source.

Autobots here.

After Optimus Prime witnessed, the old enemy Megatron was completely sunk into the Maria Trench.

For a moment, I couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness.

This war between the Autobots and the Decepticons has continued from the Cybertron star to the earth.

Fortunately, the Autobots finally achieved a phased victory.

The leader of the Decepticons of the Decepticons was destroyed in battle, and the rest of the Decepticons also fled in all directions. In a short period of time, there is no threat to the Autobots at all.

On the wild road.

After Optimus Prime refused to join forces with the Eagle Kingdom officials, all the Autobots turned into forms and galloped on the road.

The extreme sun will slowly set.

All the Autobots turned back into human form when they left the wilderness.

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jazz, Ambulance, Arcee, the six Autobots came to the earth together to fight the Decepticons for the source of fire.

Fortunately, up to this moment, none of them died in battle.

However, considering that the source of fire seeds has been destroyed, the Autobots still feel somewhat bleak.

Optimus Prime looked at the distant sun with deep eyes.

All Autobots are enjoying the sense of tranquility after the war.

After blowing the wind and sand for a while, Bumblebee probably felt that pretending to be deep was enough.

Then he touched the metal head, and said to Optimus Prime:

"That... Now that the fire source is gone, we can no longer return to Cybertron...

"What shall we do in the future?"

Bumblebee's words touched the hearts of the Autobots, Ironhide, Jazz, and Ambulance.

They came to Earth to find the source of fire.

Now that the fire source is gone, they have no way to return to Cybertron.

For the days to come, the Autobots were really full of confusion.

Hearing Bumblebee's words, Arcie hesitated to speak.

Although the others had no idea, Arcie had some plans in mind.

When Optimus Prime heard Bumblebee's question, he had already thought about the answer, and said to his companions:

"The Cybertron star has completely come to an end... Our former homeland may not be able to be saved..."

"While Megatron is dead, the Decepticons still exist."

"In time, once the Decepticons elect a new leader, they may not make a comeback!"

"Although the planet under our feet is decided by human beings, we can also survive here."

"So, I'm going to make Earth our second home!"

"And call on other Autobots who are wandering in the galaxy to come to this second home to multiply together!"

"Only by gathering more Autobots, can we resist the invasion of the Decepticons!"

As soon as Optimus Prime said this.

All the Autobots were taken aback for a moment, and then they all nodded.

For them, they have learned enough about human society during these days of existence on earth.

Therefore, they also think that hiding in human society seems to be a good idea!

Especially Arcee, when she heard that Optimus Prime decided to stay on Earth.

Great joy burst out of my heart!

She thought of Chen Mu's auto repair shop, thinking that she should be able to stay there for the rest of her life.

In the future, he will be with Chen Mu all day in his life as an Autobot.

This feeling is both shy and exciting!

It made Arcie tremble unconsciously......

Bumblebee muttered, "Stay on the's not impossible, it's just that Sam really lacks a little..."

Facing the eyes of a crowd of Autobots.

Optimus Prime strode forward, facing the vast sky, facing the incomparably deep universe, sending out a call for all Autobots in the entire galaxy to hear!

"Autobots wandering in the Milky Way, I am your companion Optimus Prime!"

"The fire source has been destroyed, and we can no longer return to our own planet."

"A twist of fate...we now have a new home called Earth."

"We've lived with the people here, under their noses."

"Also quietly protecting them..."

"I've seen their courage, their intelligence, and some of them who are astonishingly talented as gods!"

"Although we come from different worlds, like us, they cannot be judged by appearances."

"I, Optimus Prime, am here to summon all the Autobots who are exiled in the universe!"

"I am here, waiting for your arrival..."

Following Optimus Prime's extremely desolate tone, he spread his wishes throughout the galaxy.

The five Autobots, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jazz, Ambulance, and Arcee, also have serious faces, and are ready to welcome their companions who will come to Earth in the future.

Wait for Optimus Prime to finish his speech completely.

Bumblebee shook his head, stepped forward and said:

"Hey, since we have already regarded this planet as our second home."

"Then how do we get along with humans in the future?"

"Is it going to the Eagle Nation's military, what kind of establishment is it, as a secret weapon?"

Hearing this, Optimus Prime slowly shook his head and said:

"No! I still continue to hide my identity, so that no one can find out!"

"I'm not going to have anything to do with the Eagle Nation's military."

"The upper class in this country has a strong sense of plunder. Compared to the humans on this planet, they are just another despot."

"If we join the Eagle Nation's military, I'm afraid it will fuel their ambitions, turn them into despots, and start a global war of plunder..."

"The most important thing is that, in my opinion, the Eagle Kingdom may not necessarily win the final victory!"

After Optimus Prime said this, Bumblebee was stunned.

On this planet, the first human being he met was Sam, and he took it for granted that it would be a cool thing to join the place that Sam admired most.

That's why there are such doubts. At this time, after hearing Optimus Prime's analysis of the truth, the whole Hornet was able to react.

However, there is still some disbelief:

"Well, if our Autobots join the Eagle Nation's military, I believe they will expand to plunder the world..."

"But it's not like, I can't win the final victory."

"Isn't the Eagle Kingdom the most powerful country on this planet?"

"With our help, how can other countries stop the invasion of the Eagle Kingdom..."

As soon as Bumblebee finished speaking, Arcee immediately refused to accept it.

stood up and said:

"Don't forget, Chen Mu is from China!"

"Don't mention the great power of that ancient country, can you handle it with Chen Mu alone?"

Hearing Arcee's words, Yin Hornet was stunned for a moment.

Hammered his mechanical head and exclaimed:

" did I forget about Chen Mu..."

"No matter what his real identity is, he is at least a Chinese!"

"If you count him all, it's a fart..."

At this time, the ambulance also got involved and joked:

"Bumblebee, look at how injured you are."

"Look at Arcee again!"

"This decisive battle with the Decepticons, if it weren't for Arcee, we don't know if we would have survived..."

Following the words of the ambulance, everyone looked at Bumblebee.

In this battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, although no one was killed, several Autobots were inevitably injured to varying degrees.

Among them, the bumblebee was the most seriously injured!

Because he is the closest to the fire source and Megatron!

When the energy from the fire seed source erupted, Bumblebee also received a lot of damage.

Although he is extremely nervous, but in terms of external appearance, he is already in tatters.

The second is Optimus Prime, who first confronted Megatron head-on, and then was caught by the energy aftermath of the fire source.

Fortunately, Optimus Prime's mechanical structure was strong enough, so the damage was slightly better than that of Bumblebee.

iron sheet,

The Jazz and the ambulance also suffered minor injuries of varying degrees.

Among the Autobots, only Arcee was intact.

Even, even if he resisted Megatron's shot head-on, he was unscathed.

The reason is all in the self-repairing car jacket that Chen Mu modified for Arcee!

It is the car jacket that has a strong defensive effect.

Just let Arcee go through a big battle, and she is still a good Autobot.

Moreover, in terms of the number of kills, Arcee is definitely the MVP among the Autobots!

Her pulse rifle is a great weapon to beat the Decepticons!

No matter how tyrannical the Decepticons are, facing the particle beam of Arcee's pulse rifle, they will die all the way, so they can only walk around Arcee.

And Arcee's terrifying weapon was also modified by Chen Mu for her.

Bumblebee looked at Arcee, who was unharmed, and then at her mechanical body that was almost turned into scrap metal.

The entire Autobot felt a little unbalanced, and shouted in a strange voice:

"...This... This is too unfair, why can Arcee meet a dragon among men like Chen Mu."

"And what I happened to meet was Sam, the second..."

"Hey... I really want to hook up with another earthling"

Even though Bumblebee said that, although he disliked Sam in various ways, he still liked to get along with him.

At the very least, with Sam's comparison, it can appear that his Bumblebee's IQ is higher.

Optimus Prime also said seriously to everyone:

"This time against the Decepticons (good Wang Zhao), the winner is indeed Arcee!"

"Chen Mu...he is also a great benefactor of our Autobots..."

Optimus Prime's words won the unanimous approval of the Autobots present.

Hearing that everyone praised Chen Mu so much, Arcee was secretly happy again.

After everyone sighed, the ambulance began to check the injuries of the companions.

Ironhide and Jazz were relatively minor injuries.

The ambulance can be done with the mechanical maintenance technology of Cybertron.

Although Optimus Prime's damage was not small, but as the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime's own recovery ability is extremely strong, so there is no need to worry too much.

But when it was Bumblebee's turn, the ambulance was in a bit of trouble.

Frowning and sighing, he said to Bumblebee:

"The extent of your damage is really too serious... If you want to completely repair it, it will take at least fifteen earth years..."

Bumblebee didn't care when he heard this, and said to everyone:

"Fifteen years is only fifteen years... In these fifteen years, I will rely on you."

"I just took advantage of this opportunity to take a fifteen-year long vacation!"

Bumblebee showed his mechanical teeth, comforting his companions.

He was already very nervous, and he didn't think it was difficult to recover after fifteen years.

Just in time, after fifteen years, I can take a vacation with peace of mind to recuperate from my injuries.

Arcee looked at Bumblebee's tattered appearance, and felt something in her heart. He said to his companions:

"How about...let's go to Chen Mu for help!"

"With Chen Mu's auto repair knowledge, everyone will be able to repair it soon."

"And, because of Chen Mu, I was able to survive the battle against the Decepticons."

"Maybe it's time to show Chen Mu who we are too!"

"If Chen Mu is willing to help us, we will definitely become weaker in the future!"

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