Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 74 Vertigo Led A Team To Test The Auto Repair Shop, Are Humans Really So Powerful?

Dizzy showed up outside Chen Mu's auto repair shop with four robot dogs.

He looked at the auto repair shop in front of him, and didn't intend to risk his life.

Although I don't know how powerful the human beings are here, it's better to be careful.

After all, when the Jazz was cut in half, the auto mechanics here could revive him.

Arcee was pierced by Megatron's gunfire, but she was also unscathed because of the mechanic.

The brave warriors in the Decepticons can't beat the auto mechanics here.

Dizzy, who knew all this in his heart, understood the seriousness of the matter, but at the same time he was also a little puzzled.

Is this mechanic really as powerful as Megatron and the others say?

He had never seen Megatron take such an interest in a human being.

In their view, there will never be such a talent on this planet.

What is the identity of this auto mechanic?

Is he really just an ordinary mechanic?

If this auto mechanic is really so powerful, then the Decepticons should consider the strength behind him!

Dizzy full of doubts, he transformed himself into an MH-53 helicopter, hovering not far from the auto repair shop.

Regardless of the strength of the auto mechanics here, it is always right for him to be careful.

He hovered in the air, looking down at the situation around the auto repair shop.

As for testing the auto mechanic, leave it to the robot dog.

"Go ahead, go to the auto repair shop to find out what that human being is.

With an order from Dizzy, four robot dogs descended from the sky.

For this special mission, the robot dogs also specially installed silent foot pads.

They don't want to attract attention and expose their existence.

And if those damned Autobots are brought here, it will be really troublesome.

Fortunately, this time it is only dealing with a human being, they just need to be quieter.

The robot dog landed quietly not far from the auto repair shop, approaching the auto repair shop cautiously.

At the same time, the three of Arcee in the warehouse immediately became vigilant.

Although they couldn't see what happened outside the auto repair shop, they were all keenly aware of the intrusion.

"Alarm, alert!"

"There is a cybertron life approaching, and danger invades!"

Almost at the same time, the alarm systems of the three Alcie sisters all sent out hurried sounds.

They were still safely in the warehouse and looked out of the auto repair shop vigilantly.

"What's going on here? The Decepticons have come here?"

"Could it be that they discovered our whereabouts?"

Alita said in surprise.

Their whereabouts can be regarded as concealed, how did the Decepticons notice it?

"No matter what the reason is, we have to stop them."

"Chen Mu and Michaela are still in the auto repair shop!"

"If they accidentally see our existence, we won't be able to hide our identity!"

"The intruders must be dealt with as quickly and silently as possible!"

Arcee understood the importance of the matter, and said to the two people around her with a solemn expression.

Listening to Arcie's words, Alita and Claulia naturally understood what she meant.

Immediately responded, and immediately changed shape and rushed outside the auto repair shop.

At this moment, Arcee was extremely glad that Chen Mu had temporarily left the warehouse.

Otherwise, I really don't know how to explain the scene in front of me to him.

Without Optimus Prime's permission, they will never reveal their identities easily.

Even if the other party is Chen Mu who helped them a lot.

But what the three Alcie sisters didn't expect at all was that they saw the explosion scene before them as soon as they went out.


A terrifying blue energy flame appeared in front of the three Alcie sisters.

The invisible electromagnetic pulse shock wave whizzed forward and rushed forward, making the eyes of the three Alcie sisters blank, and they lost consciousness instantly.

Losing consciousness doesn't feel good, like being knocked out for a while.

Fortunately, the time they lost consciousness was not too long, it was only a few seconds.

But even these few seconds are enough to shock people.

After Arcee regained consciousness, she was still in a daze, checking her own situation in disbelief.

She couldn't believe it, she just lost consciousness for a short time!

Alita and Claulia, who followed Arcie deeply, also slowly came to their senses, and looked at Arcee suspiciously.

"Arcie, what's the matter?"

"I just lost consciousness for a short time."

"What the hell is this thing?"

Both of them were also surprised.

Because they are the mechanical life of Cybertron.

Their technological level is hundreds of years beyond human technology.

It stands to reason that these technological products of human beings will not have any impact on them at all.

But now they are affected by the inexplicable electromagnetic pulse shock wave and temporarily lose consciousness, which is too scary!

Know that every second counts on the battlefield.

During the time they lost consciousness, they were enough to be killed countless times!

If human beings really mastered such a technology, how far has human civilization developed?

They may need to be reassessed.

"That's right, how could a human's electronic pulse be so powerful?"

"How terrifying is it to have an electronic pulse that makes us three briefly lose consciousness?"

"This shouldn't be the true level of human beings, right?"

Clauria does not believe that the level of human technology has developed to this level.

If human beings have such an electronic pulse, they will definitely intervene strongly in the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons.

Why should it be like this now?

All this shows that human beings may not have such ability for the time being.

But if human beings have not developed to this point, how can this electronic pulse be explained?

Listening to Alita and Claulia's doubts and questions, Arcee suddenly had a flash of inspiration.


Humans could never have developed to this point!

If human beings are already so powerful, why not drive the people of Cybertron out of this planet?

The only explanation is that this electronic pulse is not something owned by the human military at all!

This is Chen Mu's auto repair shop!

And Chen Mu also has a certain ability to make such electronic pulses!

After all, the phantom camouflage assault rifle that Chen Mu added to her can kill Miluan with one shot.

His strength can completely surpass some Autobots and Decepticons.

It is normal to have such a powerful electronic pulse guarding the auto repair shop.

After thinking of this, Arcee murmured and explained to the sisters around her.

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu must have done it!"

"This is his auto repair shop, and he also has such strength."

"Only he can make such a powerful weapon!"

Alita and Claulia were shocked when they heard Chen Mu's name.

This was actually done by Chen Mu?!

The electronic pulse that can make them lose consciousness for a short period of time is actually made by Chen Mu!

Is Chen Mu really just an ordinary mechanic?

What secrets does he still hide?

Alita and Claulia were shocked, but they didn't question too much.

They all know that after being modified by Chen Mu, Arcee killed Confused with one shot.

And the miracle of her unscathed by Megatron's bullet.

All of these demonstrate the great strength of Chen Mu.

Perhaps, Chen Mu really has such ability.

After realizing this, the three sisters repeatedly lamented the strength of Chen Mu.

It wasn't just the three Alcee sisters who were shocked by this incident.

The dizziness who hovered in mid-air and witnessed all this was even more surprising.

He watched helplessly as the robot dog approached the auto repair shop, and the electronic pulse suddenly appeared.

Surrounding the robot dog completely, there must be no bones left.

The moment the electronic pulse appeared, his vision went blank, and he lost consciousness for a few seconds.

During these few seconds, his body fell downwards.

It seems that it is really about to fall completely to the ground and be destroyed.

When he recovered from the dizziness, he was about to crash.

He hurriedly manipulated his body to fly back into the air.

After finally returning to the sky, the dizzy breathed a sigh of relief.

But what followed was a deeper surprise.

What the hell is going on here? 250

Why did he suddenly lose his consciousness?

Is it because of the appearance of electronic pulses?

What kind of weapon is this electronic pulse?

When did humans invent such powerful weapons?

Why have they never met?

Could it be that the auto mechanic in the auto repair shop made the noise?

Countless questions lingered in his dizzy heart, and he cautiously looked in the direction of the auto repair shop.

I want to see what kind of horror is hidden in the auto repair shop.

But at this moment, the dizzy alarm system suddenly and quickly issued an alarm.

The dizzy vision also completely turned into a dark red that was constantly flickering.

【Dangerous! Dangerous!】

[An unknown danger has been detected! Please dodge as soon as possible!]

The frenzied reminder of the alarm system made Dizzy immediately aware of his situation.

Now there must be a weapon system capable of killing him that has locked him.

If he can't solve that weapon system as soon as possible, he will definitely die here!

Dizzy didn't hesitate at all, and immediately began to scan the situation below.

He meticulously searched for weapons that might pose a threat to him, and wanted to destroy them before the weapon system launched an attack.

Only by destroying the weapon system that threatened him can he survive.

Where is the speed of vertigo scanning so fast?

Before he could find the weapon system that posed a threat to him, two pulse rifles outside the auto repair shop had already been fired.

The powerful electronic pulse attacked in the dizzy direction.

After carefully scanning and detecting the dizziness of the weapon system below, he immediately noticed the appearance of the electronic pulse.

Just as he was about to hide aside, a familiar feeling surged up again.

The dizzy body froze, as if he had lost control of his body.

He just watched in horror as the electronic pulse in front of him got closer and closer to him.

The electronic pulses fired by the two pulse rifles hit the stunned body in a daze.

The next moment, the dizzy figure was melted by the electronic pulse and disappeared without a trace!.

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